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Are you going to order food at home? light options in each type of restaurant

Don't you feel like cooking and are you going to order food at home? Lebanese, Greek, Italian ... Discover the lightest and healthiest dishes so that this occasional whim does not weigh on your diet.

Seasonal fruit calendar month by month

How to resist seasonal fruits? In addition to being fresh and healthy, they are ecological and economical. Find out which ones you can find each month.

Why is it important to have a snack if I am on a diet?

Snacks are very important in weight loss diets because they make us go to dinner less hungry and not gorge ourselves before going to sleep.

Fall foods that help you lose weight

If you are looking for seasonal products that also help you maintain the line or lose those extra pounds, take note of the lighter fall foods.

Vegan diet: balanced weekly menu prepared by nutritionists

If you do not know how to follow a vegan diet (100% vegetable, without anything of animal origin) or you fear that it will cause you deficiencies, here are all the answers.

Keys to a healthy and happy belly

Download our free eBook with information, menus, recipes and exercises to get your pants fastened without starving or crushing your abs.

Treacherous salads: discover their hidden calories!

Choosing one variety of lettuce or another or adding certain ingredients to it can make a salad a healthy or super calorie dish. Discover the options!

Healthy, rich and easy avocado breakfasts

If you want to start the day incorporating the healthy avocado to your breakfasts, here are good ideas, easy and delicious.

Do I eat it or throw it away? 10 keys to knowing what to eat (and what not)

Does your snout wrinkle when the meat spills? Does the liquid in the yogurt give you qualms? Do you doubt whether to eat the sticky ham? We give you 10 keys to solve doubts.

Does eating carbohydrates make you fat as much as they say?

Eating a sandwich or pasta at night is neither more nor less fattening than doing it during the day, what's more, it could even help you lose weight!

The marie kondo method of diet to lose weight

If you order your diet in the Marie Kondo plan, and plan healthier and lighter menus, you will stay at a healthy weight, reduce stress and be happier.

Are cooked vegetables healthier than raw ones?

Although most vegetables preserve their nutrients better if eaten raw, sometimes cooking them helps to take better advantage of their properties and avoid dangers.

Are baby vegetables more nutritious than normal?

Baby veggies, sprouts and sprouts have been all the rage for a long time, but are they really more nutritious than traditional veggies?

Is it safe to leave food out of the fridge?

We tell you the tricks to preserve food and not take risks with food in summer.

Cómo quitar la ansiedad por comer (y evitar las calorías de más)

Cuando no controlas el impulso de comer, hay que buscar la causa. Te mostramos por qué ocurre y cómo puedes controlar la ansiedad por comer y la adicción a la comida.

Can I have burgers on a diet?

Sure, but not just any kind of hamburger. We tell you which ones are worth it and which ones are not, as well as the anatomy of the perfect homemade burgers.

The foods richest in iron for anemia (some will surprise you)

Tiredness, discouragement, brittle nails… these can be signs that your body lacks iron. We help you solve it by telling you what to eat for anemia.

Kale: what is it and how to cook it

Due to its nutritional value and versatility, it has earned a place in the 'top ten' of superfoods.

Breakfasts that fill a lot and make you very little fat

Do you want to start the day full of energy without having to worry about the extra kilos? Take note. Here you have satisfying breakfasts that are suitable for losing weight.

Turmeric: how to take it to take advantage of all its properties

Discover tricks and recipes to get the most out of turmeric, one of the most loved spices for its health benefits.

10 foods that contain a lot of salt

Excess sodium promotes fluid retention, overweight, and hypertension. Discover the list of the most salty foods!

How many calories does your favorite cheese have?

Roquefort, brie, cured, fresh ... this is the ranking of cheeses by calories

Almond milk, is it good for making smoothies?

Almond milk is as good as they say for making smoothies (or not so good ...). If you want to know the answer, keep reading

Ginger infusion: a drink with many benefits

Take advantage of the properties of the ginger root with one of the 3 infusion versions that we propose.

Properties of royal jelly: does it cure colds?

Surely more than once you have heard that royal jelly works super well to prevent colds. Do you want to know if it is true?

There is life beyond soy: pistachio is a complete plant protein

Roasted pistachios are proven to be a complete plant protein source and ideal as a snack.

How to get more calcium without eating dairy

There is life beyond dairy to have healthy and strong bones. Discover these 13 foods that will help you consume more calcium.

How many calories does the sausage have: ham, chorizo, turkey ...

Is eating sausage harmful to health? What quantity is recommended? How much fatten? What alternatives are there? Here are all the answers.

Which dairy is best for losing weight?

If you want to know what type of dairy product is best for you when you are on a diet or want to lose weight, read on ...

How to read food labels

Knowing how to interpret nutritional information helps you distinguish when they are trying to confuse you.

Calories from fruits: ranking from most to least

If you want to know how many calories the banana, apple, orange ... or which are the fruits with the least calories, here are the answers.

If you suffer from constipation, you need to eat this fruit every day (and it is not kiwi)

It is said that the fruit works very well to facilitate intestinal transit because it has a lot of fiber. But some are better for you than others.

10-day quarantine diet shopping list

Here is a shopping list for 10 days and for 4 people, adapted to these days of confinement.

Properties of oats: why is it so good?

We explain its benefits, how to take oatmeal to lose weight, if it is better in flakes, bran or flour, and where to get it.

Is ginger good for weight loss?

The truth is yes. We explain how to consume it to get its full potential.

The best natural juice to get a quick tan

Super light, 100% natural, healthy and refreshing. In addition to helping you to get brown and protect your skin, it makes you eliminate fluids and increases your defenses.

Healthy, cheap and delicious weekly children's menu

Download a free weekly healthy children's menu with very inexpensive dishes. Say goodbye to nuggets and frankfurts!

Cheap and healthy shopping list for 4 people (with weekly menu included)

Eating in a healthy and varied way at an affordable price is possible. Download for free our cheap shopping list with its corresponding weekly family menu.

Weekly menu from October 21 to 27: healthy and quick to cook!

Download our healthy weekly menu prepared by Carlos Ríos for free.

How to make a more ecological purchase

You may feel that you cannot do many things to save the planet, but shopping in a more conscious way is in our hands. These gadgets are going to help you a lot.