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Calories from fruits: ranking from most to least

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As a general rule, in a healthy and balanced diet it is recommended to eat between two and three pieces of fruit a day, says M.ª Isabel Beltrán, a specialist in the treatment of obesity and overweight. And all are very beneficial to health for one reason or another. But it does not hurt to take into account its calories if you are dieting to lose weight.

As a general rule, in a healthy and balanced diet it is recommended to eat between two and three pieces of fruit a day, says M.ª Isabel Beltrán, a specialist in the treatment of obesity and overweight. And all are very beneficial to health for one reason or another. But it does not hurt to take into account its calories if you are dieting to lose weight.

Banana calories

Banana calories

89 kcal per 100 g

Although it is the most caloric fruit of all, it has almost no fat, is very satiating and has multiple health benefits: it reduces cholesterol levels, intestinal problems and muscle cramps; regulates our nervous system and helps relieve anxiety or irritability problems. Find out if it is better to eat it green or ripe.

Grape Calories

Grape calories

67 kcal per 100 g

The caloric intake of the grape is offset by its purifying capacity. Contains more than 80% water that helps lighten the body. Its calcium and other alkaline elements stimulate the liver, fluidizing and cleaning the blood. In the same way, its potassium and organic acids stimulate the kidneys, facilitating the elimination of fluids. For this reason, it is one of the essential foods of the cleansing diet.

Kiwi calories

Kiwi calories

61 kcal per 100 g

It is also quite caloric but very healthy to the point that it is recommended that it be one of the three pieces of fruit that you take a day. And not only because of its high vitamin C content, but because it stimulates intestinal transit and because of its potassium content (295 mg / 100 g), which makes it very diuretic. In addition, it contains little sodium, which prevents bloating and helps control blood pressure.

Mango calories

Mango calories

60 kcal per 100 g

Like most fruits, mango is very rich in water and very low in protein and fat. Its caloric intake comes almost exclusively from its carbohydrates, mostly easily digestible natural sugars and dietary fiber. Its greatest nutritional treasure is vitamins - in particular the three antioxidant vitamins, A, C and E -, some minerals, digestive enzymes and various substances with an antioxidant and protective effect.

Pear Calories

Pear Calories

57 kcal per 100 g

Its composition (water, 85%; sugars, 10%; and fiber, 3%) makes it very light, cleansing and digestive. Its sugars are well tolerated by diabetics. By providing plenty of potassium and hardly any sodium, it is diuretic and is very suitable to keep hypertension at bay or in case of constipation.

Calories in apple

Calories in apple

52 kcal per 100 g

The many benefits of the apple have made it considered one of the healthiest fruits, to the point that there is an English saying that says that "an apple a day, removes the doctor from your life." And it is that it does not have many calories, it helps to reduce cholesterol, it has a high antioxidant power and if you consume it with the skin it is an excellent ally against constipation. But there is still more. Do you want to know more reasons why it is super healthy to eat apple every day?

Calories in cherries

Calories in cherries

50 kcal per 100 g

Like other fruits, it contains vitamins and minerals and also provides a lot of vitamin C. But what makes cherries special is its enormous richness in anthocyanins. These pigments, responsible for its red color, protect against degenerative diseases and cancer, in particular that of the colon, and help delay premature aging of the skin. Discover more foods to have perfect skin.

Apricot Calories

Apricot Calories

48 kcal per 100 g

Apricots also have great health benefits. They are considered to reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases such as hypertension, as they are rich in antioxidants such as vitamin C and lycopene. And they are also good for the bones and to combat constipation.

Calories in orange

Calories in orange

47 kcal per 100 g

In addition to being quite light, it is rich in vitamin C, which is good for lowering and controlling blood pressure naturally, and it is rich in bioflavonoids, antioxidant pigments that improve the permeability of venous capillaries, which improves hypertension.

Calories of plum

Calories of plum

47 kcal per 100 g

In addition to being delicious, plums provide us with magnesium, vitamin C and tryptophan, which is a precursor to serotonin, a hormone that not only encourages you but also helps you lose weight.

Peach Calories

Peach Calories

41 kcal per 100 g

The peach is a treasure that houses a true antioxidant triad, which is made up of vitamins A, C and E. For this reason, it helps to protect us from aging, cardiovascular disorders and to prevent cancer. In addition, it has a lot of water - it represents 87% of its weight - and a low amount of fat.

Melon calories

Melon calories

34 kcal per 100 g

Refreshing, nutritious and delicious, the melon is rich in water (80%), which makes it a very satiating food, without affecting our weight because it is very light. Apart from standing out as an excellent satiating agent, it is purifying and diuretic.

Strawberry calories

Strawberry calories

33 kcal per 100 g

In addition to being very light and refreshing, they are delicious and are super good for the skin. Why? Well, because they are loaded with antioxidants and help protect collagen, a fundamental protein in our body as it is responsible for keeping our bones, tendons and skin in perfect condition.

Watermelon calories

Watermelon calories

30 kcal per 100 g

Juicy and refreshing, watermelon contains 93% water, is very diuretic and super light. Despite this large amount of water, it is not a fruit devoid of nutrients: it contains significant amounts of vitamins C, A, B1 and B6, and is an abundant source of fiber, which makes it an ideal satiating fruit for weight loss . Discover more foods to eliminate liquids.

Calories of lemon

Calories of lemon

29 kcal per 100 g

Among many other properties, it enhances the beneficial action of the foods it accompanies. For example, a study from the University of Lucknow (India) found that adding lemon juice to green tea increased the antioxidant power of the drink. This antioxidant power is explained by its richness in limonene, with anticancer properties and with a great capacity to reduce the risk of degenerative diseases.

Here you have the complete ranking, from more to less, of the calories of the most consumed fruits. And here are some things to keep in mind about fruit.

Calories from fruits: from more to less

Calories are per 100g.

  1. Banana: 89 kcal
  2. Grape: 67 kcal
  3. Kiwi: 61 kcal
  4. Mango: 60 kcal
  5. Quince: 57 kcal
  6. Pear: 57 kcal
  7. Apple: 52 kcal
  8. Blueberry: 52 kcal
  9. Cherries: 50 kcal
  10. Apricot: 48 kcal
  11. Orange: 47 kcal
  12. Plum: 47 kcal
  13. Medlar: 47 kcal
  14. Nectarine: 44 kcal
  15. Blackberry: 43 kcal
  16. Peach: 41 kcal
  17. Raspberry: 36 kcal
  18. Papaya: 35 kcal
  19. Melon: 34 kcal
  20. Strawberry: 33 kcal
  21. Watermelon: 30 kcal

Aspects to consider

To have a healthy and balanced diet, eating fruit is essential. "The important thing is to eat fruit every day: about two or three pieces", the doctor-nutritionist M.ª Isabel Beltrán tells us about how and when to eat fruit. And under normal conditions, "it does not matter if you eat it before, during or after eating, the body is prepared to digest and take advantage of its nutrients without damaging its nutritional value".

Fruits are full of water, which promotes hydration. They provide vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. And they are rich in fiber, which is essential to regulate intestinal transit and satiate the appetite. But you also have to take into account that fruits have sugar and carbohydrates, such as fructose or starch, and in some cases fat.

For this reason, if you want to lose weight, it does not hurt to take into account which ones are more caloric so as not to abuse them. But don't forget that appearances can be deceiving (and sometimes a lot). A banana, once peeled, does not usually reach 100 g in weight on average, while an apple, on the other hand, usually weighs almost 200 g, with which you are ingesting almost the same calories when you eat a banana as when you eat an Apple.