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10 ugly fashions that will be trending this spring / summer 2020

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Menina Dresses

Menina Dresses

The trends for next spring go through pastel tones, polka dots or the sailor print but there are trends that we could think of without thinking (like these) and others that we would never think of how ugly they are. One of the most horrible are dresses with rigid structures that visually enlarge the hips. We have seen it in shows like the Thom Browne or Loewe so we are not kidding. We doubt that it reaches street level because who can sit with that on their butt?

Futuristic glasses

Futuristic glasses

The fashions of the 90s are going to come back with a lot of force this spring and in general we think it is good but there are things that should never return like futuristic sunglasses. Too thin to fit any type of face …

Fluor colors

Fluor colors

It is not that we do not like fluorine colors, it is that to make them look good you have to be brown skin and not everyone has the same pigmentation or is willing to tan. In addition, they are so striking that they make the person who wears them go to the background and only the garment stands out and that is not what we want.

Bermuda shorts with stockings

Bermuda shorts with stockings

Really? This trend is that those that when they die should never resurrect but Chanel wanted to recover it. It neither looks good nor is it elegant, so here we do stand up and say no, we'll never wear shorts with black stockings again.

Cycling pants

Cycling pants

Luckily the cycling tights have not (yet) shown signs that they are coming back but seeing this trouser length proposal we expect the worst. For this low above the knee to feel good, you have to have kilometer-long legs and at least we don't have them …

Dress coat

Dress jacket

These dresses without forms are becoming fashionable now and it scares us because it is very difficult for them to fit. Of course, you can always add a belt to mark the silhouette a bit, but if not, they look like a jacket.

Excess ruffles

Excess ruffles

We are not against ruffles, that is clear, but when the garments appear as well as without rhyme or reason they do not finish convincing us and prepare friends because we are going to have them everywhere, where they look good, and where they do not paint anything.

Broken all over

Broken all over

Who doesn't love ripped jeans? Ok, neither do our grandmothers but it is a trend that always adds up. What does not seem so good to us is to extend those rips to other clothes and make them look totally frayed and worn.

Shoulder pads

Shoulder pads

The shoulder pads have gotten out of hand for some firms like Balenciaga or Alexander Wang. Such structured garments are totally unnatural and we don't understand that they are back in their most extreme versions. We are sorry but we have to give another resounding no.

Two-tone sock boot

Two-tone sock boot

This is weird weird. Boots above the knee, we like them; the sock ankle boots that became fashionable a couple of winters ago, too, we even think it's fine to wear the socks in plain sight but this strange hybrid we don't quite understand.