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Halle berry's tricks to be so young

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What does Halle Berry do to look so young?

What does Halle Berry do to look so young?

You may not know it until now, but Halle Berry is 51 years old. Yes, she is neither 30 nor 40. The actress has managed to have an enviable physique after having her two children over 40 and it is not the result of her having found the Fountain of Eternal Youth. Her appearance is due to several factors and as she is very generous, she has wanted to share them with the rest of the mortals.

Suffer from diabetes

Suffer from diabetes

When, after several scares, she was diagnosed with diabetes at the age of 19, Halle decided to make a radical change in her eating. She knew she had to take care of herself if she wanted to be healthy, and her illness was going to cost her a little more than the rest.

It's the same!

It's the same!

Halle participated in the Miss World pageant in 1986, in which she placed fifth. At that time she was only 20 years old, but now she is almost, almost the same as then. The only thing that has changed, and thank goodness, is the hairstyle.

Goodbye to sugar

Goodbye to sugar

"My diet is designed to control diabetes, so I try to eat four small meals a day" that do not include processed sugars.

Vegetables and water

Vegetables and water

The Halle diet is based on two basic pillars: eat a lot of vegetables and drink large amounts of water. Due to her diabetic condition, Halle prefers to do without fruits since they can provide more sugar than is thought. "I started to eat a lot of vegetables, chicken, fresh fish and pasta. I eliminated red meat and fruit because it has a lot of sugar."

Simplify the kitchen

Simplify the kitchen

Another of Halle's tricks to eat healthy is not to complicate life cooking. On occasion he has recommended the book Simplísimo , by Jean-François Mallet. It is a cookbook with recipes in no more than four steps and with a maximum of six ingredients per dish. "If you are like me and you like to eat but you don't have time to cook, this book is for you. This book has recipes that everyone likes."

Worried about your children's diet

Worried about your children's diet

The actress tries to transmit those same values ​​to her children. "As a mother, I sometimes find it difficult to find foods that are healthy while inspiring children to try new things," so her diet is also free of refined sugars.

Full of energy

Full of energy

When Halle feels hungry during the day or notices that she is low on energy, she turns to a shake to which she adds vegetable protein.

Xylitol instead of sugar

Xylitol instead of sugar

In this flight in the opposite direction to sugar, Halle has changed it for xylitol and has also done the same in the diet of her children. Xylitol is a very low calorie sweetener that is extracted from birch wood.

He loves snacks

He loves snacks

A few months ago, Halle posted this image on her Instagram account along with the text: "Me, when someone tells me they are coming to visit me and bringing snacks." It seems that not everything in her life is diet and exercise, but occasionally some "sin" is allowed as well.

Amount of exercise

Amount of exercise

It seems incredible that with how hard she works and having two small children (Nahla, 9, and Maceo, 3) she has that great body. Although he admits that it is more difficult for him to keep up now than when he was younger, the truth is that hers is pure effort.

No weights

No weights

"I have never trained with weights unless I was preparing for a specific role. I prefer to work with my own weight and do cardio, because I do not like to be too muscular," Halle explains in an interview.

Attention to the abdomen

Attention to the abdomen

Her personal trainer, Nat Bardonnet, acknowledges that Halle trains her abs in a special way with 30-minute sessions three times a week. And it is clear that it has given good results.

Positive energy

Positive energy

Bardonnet admits that she always challenges Halle with very hard workouts, but that the actress always faces them with a huge smile and good energy. And it is that another of the favorite activities of the actress is meditation, since it helps her to keep her mind relaxed.

Exercise is essential for your health

Exercise is essential for your health

For Halle, exercising is not an option. To control her diabetes, she has to train almost daily and she also likes to play sports a lot, so she has it easier than the rest.

Halle Berry is one of our favorite stars. She has played fantastic roles in the movies (her performance in Monster's Ball earned her an Oscar) and has also shown that she can be great past 50. Her genetics may be privileged, but with a disease like diabetes, the actress has known take control of your body and your diet and the results are amazing. He recently shared a photo of when he participated in the Miss World pageant back in 1986 and he is practically the same as then. What is your secret?

Halle Berry's tricks to be so young

  • Goodbye to sugar. When he was diagnosed with diabetes at age 19, his diet changed completely and he stopped taking refined sugars. Even if you do not have this disease, reducing these sugars to a minimum is always a great idea that will make you gain health. Halle uses xylitol as a sweetener.
  • Hello, vegetables. They are the fundamental pillar of their diet. Halle also eats fresh chicken and fish, but has eliminated red meat and fruit from her diet, because it provides her with sugar that she cannot take due to her diabetes.
  • Killing hunger. He eats four meals a day, but if he gets hungry he has a vegetable protein shake. That does not prevent that, from time to time, allow some "sin" and take snacks, like everyone else.
  • Lots of exercise Her statuesque body is due to a very hard training that, according to her coach, she always faces with a smile and good energy. The abs are the part of the body that you focus on the most. Do specific work sessions in this area three times a week for 30 minutes. She also does cardio and tones her muscles without resorting to weights, just her own body weight.

By Sonia Murillo