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Why if you paint your lips red you will put yourself in a good mood

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Neither go shopping nor eat a piece of chocolate, the best thing to raise your spirits is to paint your lips red. We don't say it, history says it. And it is that, in times of crisis or wars, the sales of this lipstick shade skyrocket and that only has one explanation: that it makes us feel better. And before that, we can only recommend that you wear bars and lipsticks in the shade of red that you like the most.

Why does wearing red lipstick raise your spirits?

Wearing red lipstick at times when the mood is a bit low is not a new concept that we have invented in trend magazines. No, it has its historical reasons and although today they may seem a bit macho, we must try to understand them in their context.

In the midst of World War II, when British soldiers were fighting at the front, a campaign was launched in favor of women wearing lipstick red in support under the slogan 'Beauty as duty' and the Victory Red tone became fashionable , or victory red.

Today, we have this concept that beauty is a duty for women more than surpassed but then it was a kind of revolution . Do you remember Kate Beckinsale in Pearl Harbor ? She, like all her fellow nurses, spend the movie with perfect red lips.

The red lipsticks went from a patriotic symbol to an object of desire when a little later actresses like Marilyn Monroe or Elizabeth Taylo r wore it at all hours. However, decades later its use was somewhat relegated in favor of more natural and easy-to-wear tones.

However, when the last financial crisis hit, it became fashionable again and its sales began to skyrocket . The reason is simple, when you are a little sad it manages to lift your spirits and give you the confidence you need to face what lies ahead.

Although it may seem superficial to some people, and although to a certain extent they are right, the truth is that anything that serves to put a smile on our face is welcome. And it is that this lip color manages to transform the gesture, gives light to the face, makes the skin turn on and the signs of fatigue are less noticeable … In short, if you have a bad day, use a red lipstick that Even if things do not improve, at least you will look very cute.

And if in addition to painting your lips red, you want to put on makeup but don't have time, take a look and discover how you can put on makeup well, in 15 minutes!