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Scorpio horoscope 2019: yearly prediction

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If you were born under the sign of Scorpio, the time has come to overcome the obstacles of the past and move steadily towards your goals. It won't be easy, but you can handle all of this and more.

You will be full of energy and you will be able to carry out all those improvements you need

This is how it will go in love

Throughout this year, you are going to rethink many things on a sentimental level. After a very busy period in the field of love, from the outset, you want to focus on yourself, whether you are in a romantic relationship or not. In the event that you are paired, you will claim your time and space to reflect and find answers to your concerns. And if you're single, you won't really want to commit right off the bat.

  • Beware of intransigence. If you have a partner, at the beginning of 2019, the main challenge you will have to face is how to combine your own interests with your life together. For one thing, you don't want to run away. But, on the other hand, you will not have much desire to get fully involved and friction will be the order of the day. If you want to avoid conflict, you will have no other way out than to avoid being intransigent. The key to solving any problem that may arise in this period will be to be very tolerant and understanding, as well as putting yourself in the shoes of the other.
  • The time has come to bring positions closer together. With the arrival of good weather, you will be filled with positive energy, and you will begin to see things in a radically different way, much more calm and detached (and less fatalistic). Thanks to this change in attitude and the good vibes that you will give off, you will be irresistible and will have great opportunities in love. If you are in a relationship, it will be time to bury the hatchet and do things together that bring you closer again. And if you are not, offers to make contacts or meet new and interesting people will not be missing.
  • Disagreement due to lack of agreement. In summer, it is more than likely that some disagreements arise because of thinking very differently about some important issues. But, to begin with, you have nothing to fear. If you are willing to talk and acknowledge your own mistakes, you won't have too much trouble overcoming this bump. However, if you refuse to give your arm to twist and you do not solve it, it could lead to a crisis that causes you to seriously rethink your relationship with your partner before returning to work.
  • Lose the fear of compromising. As soon as autumn starts and with the return to routine, the waters will calm down and, little by little, you will see things much clearer. If you are paired, peace and harmony will reign in your relationship (in case you have not made a contrary decision before the end of summer …). And in the event that you are single or knowing someone, it is very likely that the situation will stabilize at the same time that you lose the fear of committing yourself again and giving love a chance. Bear in mind that love - in a broad sense, the people who love you - will be your main point of support in the final stretch of the year.

In spring, you will be super positive and you will be irresistible

This is how it will go with family and friends

In the family and friendly field this year is going to be like a roller coaster. Encounters and encounters will follow each other. And you will have to do your best to not fail.

  • Moments for nostalgia. At the beginning of winter, you can't help but be a bit nostalgic, remembering past times and those people who are no longer there. Little by little, you will recover because someone from your family environment will need all your attention and you will not have time or space for sentimentality. With a panorama like this, you will arrive at the gates of spring super stressed trying to reach all the fronts that you will have open. And once again you will have to debate between the dedication that everyone around you requires and your need for living space in order to be yourself.
  • The support you need so much. All this will make you literally exhausted when the good weather arrives. Also, you will not have much support from family and friends to cope with this moment because they will be focused on their own concerns. And on top of that, it is possible that you have an encounter with a member of your in-laws or with relatives who are not too close but who have an influence on your family environment. In return, you will find all the support you need in that person you can always count on when things go wrong: maybe your best friend, your mother or father, or a sister or brother.
  • Take care of the small details. Fortunately, as soon as summer starts, things will start to improve by leaps and bounds. During this period, any detail, no matter how small, will be of vital importance and will help to close any open wounds. Thanks to the recovered good vibes, you will all do pineapple when, around the holidays, a family member goes through a little financial trouble. However, you should not lower your guard completely because before returning to work, the wounds of the past could be reopened due to a misunderstanding.
  • A test to pass in autumn. Little by little and with the return to the routine, you will realize what really matters and you will be willing to reward with tons of love the closest family and friends who have given you so much in recent times. The biggest test you'll have to pass will come towards the end of autumn. Whether you like it or not, you will be forced to make a tough decision and, whatever you choose, you will not feel satisfied. But only with the passage of time will you know if you have done well or not.
  • Good times shared. Meanwhile, you can concentrate on enjoying time shared with your partner or your children, in case you have them, and your friends, who are sure you are not lacking, so you will feel more loved than ever. The last quarter of the year will bring you many good times and, when you look back, this will be the part of 2019 that you will remember most fondly.

You could bump into someone from your in-laws

This is how your work will go

One of the main challenges you will have to face in the workplace is uncertainty. Your position will not be completely clear and that will generate a feeling of insecurity and instability. However, as your attitude will be very positive, you have nothing to fear. If one door closes, it won't take long for another to open. And what it will bring you will be much better than what you may have lost. If you are looking for work, you will have reason to feel optimistic.

  • Adaptation and coexistence. As soon as the year starts, you will have to put your innate ability to adapt in motion because destiny has many unfamiliar challenges and situations in store for you. However, the most complicated thing will not be this, but having to share time and space with people with whom you do not get along, but who, at the same time, are decisive for your future. It will be an exercise in tolerance and understanding that in the long run will make you grow and improve personally and professionally.
  • Plan well to get to everything. In addition, throughout the year it is more than likely that you will have to combine several jobs or combine your dedication to the job you depend on to survive with other tasks that are much less profitable, but more rewarding and enriching. During the first half of 2019, do not be surprised that you have to make an extra effort to get to everything. The key to achieving this will be good planning and organization.
  • A necessary change of pace. Fortunately, starting in the summer, the pace and intensity of your work activity will decrease and you will be able to rest a little, as well as start thinking about how you want to approach your professional career in a way that fits your personal concerns and interests. If you are not working, it is a good time to see if your search is being adequate and refocus your resume or the way you approach job interviews.
  • Don't let your guard down when it suits you. Little by little and coinciding with the arrival of autumn, the situation will stabilize more and more. Although there may still be changes, you will be very focused and prepared, and you will not be caught off guard. And you will even have more free time to enjoy it with your partner or friends thanks to good planning. In the event that you have your own business, it is very possible that you will obtain great benefits for your wise decisions. However, whether you are your own boss or working for others, do not relax completely during the last months of the year.
  • Pay attention to opportunities. The astral conjuncture advises you to pay close attention to your surroundings because a good opportunity could arise that could pass you by if you do not catch it at the right time. Your legendary intuition will tell you what is worthwhile and what is not, so ignore the siren songs that may come to you from certain people in your work environment and judge only by what you think …

Despite the uncertainty, it is going to be a very enriching year

This is how it will go with money and finances

Great benefits if you plan well and focus your income on what really matters.

  • The key. Don't go it alone. Counseling and joint initiatives will give you better results than individualism.
  • Red light. When it comes to new business, don't just jump in. Wait to see things clearer and if there is a network underneath … better than better.
  • Green light. Having savings and "plans B" is essential to deal with the unforeseen, and more in a year like 2019 of work ups and downs.

This is how your health will go

Stress, anxiety and a certain tendency to feel depressed when things are not going well will be a constant throughout this year when it comes to your health and well-being. But that doesn't mean you're going to be wrong. If you stay active, take initiatives to strengthen a positive attitude and turn to the specialist when you don't know exactly what is wrong with you, you have nothing to fear.

  • Find time to rest and live. At the beginning of the year, you will have high stress levels. And the influx of Neptune will not help at all, which will make you very nostalgic and somewhat sad. During this period it is very important that you find the time and space necessary to rest, as well as to have fun and enjoy life, because otherwise you will end up collapsing. In fact, it is one of the things that stands out the most about Scorpio, who sacrifices rest to everything else. Be aware of it and reverse the situation, because this year you will need to be well rested to face the day to day.
  • Be careful with your weak points… The Scorpion's workhorse is the reproductive organs and the urinary system. And this year, with an immune system weakened by stress and lack of rest, don't be surprised if you suffer from a complication like cystitis, for example. You can also have a more accentuated premenstrual syndrome or, in times of greater stress, you can have altered periods.
  • Do not relativize your discomfort and go to the doctor. Around the equator of the year, you will be very clear that it is essential to take care of yourself inside and out to be well with others and with yourself. It will be the ideal time to do a review or a general check-up, as well as to review your habits: diet, exercise, hours of rest and sleep … Do not leave it, because your natural tendency is to downplay what happens to you and that is when the snowball becomes big and you can end up facing more serious situations than your more than good health would indicate. You know, an untreated cold can lead to pneumonia. It is not worth the risk …
  • Cope with things in a healthier way. If you have a summer vacation, you can take the opportunity to do a course or therapy type yoga or mindfulness retreat - or simply a trip to change the scene - that helps you see things in a radically different way. After returning to work and taking advantage of the fact that your sentimental and professional life will stabilize, you will finally find the calm you need to feel good about yourself and undertake all those changes that you have in mind for a long time. But this should not be something specific, the result of an intense season like the one you have experienced. Try to make it a way of life, because even though you are one of the signs that enjoys the best health of the horoscope, the excesses end up paying.

Check here the annual horoscope prediction 2019 for all signs.

Photos: La la land, Game of Thrones, Spiderman, Closer