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Pregnancy symptoms: the first symptoms before the rule

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Is it a pregnancy symptom?

Is it a pregnancy symptom?

There are many symptoms beyond nausea that could make you suspect that you are pregnant. We reviewed the main ones with Dr. Sonia Baulies, from Dexeus Mujer.

In order to be able to correctly calculate when the symptom appears, it is important to know that pregnancies are counted in weeks, with week one being the first week after the last period. For this reason, we women usually find out that we are pregnant around week four or five, which is when the next period should have come.

Pain and tenderness in the breasts

Pain and tenderness in the breasts

One of the most common symptoms is to notice extreme sensitivity in the breasts. Any friction bothers you and certain movements can even hurt.

When does it appear? At the beginning of pregnancy.

It is common? Yes, very frequent.

More desire to pee

More desire to pee

It is one of the star pregnancy symptoms. The uterus begins to compress the bladder, reducing its capacity and increasing the feeling of wanting to urinate.

When does it appear? From the beginning

It is common? Much

Nausea and vomiting

Nausea and vomiting

When a girl vomits in a movie … she does not fail, safe pregnancy. The truth is that it is a fairly typical symptom associated with digestive disorders caused by pregnancy. 25% of pregnant women are very lucky and do not experience them.

When do they appear? From week six or earlier.

It is common? Yes, 3 out of 4 women have them.

More salivation

More salivation

Increased salivation is often associated with nausea. It's really very annoying. The good news is that it tends to go away after the first few months.

When does it appear? At first.

It is common? Yes, especially if you have nausea.

Metallic flavor in the mouth

Metallic flavor in the mouth

It is one of the most unknown symptoms of pregnancy. It happens because one of the functions of hormones is to control the sense of taste, and since in pregnant women they are altered, the taste we perceive of things suffers.

When does it appear? In the first few weeks.

It is common? Yes.

Increased body temperature

Increased body temperature

Before ovulating, the basal temperature usually fluctuates between 36.5ºC and 36.7ºC. When the fertile period begins, two or three days after ovulation, it increases until it reaches something above 37ºC. If this rise in temperature continues for more than 18 days in a row, you are probably pregnant.

When does it appear? After fertilization.

It is common? Yes, a lot.

Tiredness and sleep

Tiredness and sleep

The hormonal alterations typical of pregnancy cause very intense fatigue before daily activities.

When do they appear? Right from the start, about week five.

It is common? Yes, a lot.

Swelling and abdominal pain

Swelling and abdominal pain

During pregnancy, the uterus undergoes changes and gives rise to so-called uterine contractions. At first they are mild, but in some cases they hurt like a very strong rule. Another symptom of pregnancy is to notice a heaviness in the lower abdomen and a permanent feeling of bloating.

When does it appear? About the fifth week.

It is common? Much

Changes in the breasts

Changes in the breasts

A symptom that can sometimes go unnoticed is that the breasts begin to change in appearance. They increase in size, the areolas become larger, darker and small bumps may appear on them - these are the Montgomery glands.

When do they appear? Starting from week four.

It is common? If much.

Emotional instability and mood swings

Emotional instability and mood swings

At the beginning of pregnancy, hormone levels increase and this influences neurotransmitters, the substances in charge of controlling our emotions. This is why mood and mood swings similar to PMS are often experienced.

When does it appear? In the first few weeks.

It is common? Yes.

Vaginal bleeding

Vaginal bleeding

Between five days and ten days after conception, the fertilized egg implants in the uterus and this is when there may be small blood losses. There are women who confuse implantation bleeding, as it is called, with a rule.

When does it appear? At four weeks.

It is common? It doesn't always happen.

Dizziness and dizziness

Dizziness and dizziness

During pregnancy, blood pressure tends to drop and that is why dizziness and dizziness can occur.

When do they appear? At first.

It is common? Yes, especially the dizziness.



Due to the sudden hormonal surge, you may have mild but persistent headaches.

When does it appear? At first.

It is common? Not.

Disgust and sensitivity to smells and foods

Disgust and sensitivity to smells and foods

Smell, and consequently taste, is more acute in pregnant women due to progesterone and estrogens. This sensitivity to odors can make nausea worse.

When does it appear? At the beginning or later.

It is common? Not.

Changes in the skin

Changes in the skin

In early pregnancy, the skin may be excessively oily and, due to hormonal changes, acne. Another of the most common skin changes is increased pigmentation and that is why the linea alba of the abdomen appears.

When do they appear? From the third month.

It is common? Not in the first few weeks.

Delayed rule

Delayed rule

Obviously, it is one of the most obvious pregnancy symptoms. If your period is being delayed 10 days or more, it is best to take a pregnancy test and get out of doubt.

Do you think you can be pregnant? It may be that you are experiencing different sensations than a normal menstrual cycle, but you are not sure if they are pregnancy symptoms or not. Every woman is different and few symptoms are universal. So if your sister or best friend went through their pregnancy without a single nausea, you may spend all day taking trips to the bathroom and vomiting until the day of delivery.

The most common pregnancy symptoms

"Many normal manifestations of the adaptation of our body to pregnancy are easily recognized and are important for their diagnosis," explains Dr. Sonia Baulies, from Dexeus Mujer. These are the most common pregnancy symptoms that a woman may experience in the first weeks of gestation.

  1. Pain in the breasts Any rubbing on the breasts is annoying or, although they do not hurt, the most sensitive notes. "As a consequence of the hormonal action (estrogens, progesterone and prolactin) from the earliest stages of pregnancy, the breasts can present hypersensitivity, in the form of tingling, pain and tension", explains Dr. Baulies. Extreme sensitivity will not continue to increase throughout pregnancy.
  2. More desire to pee. It is one of the star pregnancy symptoms. "At first, the effect of the uterus on the bladder can cause an increase in the number of times you go to urinate," explains the doctor. In fact, the uterus begins to compress the bladder, reducing its capacity and increasing the feeling of having to urinate. Blood volume also grows and the kidneys have more work to do. In addition, pregnancy hormones cause the bladder to relax and its ability to empty completely. As gestation progresses, trips to the bathroom do not stop. If you have a urine infection, on the other hand, it is also common to really want to pee.
  3. Nausea and vomiting It's known as morning sickness, since it starts in the morning and improves within hours. They usually disappear after 12 weeks. "Its cause is unknown, but it seems to be related to high levels of the gonadotropin chorionic hormone (HGC) or pregnancy hormone, so they are more intense in multiple pregnancies," says the doctor. Some nausea is accompanied by vomiting and some are not. It is a fairly typical pregnancy symptom associated with digestive disorders. Most pregnant women experience dizziness and vomiting, but 25% of the lucky ones do not experience them.
  4. More saliva than normal. Hypersalivation or increased salivation is often associated with nausea. It is a very unpleasant pregnancy symptom, especially among women who also suffer from morning sickness. It is completely harmless and, although it tends to disappear in the first months, there are women who have hypersalivation until after delivery. As remedies, brushing your teeth often and gargling often work.
  5. Metallic taste. It is a fairly common side effect of pregnancy, although it is not usually talked about much. It can be attributed to hormones. One of the functions of hormones is to control our sense of taste. When they are revolutionized - when having the period or with the pregnancy - the sense of taste suffers. The metallic taste is unpleasant and persistent, but usually disappears in the second trimester of pregnancy.
  6. Increase in body temperature. Before ovulating, the basal temperature usually fluctuates between 36.5ºC and 36.7ºC. When the fertile period begins, two or three days after ovulation, it increases to a little above 37ºC. If this increase in temperature persists for more than 18 days in a row, you are probably pregnant. To take your temperature you have to do it every day at the same time, just when you wake up, before getting out of bed, without having made any effort . It is better to take it in the anus or in the vagina, in the armpit it can be inaccurate.
  7. Tiredness and sleep. It is common to feel intense fatigue from daily activities. Everything is heavier to do. Being more sleepy is also very common in pregnant women, who find it harder than usual to wake up in the morning. "Tiredness and sleep in pregnancy occur due to hormonal alterations, an effect of progesterone that acts directly on the central nervous system and the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Being tired is also a symptom of the beginning of pregnancy that usually disappears in the second trimester, but returns at the end ”, highlights the expert.
  8. Swelling and abdominal pain. "Pregnancy can cause abdominal discomfort, especially in the lower part and is reminiscent of menstrual pain," explains Dr. Baulies. The intensity, on the other hand, is not as high as that felt with the rule. During pregnancy, the uterus undergoes changes and gives rise to so-called uterine contractions that are usually mild at first or, in some cases, lead to colic. Also, as a symptom of pregnancy, you can have a feeling of heaviness in the lower part of the belly and a slight abdominal swelling. Surely, you are noticing that jeans do not fasten as well as they used to.
  9. Changes in the breastsIt is one of the most obvious pregnancy symptoms. With pregnancy, breast changes are usually more pronounced than those felt before menstruation. The breasts increase in size as they are preparing for future lactation; the areolas become larger showing more intense pigmentation and the nipple is hypersensitive. In fact, from the second month of pregnancy, the breasts increase in size and become nodular. As they grow, fine veins can be seen through the skin of the breasts. It is the so-called venous network of Haller. "However, it is not until later that you can see small nodules or elevations scattered throughout the areola, the Montgomery glands, which are overdeveloped sebaceous glands," says Dr. Baulies.
  10. Emotional instability and mood swings. "Severe mood swings during pregnancy, especially in the first and third trimesters, are very similar to premenstrual syndrome", clarifies the specialist. Hormone levels increase, especially at the beginning of pregnancy, which also influences the level of neurotransmitters, substances in charge of controlling our emotions. The feeling of an emotional roller coaster is present as a symptom of pregnancy. It goes from sadness to euphoria and melancholy very easily.
  11. Vaginal bleeding Slight losses can occur when the fertilized egg implants in the uterus, between five and ten days after conception. "They are small implantation bleeds," says the doctor. But less than 30% of women experience them. Sometimes a woman only sees that bleeding when wiping after urinating. “If the spots are pinkish or brownish in color and in low amounts, they can be normal early in pregnancy,” she says.
  12. Vertigo and dizziness. "They are due to increased postural hypotension," says Dr. Baulies. As the circulatory system expands rapidly during pregnancy, blood pressure tends to drop. This is normal, and blood pressure returns to the pre-gestation level after delivery. In these cases, the specialist adds, "we recommend doing moderate exercise, limb movements, avoiding sudden changes in position, excessively crowded places and long fasting periods". It is important to drink water to stay hydrated.
  13. Headache. In early pregnancy, due to the sudden increase in hormones, headaches may occur. Usually this pain is mild but persistent and, understandably, many times women may not associate it with pregnancy.
  14. Disgust and sensitivity to smells and foods. Smell is more acute in pregnant women due to the hormones progesterone and estrogens. Any aroma, no matter how small, is magnified, especially the unpleasant ones. The sense of smell and taste are associated, hence there are foods - even those that were so popular before - that now generate disgust. This olfactory hypersensitivity can also make nausea worse. This pregnancy symptom is very irregular, since during pregnancy it can vary. Surrounding yourself with pleasant smells is key so that this pregnancy symptom does not end up being unbearable.
  15. Changes in the skin In the first weeks of pregnancy, the skin can be excessively oily and, due to hormonal changes, acne. However, the most characteristic skin change is increased pigmentation, very evident in the linea alba of the abdomen. Small spots called chloasmas can also appear on the face, centered on the forehead, cheekbones and nose, but which disappear after delivery. Stretch marks may appear on the abdomen, due to skin distention. Although these last changes usually occur when the pregnancy is more advanced.
  16. Delayed rule. "Any delay of a period equal to or greater than 10 days after the date that it was played in a healthy woman of reproductive age who until then has had regular and spontaneous cycles is very suggestive of pregnancy", remarks the doctor. The hormonal changes that originate As a result of pregnancy, they will prevent a new menstruation from occurring. Although the specialist warns: "The lack of menstruation can be determined by various causes such as environmental changes and chronic diseases." The delay or absence of periods can also be caused by stress, for example.

Some of the pregnancy symptoms exposed in this post may be due to other causes linked to female health such as premenstrual syndrome, stress or chronic diseases. Having a headache, digestive discomfort, or more urge to go to the bathroom to pee are not synonymous with your becoming a mother. But if you have had unprotected sex or are undergoing assisted reproduction treatment and experience some of these possible signs of pregnancy, it is recommended that you go to the specialist soon and get rid of doubts.

How does pregnancy occur?

Most women ovulate about mid-cycle. If your menstrual cycles are 28 days, your ovulation occurs 14 days after the first day of the previous menstrual period. With a 32-day cycle, you are likely to ovulate around the 18th day of the cycle. These days you are in a fertile period and it is easier to achieve a pregnancy. This is not to say that if you have unprotected sex just before or after your period, it is impossible for you to get pregnant, just that it is more unlikely.

Fertilization occurs when an egg and a sperm unite and give rise to a zygote or embryo. This happens in the woman's fallopian tubes, and for it to occur it is essential that the production of eggs and sperm is correct, that the fallopian tubes and uterus are in good condition and that intercourse takes place at the right time . When a sperm manages to penetrate the ovum, a blockage is produced immediately that prevents others from entering. From that moment on, the fertilized ovum will undergo a series of changes that aim to create and develop an embryo.

The embryo goes down the fallopian tubes to the uterine cavity and reaches the uterus, its final destination, approximately on the fourth-fifth day after being fertilized, and between the sixth and the 14th day its nesting or implantation occurs.

How many weeks could you be?

In order to be able to correctly calculate when the symptom appears, it is important to know that pregnancies are counted in weeks, with week one being the first week after the last period. For this reason, we women usually find out that we are pregnant around week four or five, which is when the next period should have come.

Pregnancy tests and how they work

If you think you are pregnant, surely you resort to pregnancy tests sold in pharmacies. These tests measure the presence of the hCG hormone in the urine that is produced during pregnancy. Experts advise getting tested in the morning, as this hormone is more concentrated in the first pee. Using this method - consisting of a stick and a screen showing the result - is very simple. Urinate into a clean container, put the test stick in contact with the pee for a few seconds and leave the test on a flat surface. The result is visible within a few minutes. If two lines appear, it is positive and if one appears, the conclusion is that it is negative or it is still too early to detect it. If this test says that you are not pregnant you can repeat it a few days later. If the result is negative again and you still do not have your period, it is always better to see your gynecologist.And if it is positive, of course it is advisable to arrange a visit.

Besides pregnancy tests you can do at home, there are other more accurate tests, like the blood . This method - which measures the levels of hCG in the blood - will help your gynecologist to confirm or rule out your condition and obtain more information about your health and that of the future baby, in case you expect it.

In the end, the definitive test is the diagnosis by ultrasound , a last step to see clearly if you are going to be a mother.