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Power walking: how to lose weight by walking in 6 weeks

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New year, new body (healthier and at your proper weight, of course). To achieve this, improve your diet and walk. Walking is one of the simplest exercises: you can do it anywhere and at any time. You just have to walk at a good pace - what is now called power walking - and you will see how you win the battle with the scale and lose weight.

Power walking: why is it so recommended?

Taking a leisurely 30-minute walk - at about 5.6 km / h - consumes about 149 calories. It is true that running burns more, but it increases the risk of damaging some joints - knees, feet or back - if you do not have the proper technique.

  • Walking fast is better than running because… “When we walk, we unload twice our weight on our supporting foot. That is multiplied by 4 when running. The more we weigh, the more overexertion to the joints. If you weigh 70 kilos, with each step your foot supports 140 kilos. Running will be about 280 kilos to distribute between the feet, knees and hips ”, explains Víctor Alfaro, podiatrist for the Spanish Soccer Team.

Walking loses weight if you find the middle ground between walking and running

This will be the rate that will help you burn calories without even realizing it. “The ideal point is the one where it seems that you are going to run, that you notice how your breathing accelerates, you break into a sweat and feel the effort. You will notice it from 6.5 or 7 km / h ”, says Óscar de las Mozas, coach and creator of Coentrena.

  • With an activity bracelet it is easy to control this rhythm. If you don't have one, pick up your pace until you notice that you're breathing faster and it's hard for you to keep the conversation going without snorting. Press a little more: if you manage to stay at 7.4 km / h for an hour, scientists at Harvard University estimate that you burn about 377 kcal, although the final count will depend on your weight.

This is the technique to get this beat

You must focus on speed and stroke. Cristina Mérida, sports coach and owner of Studio39, sums it up like this: “Move your arms in a rhythmic way and parallel to the body. Contract your abdomen to make sure your back is completely straight and keep your chest elevated, without leaning forward or back ”. This way, there will be no strain on the knees or the spine.

  • And no shuffling. Give strength to your legs, raise your feet with each step and keep the tip of the foot always slightly elevated. Look straight ahead: you will avoid neck discomfort and the journey will be more enjoyable.

When walking it is easier to protect the pelvic floor because there is less impact

Power walking: plan to lose weight by walking in 6 weeks

In the training plan for 6 weeks that you have below these lines we give you ideas to intensify each session. Therefore, when you are already walking at a pace of 7.4 km / h, deepen your training using weights. Wear ankle braces with 0.5 to 1 kg weight.

  • The more weight you carry on your ankles, the more effort you will have to do and the more calories you will burn. As a gift, you will tighten the buttocks and improve cellulite.

Beyond walking

To further intensify the practice, incorporate routes with hills and steps. If there aren't, try going up and down a curb for one minute every five minutes. You can also add more difficulty by perching on a bench in the street several times, as if it were a step. "It is a wonderful cardiovascular exercise with which, in addition, we improve the strength of our legs," says Alberto Sacristán, sports doctor and director of SportSalud.

  • And try to walk beyond training, because walking is something you can do at many times of the day if you look for the right gaps (you can get off the bus or subway a little earlier, for example, and force that walk). You will be adding calories to your fight against those extra pounds.

Power walking on the gym treadmill?

“The tape is a good substitute for asphalt, but the movement is unreal. And an hour at a time can get boring, ”explains Óscar de las Mozas.

  • A more interesting alternative if you cannot train outdoors is to get on the elliptical bike, since in one session you can burn up to 500 kcal and with a low risk of injury, because there is no impact and the joints do not suffer.

Essential for training

Although you do not need anything special, it is convenient to have on hand …

  • Water. Even if it is cold, you will get hot from the exercise and you should hydrate yourself well.
  • Comfortable shoes. It is advisable to wear a sports shoe with a semi-rigid sole. Do not walk in flip flops or shoes with a stiff and thick sole. With the former, the foot is not attached. The latter prevent their natural movement.
  • Comfortable clothes. Invest in technical clothing that is warm, cuts the wind and breathes well.
  • Activity bracelet. Or a similar application for your mobile, to inform you of your pace, distance, calories burned … In addition, it allows you to keep track of your workouts and see how you progress.