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The marie kondo method of diet to lose weight

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Order your diet

Order your diet

The trick is to organize your diet following the method of Marie Kondo, the author of The Magic of Order.

Check your pantry

Check your pantry

The first step, like when it comes to tidying up your house a la Konmari, is to get rid of everything you don't need. And that includes sauces, cookies, appetizers …

Do it suddenly

Do it suddenly

To get rid of all these preserves, sauces and snacks, it is best to do it at once and in a big way, so you do not have time to think too much about things.

Plan what you eat

Plan what you eat

The next essential thing is to plan your meals well. After this gallery of images you have a schedule that you can download yourself and we will tell you how to use it so that it is super easy for you to follow it.

Order the purchase too

Order the purchase too

Make a list, buy only what you need without falling into the "this in case …", and keep it in an orderly way too. This way you will find everything easily and you will not be tempted to eat the first thing you find.

Make friends with the tupper

Make friends with the tupper

Cooking in advance and a little more than necessary, helps you plan meals in a balanced way, control the portions, and have "life savers" prepared when you haven't had time to cook.

Take advantage of the benefits of order

Take advantage of the benefits of order

It is proven that maintaining order in your diet reduces stress, improves health, benefiting you inside and out, and makes you enjoy what you eat much more.

And don't give up

And don't give up

To avoid throwing in the towel, follow our guide to keep your diet in order the easy way. You will not go overboard and lose weight without realizing it.

As you already saw in Clara's January edition, there is a revolutionary method to lose weight that consists in applying Marie Kondo's tricks for organizing the home to food (as we tell you in how to organize the house forever ).

Yes, yes, as you read it, the tactic is to lose weight by organizing your diet according to the dictates of the author of the best-selling The Magic of Order .

Keys to lose weight

This is not only to organize menus not peck, this method goes much further, since it has been scientifically proven that c OW dispongamos items in the kitchen directly influences what we eat. For example, if the kitchen or dining room is cluttered, we tend to consume 15% more calories than if everything was packed and there was little on the countertops and table.

  • Start by eliminating. For Marie Kondo, organizing is not accumulating, and for this you have to decide whether or not to throw an object. To follow a balanced diet, it is about thinking if a food is suitable for your diet or not, and if it is not, eliminating it. But getting rid of sauces, cookies, snacks … does not mean that you will not eat more. You can do it on your outings to eat at restaurants, in the aperitif with friends …
  • Do it at once. It is about making a first big intervention and then maintaining the daily order. Do general cleaning of everything that does not suit you and then do not go back to it or "in case someone comes." The ideal is to do it a couple of days before starting your diet or your change of diet (after menstruation, at a time when you don't have much stress …).
  • To make it very very easy. To easily transfer the Marie Kondo method to your day-to-day diet, we are going to tell you how to plan your meals well and, also, how to rely on other elements that help you gain harmony and well-being and make it easier for you to lose weight and not you get it back (and in order not to give up, we also have a guide to keep order in your diet the easy way).

Use a good planning

Knowing in advance what you are going to eat and having everything bought or even cooked helps to follow a diet. To do this, we propose a planning sheet that is divided by days and by meals in each strip, in addition to the shopping list. Download it right here:

** Download the Clara Magazine planning **

How to use?

Distribute your meals. Below you will see what foods to eat each day and which ones several times a week. So start by listing the days you are going to eat fish or chicken or pasta … And then think about which vegetable recipes, for example, go well with them.


  • 3 servings of fruit.
  • 2 vegetables, combining raw and cooked.
  • 4 garnish size servings of bread, pasta or rice.
  • 2 servings of dairy.


  • 2 or 3 times a week eat legumes or white meat.
  • 1 time, red meat.
  • 2 times, blue fish, and the rest, white.
  • Between 2 and 4 eggs per week.


  • If you have already lost some weight, once a week give yourself a free meal, to eat whatever you want in moderate portions and without repeating.

Easy balancing. To prepare balanced menus without counting calories or weighing, you can use the plate method.

The school menu. If your children eat at school, see what is in their food, to balance dinner at home later.

Keep it real. When preparing your menus, think about how much time you will have to cook and cook later and choose faster recipes on the days that you are going to be in a hurry.

Put the planning in the fridge to know what to eat and if you have to take out a container

good and save better

  • Stick to the list. Make the list based on your menus and buy only what you need. If you can't find something, take an equivalent (hake for monkfish, etc.). Forget about offers and promotions.
  • At home, everything in its place. Put the food in its place in the fridge or pantry. Knowing what you will eat before, you can leave more in view of the first days.

The freezer, your great ally

To follow a varied diet, in addition to being light, the ideal is to cook in greater quantities and to be able to freeze in portions.

  • Labels. Put the name of the recipe on each container with its packaging date.
  • List at the door. Write down what you have frozen to know what you have (and update it).

And what do you gain by putting order in the diet and planning the menus?

  • Less stress. Having planned menus, knowing what to eat at all times, with the food at your disposal to cook, makes your life very easy and reduces anxiety about eating.
  • Improve your health. Eating in a balanced way every day, without using anything to improvise a menu, has a positive effect on your health and helps you lose weight.
  • You enjoy more. When you meet friends or go out with your partner, the occasion is really special and you enjoy the moment intensely. The same as the day you indulge yourself, which is a day, not every day.
  • Easy maintenance. By following the method every week, it is easy to lose weight and then continue to maintain your weight because you have already established good habits.