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Amazon presents 'wedding list' the solution for couples living on the edge

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Drama! Your wedding is just a few months away and you just realized that your wedding list is incomplete or you simply haven't even started it. If you and your partner live on the edge and haven't stopped to think about this "little" detail, don't worry because Amazon has just launched 'Wedding List' , the perfect solution to help you create your ideal gift list.

Gone is that of going store by store putting labels or practicing your best poker face when you receive the WORST GIFT in history in the middle of your wedding. Thank you, next .

And the following is the same, the service that Amazon puts at your disposal and that gives you access to a wide range of products - which can be customized, of course - that you can add to your list. In this way they will only give you what you want. It is a first step towards the abolition of the classic " pongo " (and where do I put this?) That arrive in the form of gruesome glass vases, ugly pictures or useless gifts that find a better life in a box in the storage room. Thanks Amazon!

The service includes the possibility of downloading the list of purchased items and being able to keep track of the gifts received and to thank friends and family.

How do I start creating my wedding list?

To start adding to your wedding wish list, it is as simple as accessing the weddings section on the Amazon website, and filling in the form. There you will have to add the data of your partner and yours, the address where you want to receive the gifts, leave a message for the guests and some more information about your wedding such as when the event will be, where, number of guests, etc. . You can also personalize the wedding list with your photo. The cool thing about this list is that you can share it by email, social networks or through a personalized URL to all those who will accompany you on your day.

Also, if you don't have much idea of ​​what you want either and you are the typical ones who say that " for us, having your presence is already a gift " (Ha! Come on …) Amazon puts at your disposal a wish list made based on purchases made and also a selection of popular products that couples "usually like"

And no, we are not done yet. Apart from being able to choose products from Amazon's own catalog, you can also add products from other websites thanks to the Amazon Assistant tool , which includes "Universal Wish List". How does the Universal Wish List work? Very easy, this application turns your browser into your personal shopping center and allows you to keep track of whatever you want, from any website.

I want to start my wedding list on Amazon!

Last minute wedding gifts

A study by Ginger Comms reveals that people often leave wedding gift shopping until the last minute and even admit that they often do it online, the day before, or even the day of the wedding! WTF?

Ok … we like to do everything at the last minute but this seems too much to us … Luckily, Amazon comes to the rescue of both those couples who do not consider their wedding list until a few weeks before the wedding or for those clueless guests that everything happens until the deadline arrives …

Surely this service will start to have detractors in less than a rooster crows but we declare ourselves super fans of initiatives that make our lives easier. In this way, you can enjoy your wedding without worrying about anything!

And as this is also our goal, if you are reading this, you should take a look at our Weddings section where you will find ideas, whether you are the bride or a guest at a wedding.