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Cheap and healthy shopping list for 4 people (with weekly menu included)

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When we do the weekly shopping we see the amount of money that goes into food. In these times of economic crisis, getting an economic shopping list that at the same time allows us to eat in a healthy way is essential. So at CLARA we have pulled a calculator to offer you a very economical weekly shopping list for 4 people.

The challenge is to eat 4 people making healthy meals for less than € 5, for example. We can tell you that you can and you don't have to give up eating well, enjoying good food. Nor are we going to deceive you by saying that you can eat 4 for less than € 50 a week, because by many numbers that we have done, we have seen that it is not possible. We do not cheat with a shopping list that does not include breakfast or mid-morning and afternoon or that only talks about main dishes but excludes dessert.

How we have made CLARA's cheap shopping list

First, we have planned a weekly menu with all the meals of the day for 4 people. We have made sure, as in all our diets, that there is enough vegetables, fruit, animal protein (fish, egg, poultry…) and vegetable protein (legumes, tofu…) and carbohydrates.

To calculate the prices, we have taken as reference the prices of markets and supermarkets that have stores throughout the country. Always taking into account the temporality of the products. It is true that prices can have some fluctuations depending on where you live, because there are provinces where you can make a cheaper purchase than in others, but we have tried to make them as similar as possible everywhere.

And it must be said that, from the first menu outline, we made some changes so that the price would just fit us. Although the menu and the shopping list are important for cheap, being flexible when you are at the market and in the supermarket is also, and that is why it is key to make changes on the fly to lower the shopping basket even more . That is, if you were thinking of sardines and it turns out that mackerel is cheaper, it can be changed without problems and the recipe is adapted.

Cheap shopping list: We have got the best prices

  • In our menu, the cheapest breakfast (rolled oats boiled in milk and cinnamon) is € 0.30 per person (€ 1.20 for 4) and the most expensive (toast with slices of tomato, cucumber and tuna) costs € 1 , € 18 per person (4.75 for the 4).
  • As for meals , the cheapest (salad, Cuban rice and pear) costs € 0.85 per person (€ 3.42 for 4) and the most expensive (spinach with potatoes, chicken with lemon and watermelon) for € 2.11 per person (€ 8.47 for 4).
  • And the dinners , the one that costs the least (homemade pizza with tomato and mozzarella and baked apple) costs € 0.99 per person (€ 3.97 the 4) and the one that costs the most (cold cream of zucchini and apple curry , tofu sautéed with onion and peppers and yogurt) costs € 2.23 per person (€ 8.95 for 4).
  • The morning averages out to € 0.23 per person (0.94 € 4) and evening averages out by an average of € 0.30 per person (1,20 4).

Weekly Family Menu From Cheap Shopping List

If you want to discover how we have achieved these prices, download our menu, where we have also specified the prices of each meal (as we always told you based on the reference prices of a supermarket that is throughout Spain).

  • Weekly menu of the cheap shopping list

Cheap shopping list

And, finally, here is the cheap shopping list so that you can download it too and take it with you to the market.

  • Cheap shopping list

Cheap Grocery List Recipes: Here's What You Need to Know

Quantities are important when making the menu and the list. So let's get down to a few things:

  • The portion of oat flakes is about 40 g and cooked in 250 ml of milk.
  • The measure for the banana pancakes is 200 g of flakes, for 8 eggs (the whites) and 2 bananas.
  • The omelettes, both potato and eggplant, have about 6 eggs.
  • The portion of meat or fish is about 120 g (less in the stew which is less).
  • The stuffed aubergines are two large units for 4 people.