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Can I have burgers on a diet?

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If you've ever wondered if you can have burgers on a diet, the answer is of course! But not all burgers are worth it … If you're thinking about those from fast food places, forget it. With that alone you can consume up to 900 calories at once!

Homemade burgers, yes you can

  • Better do it yourself. The processed ones tend to have too much fat and salt, but if you make homemade burgers you can control the quantity and quality of the ingredients. For example, when you choose the meat you want (one with little fat) and ask for it to be chopped. And to further reduce the fat, make the chicken or turkey burgers.
  • Sauces and extras. Instead of ketchup or mayonnaise, use plain tomato sauce, Dijon mustard, hummus, or homemade guacamole. If you want cheese, make it low in fat, but better substitute it for grilled vegetables. And instead of fries, let them be baked or salad.
  • And what about the bread? If you can, make it comprehensive. Or better cut it out or eat just one half. You can always present the burger on a bed of vegetables or serve it between two tomato halves or two lettuce leaves.

Anatomy of the perfect burgers

Yes, any burger worth its salt should be round, but always keeping a reasonable size. That is, it weighs about 80-100 g or, if you prefer a more visual reference, that is not larger than the palm of your hand without counting the fingers. And, of course, that it has only one layer of meat.

Veggie alternatives

Veggie burgers tend to provide fewer calories and fat than traditional burgers , and instead are high in fiber. But watch out for those already prepared and packaged; that they are vegetarian does not mean that they are healthy. They often have poor quality ingredients and a lot of additives and salt. And if you don't know any recipes, try our pea and vegetable omelette burgers.

The tip: less meat, more vegetables

A good way to subtract fat and calories from your hamburgers (and, incidentally, reduce the consumption of meat, which is the healthiest thing to do) is to substitute some of the meat you use to make it with vegetables (onion, mushrooms, carrots … ). Also, they will be juicier that way.