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Set up your own virtual gym at home with the best videos of patry jordán

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Surely after several weeks of confinement you have already established your own routines at home, and they may be totally different from before the coronavirus, or perhaps you have managed to maintain them more or less. What is clear is that even if we are at home, we have to do things –do not be overwhelmed either– and yes, it is essential to move a little. I'm not saying that you have to start training as if you were going to participate in a marathon or that you should dedicate 5 hours a day to doing sports, but you will agree with me that a little physical activity helps us to be more entertained and active and, In times of coronavirus, this is paramount.

That is why, after talking with my colleagues in the newsroom - in our weekly status video call - we have selected among all the best videos of our collaborator and blogger Patry Jordán, so that you can set up your own sports routine at home, to your liking and at your own pace. They are short routines, super well explained and that can be combined with each other so you no longer have an excuse to do some sport during quarantine.

In addition, for being a CLARA reader you have a 25% discount on your PGV12 Virtual Gym Plan with the code CLARAPGV12 for a limited time: from Wednesday 1 to Friday 3 April .

And what is PGV12? Well, very simple, it is a plan that includes 12 weeks of exercise, menus, tricks and healthy eating to achieve a visible change.

Gout exercise routine

The best abdominal exercise routine

Isometric abs

Cardio and exercises to lose weight (without impact)

Exercises for beautiful and strong arms (without material)

Leg workout routine (intense)

GAP Routine: Buttocks, Abdomen and Legs

Exercises to take care of the back and relieve pain


These are some of our favorite videos but you already know that Patry Jordán has many more videos and routines on its Virtual Gym website, which are your favorites? Let us know on our social networks! Ah! And don't miss out on more exercise routines that you can do at home, and without material!

Remember that if you sign up now for the Virtual Gym Plan PGV12 you have a 25% discount with the code CLARAPGV12 –valid from April 1 to 3–.