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Say goodbye to marie kondo: the 21-day method to tidy up your house and life

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Your house in order once and for all

Your house in order once and for all

We will not deny that we are very fans of Marie Kondo, her method has changed our lives and we have learned a lot from her. But we, who are Mediterranean souls, need a method that is more in line with our customs and our way of being. And we have found it. The 21-day method of getting your house in order from professional organizer Alicia Iglesias .

21 days to have your house in order

21 days to have your house in order

The goal is to take control of your home: learn to organize the different spaces, create routines to keep your home clean and tidy, and know how to plan your tasks. One of the main differences between Alicia Iglesias' method and Marie Kondo's is that, although the Japanese organizer tells us that once you start ordering you should not stop until you finish everything, the Spanish organizer encourages us to take the process with calm, without stress and with time. And it is already known that 21 days are necessary to internalize a habit, so in this time we will be able to go "slowly but surely" and learn a series of routines that will end chaos and disorder at home forever.

  • At the end of the article you will find a downloadable to tidy up your house in 21 days with the Alicia Iglesias method. If you click here you can also have it.

Day 1. Prepare your monthly menus

Day 1. Prepare your monthly menus

You already know that at CLARA we are very fans of organizing menus in advance to eat healthy and save time and money. According to Alicia Iglesias, it is about following an order of needs "for survival, eating comes first." In addition, organizing in this way will help you free yourself from a great mental burden.

You can download CLARA's monthly planner here to better organize yourself and not miss out on the free weekly menus that you can also download on our website. Then you will have to take an inventory of all the foods you have at home to make your menu taking advantage of what you already have and be able to plan what you need for the next few weeks. Download our shopping list template here.

Day 2. Organize the pantry and refrigerator

Day 2. Organize the pantry and refrigerator

Start by organizing your pantry by cleaning it thoroughly, if you need to, invest in storage trays to make everything you keep in it more accessible. Organize foods efficiently, leaving those with the closest expiration date more accessible so that none of them expire. Sort the foods by sections to know what to find in each cupboard and save space and time. Pay special attention to spices, clean jars and get rid of those that are expired. Next, clean and organize your fridge by creating sections by products and storing them in trays just like in your pantry. Here are more tips to finish organizing your fridge.

Day 3. Tidy up the countertop and kitchen cabinets

Day 3. Tidy up the countertop and kitchen cabinets

The cleaner your kitchen is, the neater and cleaner it will appear. So, tidy up everything that is going around your kitchen and only expose the appliances you use daily. Those that you use occasionally, save them and sell, donate or give away those that you never use.

To order the kitchen cabinets you must empty all their content, decide what stays and what goes depending on how you use them. Create sections for each item based on its proximity to the site where it will be used. For example, place the pans and pots near the oven and the vitro; and cleaning products, under the sink. Dispense with everything you do not use and organize everything you keep by categories. Remember: less is more.

Day 4. Clean the kitchen thoroughly with minimal effort

Day 4. Clean the kitchen thoroughly with minimal effort

Before cleaning, organize and simplify the cleaning products you have at home. Alicia Iglesias recommends that we keep the essentials and, if possible, that they are sustainable, such as vinegar and bicarbonate. With these two "miraculous" products you can clean every corner of your kitchen (without putting your health at risk) such as: the oven, the vitro, the cabinets, the sink, the lamps, the refrigerator, the washing machine and the tiles.

Take advantage of the day you make your monthly menu to do a thorough cleaning of your kitchen.

Day 5. Organize the bathroom

Day 5. Organize the bathroom

To organize your bathroom, take all the things out and throw all those that you do not use or are expired. Take care to classify all the things well and keep in the bathroom those that correspond and use it exclusively, be strict. Sort your things by sections using boxes and baskets. You can also try these Marie Kondo approved bathroom organizers. Clear the shower and tub keeping only the essentials in them.

Day 6. Thoroughly clean the bathroom

Day 6. Thoroughly clean the bathroom

Alicia Iglesias recommends that we do a monthly cleaning of this area. Start with the toilet, clean it thoroughly with a specific cleaner and sponge for this area. Also add a tablet to the cistern to keep the toilet clean and smelling good all month. Next, wipe the tiles, shower, and tub with a cloth and cleaner. Empty the entire bathroom and dispense with everything you do not need, expired or what does not correspond to this area, so you will be able to maintain order and clean all the areas that are sometimes hidden with so much product. Finally, use cleaner to make sinks, mirrors and taps shine, and rinse them with water to finish. That simple, fast and effective.

Day 7. Organize and clean the hall

Day 7. Organize and clean the hall

"An orderly hall is an orderly house, that's how clear" says Alicia Iglesias. For this very important area, the ideal is to have a closet where you can store coats, shoes and all those things that are usually scattered around the house when we arrive from the street. If you don't have one, you'll have to figure out how to keep everything in place using coat hangers, a space to leave your shoes, purse, backpacks and keys. Bet on narrow solutions, which allow you to store, but do not hinder the comfort of the space. It is very important to avoid accumulation: everything in its place.

Day 8. Distribute and plan the cabinets

Day 8. Distribute and plan the cabinets

If you think that your closets are small you are wrong, the real problem is the amount of things you accumulate and the way to organize them. For this reason, Alicia Iglesias encourages us to plan using logic before filling the cupboards like crazy. Each member of the family should have their own unique wardrobe and drawers. As a general rule, the things you use most should be closer to hand and vertical folding is always advisable for most garments.

Day 9. Tidy up the cabinets and drawers

Day 9. Tidy up the cabinets and drawers

As always, the first step should be to get everything out, clean well and do without what you don't need. As in the bathroom and kitchen, create specific sections for each garment without mixing concepts. If you have the possibility to separate the clothes by seasons, do it! Another good idea is to use organizers for the closet that will allow you to have everything much more organized. There are some garments such as shirts, dresses and jackets that should always be hung, each on a hanger. The rest of the garments must be folded with the vertical method, even the socks! Organize the drawers by sections and store clothes with vertical folding. The organizers are also very good here.

Day 10. Organize the clothes you don't wear but need to put away

Day 10. Organize the clothes you don't wear but need to put away

We are talking here about maternity clothes, clothes from another season or clothes of other sizes that you keep for your children. All these items should be stored in well labeled storage boxes or bags, organized by sections so that everything is in its place. Once all the clothes and accessories have been arranged with care, you will store these boxes or bags in the least accessible places in your house: attics, storage rooms under the bed, etc.

Day 11. Organize shoes and bags

Day 11. Organize shoes and bags

The bags and shoes that you use every day should be close at hand, those that you only wear on special occasions, keep them in their boxes and you should dispense with those that you don't use. The ideal place for shoes is the hall closet, but if this is not possible, the important thing is to keep them all together in a closet or shoe rack. As for the bags, the ideal is to arrange them on shelves, but it will depend on their volume and your needs.

Day 12. Organize jewelry and accessories

Day 12. Organize jewelry and accessories

We tend to hoard unlimited add-ons when we actually tend to use the few that we really like. Once again we have to start by keeping what we really need and doing without the rest. In this way we will get more space, less clutter and some extra euro if we sell some pieces that have economic value and lack sentimental value. Alicia Iglesias recommends storing jewelry in transparent methacrylate boxes with compartments to better organize them and be able to see them easily. The accessories (gloves, hats, scarves and scarves), the same: keep the essentials and keep them on hand during the season to remember they are there and put them on.

Day 13. Organize the dining room

Day 13. Organize the dining room

The living room is one of the most complex areas of the house because it is the busiest and can have many uses: living room, dining room, study and even hall … Study well what you expect from your living room and based on your needs allocate a place and a compatible solution to each one. Alicia Iglesias advises that the center of the room be empty since this way it is easier to collect, circulate and adapt to unforeseen events.

  • If you need a coffee table, choose one that serves as storage.
  • Choose a dining table that fits the space you have.
  • If you work or study in the dining room, make sure that everything is always well ordered.
  • Even if you are addicted to books, there is no need to accumulate them if you are never going to pick them up again.
  • Don't stack anything. Get rid of anything you don't use or have no sentimental value.
  • Organize important papers or invoices in filing cabinets. Or even take a decent quality photo of all of them and archive them digitally.
  • If you have children, have a space within reach in the dining room –basket, box or trunk– for them to store their toys.

Day 14. The master bedroom, your sanctuary

Day 14. The master bedroom, your sanctuary

Your bedroom is "your sacred place", according to Alicia Iglesias, since it is where you recharge your strength, take refuge after a bad day or simply a place to feel good. Avoid having furniture or coat racks where clothes can accumulate, shelves where they can accumulate dust or nightstands with a thousand drawers full of junk. The trick to having an orderly bedroom is to have few things and to make good use of storage spaces. Invest in a good bed where you can rest comfortably and if you have a sofa under the mattress where you can store your bedding, the better. Choose a simple nightstand and a good chest of drawers to save space to store your things without adding visual noise. Keep all surfaces clear to create an atmosphere of peace and relaxation.

Day 15. A teenager's bedroom

Day 15. A teenager's bedroom

For a teenager's room to be kept in order, it is important that they participate and get involved in the process, accept their tastes and give in on some things as long as they commit to maintaining order. The idea is to sit down with your child and talk about what they would like for their space. After listening to his ideas, tell him yours and start negotiating. Try to choose practical and functional furniture and do not overload it with things. The rules for your closets are the same as for adults. As for the study area, it should be simple and minimalist to promote concentration and avoid clutter. It is important to educate our children from a young age in minimalism or at least not to accumulate. Alicia Iglesias reminds us that "the best way to raise awareness is to teach by example."

Day 16. The children's bedroom

Day 16. The children's bedroom

As with adolescents, "everything you teach them at this age will form their personality for the future", so we have to try to organize everything in a simple way so that they can order themselves naturally. The premise for organizing a children's room is to follow the Montessori philosophy that promotes designing the room at their height to facilitate the child's autonomy (furniture, coat racks, cabinets, books and toys … everything should be within reach). The bed should be level with the floor so that they can access it independently. It is important to teach children to pick up their toys once they are not playing with them, go to bed or leave the house. If you are going to put a table to draw or paint, it should also be at its height.Teach your children to keep only what is essential and to get rid of what is not. It is the best way to avoid accumulation and raise organized and orderly children.

Day 17. The study room or office

Day 17. The study room or office

Whether you have the study in a room designed for it or is integrated into some other area of ​​the house, it is a space that attracts chaos and disorder. That is why it is very important to be organized and have only what you really need. One of the sticking points is how to organize the papers. Alicia Iglesias recommends ordering them in filing cabinets (all the same) and keeping the essentials (a good option is to digitize them). Don't stockpile more stationery than you need: we have hundreds of pens or USB sticks that we never really used. Keep all school supplies in your place to always know where to find them. Always collect cables and chargers, allocate a box or drawer to store them.

Day 18. Organize the attic, garage or storage room

Day 18. Organize the attic, garage or storage room

We are talking about those places where chaos reigns and a lot of nonsense accumulates and that we have practically forgotten and never use. The method of organizing them always begins the same: emptying the space, cleaning it thoroughly, classifying what is inside and deciding if you want to keep it, donate it, sell it or throw it away. Once you're left with what you want to store, invest in shelves, boxes, or storage shelves (never use bags). All must be clearly labeled to know what is inside. Try that this space, like the rest of the rooms in the house, is clear, tidy and that there is space.

Day 19. Learn to have cleaning routines

Day 19. Learn to have cleaning routines

Cleaning and maintenance will make your home always perfect. The best way to achieve this is by drawing up a weekly planning with everything you need to do to organize yourself as you already did with the menus. Alicia Iglesias recommends making a list of all the tasks and that each member of the family choose one until they are all divided. Download our weekly organizer, it will be very good for you to assign a day to each one. Sharing cleaning routines will get the whole family engaged and more aware of the work it takes to maintain a home.

Day 20. Set routines of order

Day 20. Set routines of order

They are perhaps the most important because they will help you put your house in order forever and that chaos never returns. The difficult thing is not to order but to maintain order. Alicia Iglesias shares on her blog some tips to achieve this:

  • Think carefully before bringing something new into the house: if it does not bring you something or does not make you happier, do not allow it to enter.
  • Set deadlines for the items you have for sale on Wallapop.
  • Automatically pick up what gets out of order to prevent everything from getting out of control.
  • Do not leave things out of place.
  • Review your papers weekly and get rid of what you don't need. "Leave your inbox, both physical and virtual, empty."
  • Go through the different cabinets in the house monthly (but don't do it all at once) and get rid of what you don't need.
  • Follow the monthly routines of menus and cleaning, at first it will cost you but over time you will integrate these habits forever.

Plan to tidy up your entire house in one morning or one afternoon.

Day 21. Become aware and take action

Day 21. Become aware and take action

After all these days collecting, organizing, classifying and ordering, it is time to become aware of where you were when you started with the method and where you are now. Only by reflecting on your old habits and those you have now will you be able to maintain order and cleanliness at home and lead a more balanced life forever.

According to Alicia Iglesias, part of the disorder in our life is a consequence of consumerism and constant accumulation. Her method proposes, precisely, living in a simpler, more austere and more minimalist way.