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Is ginger good for weight loss?

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For some years now, no one has doubted that ginger is thin (at least in a potential sense). After much controversy in this regard in the past, this was confirmed by a study by the China University of Agriculture in 2017 that reviewed all the information available to date, and that today the scientific community considers valid (as long as prove the opposite or new information appears to deny it).

Ginger, slimming properties

The conclusions reached by this study are that, among many other properties and benefits of ginger, it has a thermogenic effect, that is, it raises body temperature and speeds up metabolism and, therefore, contributes to burning more calories, which is what you lose weight.

But this is not all. It turns out that, in addition, it generates a feeling of satiety and reduces hunger, helps digest carbohydrates better as well as secrete insulin, and positively affects cholesterol levels and blood pressure; reasons why it is indicated when dieting.

Does all this mean that ginger is literally thinning? Not quite. As we already know, there are a lot of foods that are the bomb of good (for their benefits or health properties), but miracle foods - although we would love to - there are none, and ginger is no exception. That it goes well to lose weight is true. But if you don't follow a more or less balanced diet and binge, for example, eating ginger will not solve it.

How to take ginger to lose weight

The most common is to add it to infusions, stir-fries or creams, as one more seasoning. In fact, it is considered one of the quintessential fat burning spices. It is also very common to take it before a meal to burn more calories, diluting a couple of grams of powdered ginger in a glass of warm water. And the ginger infusion (both alone and combined with lemon, cinnamon or honey) is considered very effective because, in addition to stimulating the burning of calories, it lightens heavy digestion and fights bloating and gas.