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Almond milk, is it good for making smoothies?

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A very common question among fans of making smoothies is whether almond milk is good for making them, and the answer is that of course.

Ideal for making smoothies

In fact, almond milk is great for making smoothies because it has a slightly creamy texture and a mild flavor that goes well with all fruits. And in general, you can use it in practically any recipe that uses traditional cow's milk: both sweet and savory dishes, and hot and cold.

  • Better, enriched. If you take almond milk instead of cow's milk, it is better to choose it fortified with calcium. This will make it easier for you to ensure that you take the necessary amount of this mineral.
  • If you want to watch your weight … Opt for an almond milk that does not have added sugar, since it has half the calories.
  • A creamier touch. To achieve this, you just have to make the smoothie with a yogurt made with almond milk instead of using the milk as is.

How many calories are …?

  • Almond milk: 24 kcal / 100 ml
  • Light almond milk: 13 kcal / 100 ml
  • Almond milk yogurt: 79 kcal / 100 ml
  • Whole cow's milk: 62 kcal / 100 ml

Perfect for lactose intolerant …

But watch out for the sugar.

Almond milk is a healthy alternative for those who are lactose intolerant or vegetarians. But the truth is that too much sugar is added to improve its flavor, which is why it is one of the foods that has more sugar than you think.

In the end, a glass can hold up to 20 grams. Condensed almond milk to dilute in water is the richest in sugars, so try to choose well and look for milks where the proportion of sugar does not exceed 4 g / 100 g.