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The meaning of the most searched dreams in google

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What are dreams and what is the use of interpreting them?

What are dreams and what is the use of interpreting them?

While we sleep, our subconscious randomly receives images, sounds, sensations and emotions related to the people with whom we interact or the situations experienced daily, and reinterprets them by building a narrative with them. Its function is to establish the knowledge acquired, assimilate what we feel and act on it. And therefore knowing the meaning of dreams can help us better manage our emotions, seek solutions and make the most appropriate decisions.

Photo: Ann Danilina via Unsplash

Dream about snakes

Dream about snakes

Dreaming of snakes has several meanings. As a general rule, the figure of the snake is related to deception and could indicate that you distrust someone. It has also traditionally been associated with the betrayal of a close loved one. And if Freud's ideas are followed, dreaming of elongated objects or animals could be related to a repressed or unsatisfied sexual drive. If you want to fully enjoy your sexuality, don't miss the advice of our sexuality and relationship specialist Elsy Reyes.

Dreaming that your teeth are falling out

Dreaming that your teeth are falling out

It is one of the most common and very common dreams in adolescence. Normally, it is related to insecurity, fear of change, the feeling of having made the wrong decisions, personal dissatisfaction or complexes. The teeth are one of the hardest parts of the body and metaphorically it can mean that you feel fragile, insecure or that you are self-conscious for one reason or another. Here are 12 steps to boost your self-esteem and feel better.

Photo: Lesly Juarez via Unsplash

Dream about pregnancy

Dream about pregnancy

Pregnancy is the gestation of a new life, the creation or the embryo of something, and a beginning. In the meaning of dreams it is usually related to creativity or the desire to create or do something new. And it is almost always associated with desires, gifts, or abilities that you now have the opportunity to develop after being parked, lethargic, or repressed.

Dream about cats

Dream about cats

From the outset, dreaming about cats is considered a sign of good luck and is related to inner strength, sensuality and independence. However, if what you dream is that a cat attacks you or someone, it may mean that someone is conspiring or that she wants to harm you or the person she fights in the dream. To be safe, find out how to identify a toxic person.

Dream about cockroaches

Dream about cockroaches

Cockroaches cause fear or rejection in most people. For this reason, its presence in dreams is associated with having to face problems, obstacles, situations or changes that you would prefer to avoid but that you have no choice but to look straight ahead and assume. And the number of cockroaches or their size is related to the magnitude of the problems or obstacles in question.

Dreaming of a rat or mice

Dreaming of a rat or mice

The dreams in which rats and mice appear are very common and are almost always related to suspicions and possible deceptions. One possible interpretation is that there are hypocritical or double-sided people around you. If you hunt or kill rats or mice, it is associated with discovering possible betrayals or having an advantage over your enemies.

Photo: Unu Dinata via Unsplash

Dream about spiders

Dream about spiders

Although many people panic or feel rejection towards them, dreaming of spiders does not have to be negative. One of the main meanings is that thanks to your efforts and your laborious dedication, you have a great chance of achieving your goals or obtaining great benefits. However, if you have lawsuits, lawsuits or pending negotiations and you dream of the spider web, it may indicate that it will not be easy to solve them due to its complicated plot.

Dream about lice

Dream about lice

Dreaming about lice is generally related to feelings of frustration, anguish and guilt. But it is also interpreted as there is a person, situation or relationship that you want to get away from in a hurry. And it can be a warning that you are hanging out in bad company or that you are surrounded by toxic people. Here's how to stop a toxic person.

Photo: Finn Hackshaw via Unsplash

Dream about dogs

Dream about dogs

Dogs are associated with loyalty, generosity, protection and fidelity. Dreaming of them, as long as they are not in an aggressive attitude, means that good values ​​and intentions will help you advance as a person. If he licks you, it symbolizes the loyalty of friends. If they are large and loose, it indicates that you want to be more free and carefree. And if it is aggressive or bites you, it could warn that you do not trust those close to you.

Dream about bulls

Dream about bulls

The bull is an animal associated with passion, strength, bravery and the will to live. Its appearance in a dream can be interpreted as that you may have some difficulty in life or a challenge to overcome. It can also indicate a fear of doing something foolishly, or an overflowing passion for something or someone. And if they are two bulls fighting, rivalry for one person.

Photo: Richard Gatley via Unsplash

Dream of dead

Dream of dead

Although from the outset no one likes to meet the dead in dreams, they usually bring good news. Normally, they are associated with messages or advice that they bring from the beyond, so it is recommended to listen to them. And it connects us with those things that we have lost and that, perhaps, we refuse to accept that we no longer have them. And if what worries you is how to cope with the death of a loved one, read what the psychologist Rafa Santandreu says about how long a duel has to last.

Photo: Moira Dillon via Unsplash

Dream of money

Dream of money

In dreams, money represents security, self-esteem, success or values. If you earn or have it in abundance, it can indicate that you have a good chance of achieving success or what you have proposed. However, if you dream that you count bills, it means that you may have losses or financial problems, and that you should tighten your belt and plan your expenses well. Here are 10 tricks to make money last longer.

Dream of fire

Dream of fire

Unless you or other people are burning yourself, dreaming of fire is usually not a bad thing. In general, its presence in dreams is related to strong feelings such as destruction, anger, desire … It is also very common to interpret it as something that is transformed, comes to an end or the imminence of something new. But if you see smoke, it burns you, or it distresses you, it can indicate that you are afraid of the future, changes or what lies ahead.

Dream of a baby

Dream of a baby

When you have dreams about babies, it is usually associated with innocence, new beginnings or plans. And the most common interpretation from the point of view of psychology is that it prepares you for the imminent arrival of changes that will alter your life completely and turn everything upside down.

Dream about water

Dream about water

Dreaming of water can have infinite meanings. If it is moving and clean, it is associated with clairvoyance, the ability to go deep, news and renewal. If it is quiet and dirty, it is interpreted as the opposite: lack of perspective, confusion, stagnation … If it moves calmly, those changes or novelties will come naturally. And if you move with fury, they will come abruptly and disruptively.

Dream about your ex

Dream about your ex

Apart from the possible nostalgia, the most common interpretation of dreaming about your ex or a former love is discomfort or uncertainty in the current relationship. For example, it may indicate that you do not feel safe or are not comfortable with your current relationship. Discover how to connect with your partner much more.

Dream of blood

Dream of blood

The presence of blood in dreams is usually associated with problems or concerns of some kind that lie ahead. If you dream that you are bleeding but it does not hurt, it is interpreted as that you are trying to free yourself from what is preventing you from achieving your purposes. And if your clothes are stained with blood, it may mean that either you or someone around you have not done well.

Photo: Valentin Salja via Unsplash

Dream about horses

Dream about horses

It is normally considered a symbol of good luck, fortune and success. The dreams in which you see yourself riding an animal are related to the ability you have to control your instincts or not. It is also interpreted as a sign of strength and energy to succeed and of health to enjoy life.

Dream about sharks

Dream about sharks

Dreaming of sharks reveals negative character traits such as selfishness, cruelty, and unscrupulousness. It can also indicate that you are emotionally confused. If it attacks you, it means that something worries you very much and is devouring you inside. If several attack you, that you are crying out for more independence and freedom, or that you are surrounded by enemies. And if it follows you, it is that you have to face an issue at hand.

Photo: Patrick Brinksma via Unsplash

Dream of flying

Dream of flying

Dreaming that you are flying is the quintessential symbol of freedom or the desire to be. It is also associated with idealism or the desire to transcend and the need to distance oneself from things to see them in perspective. And if you dream that you float in the air, it is associated with happiness and joy of living.

Photo: Dane Deaner via Unsplash

Dream of traveling

Dream of traveling

The dreams in which you make a trip are associated with the need or desire for a routine, life or career change, sentimental, family … The interpretation of one or the other depends on whether the trip is experienced as a volunteer, tax, necessary … and of the situations that happen on the journey or with whom you interact on it. If the trip is pleasant and in good company, for example, it is considered a good omen.

Dream about food

Dream about food

The meaning of dreams in which food appears depends on the context of the dream and the state of the food. If you dream that you are offered food, but you do not want to accept it, it is related to the desire to become independent or to fend for yourself. If you ask for food, on the other hand, it is associated with the desire to learn or to be guided. And if the food is stale or spoiled, it may mean that you have resentment towards something or that you are overwhelmed by stress.

Dream that you fall

Dream that you fall

Another very common dream is to dream that you fall into the void, fall from a ladder, or slip from the heights. If the fall is distressing, it is often associated with periods of restlessness, stress, or anxiety. If you hit yourself during the fall, it may mean that someone you trust is betraying you. But, on the other hand, if you fall happily and without obstacles, as if you were floating, it is associated with a happy love life.

Photo: Noah Buscher via Unsplash

Dream about infidelity

Dream about infidelity

Dreaming about infidelity is not necessarily related to real infidelity. Often, it just means that you are not comfortable in your relationship or in other areas (work, family, friends). And it is interpreted as something not working and invites you to do something to fix it. When you are the person who is unfaithful, it may mean that your love life lacks action and passion, or that there are details of the relationship that you do not like.

Dream of driving

Dream of driving

Driving is associated with the ability to direct the course of one's own destiny, the will to leave behind what you do not want, and freedom. Therefore, dreaming of driving is related to the desire to take the wheel of your life and direct it where you want. If driving is not pleasant or difficult, it may mean that there are obstacles on the road. And if there is an accident, something is preventing you from doing what you want.

Photo: Logan Fisher via Unsplash

While we sleep we are unconscious, but the body and brain continue to work to keep us alive. In the same way that we continue to breathe and our heart beats despite being asleep, the mind continues to work in silence to assimilate what happened during the day and help us develop. Therefore, knowing the meaning of dreams can help us better manage emotions, seek solutions and make the most appropriate decisions.

Meaning of the most common dreams

  • Dream about snakes. Mistrust or betrayal
  • Dreaming that your teeth are falling out. Unsafety
  • Dream about a pregnancy. Creativity
  • Dream about cats. Good luck, independence or conspiracy
  • Dream about cockroaches. Problems or obstacles to face.
  • Dreaming of a rat or mice. Suspicions, deception and hypocrisy
  • Dream about spiders. Laborious work or a complicated plot
  • Dream about lice. Frustration, anguish, or guilt
  • Dream about dogs. Loyalty or distrust
  • Dream about bulls. Overflowing passion
  • Dreaming of the dead. Acceptance of reality
  • Dream of money. High self-esteem or financial problems
  • Dream of fire. Fury or desire
  • Dream of a baby. Changes in sight
  • Dream about water. What's new in your life or lack of perspective
  • Dream about your ex. Upset in your current relationship
  • Dream of blood. Worry or guilt
  • Dream about horses. Fortune, dominance and energy
  • Dream about sharks. Selfishness or need for freedom
  • Dream of flying. Freedom or desire to be
  • Dream about traveling. Need for change
  • Dream about food. Independence, learning or stress
  • Dreaming about falling. Restlessness, stress, or anxiety
  • Dream of infidelity. Not being comfortable with your partner, family or friends
  • Dream of driving. Take charge of your life

What are dreams and how are they created

Dreams are mental recreations that we unconsciously visualize, experience and feel in the paradoxical phase of sleep, the so-called REM phase. A phase of high brain activity that is recognized when we observe someone sleeping because their eyes move rapidly under their eyelids.

During this phase of sleep, our subconscious randomly receives images, sensations and emotions related to the people with whom we interact or the situations experienced when we are awake. And then he interprets them by building a narrative with them.

Photo: Alice in Wonderland.

What is the function of dreams

  • Manage emotions. It is the subconscious way of managing lived or repressed emotions while we are awake.
  • To learn. It is the moment in which we assimilate the knowledge that we have been acquiring during the day. How? Using them in a dreamlike way in dreams.
  • Create and seek solutions. While we dream, the subconscious tries to find the solutions to the problems or the necessary strategies to carry out the challenges that we face every day.
  • Take decisions. Dream situations force us to react in one way or another and make decisions that serve as a test and then apply them in real life.

How to interpret dreams

In the gallery above we have tried to explain the meaning of the most searched dreams in Google, but the final meaning will depend on each dream and each person. Dreams tell us things about ourselves and there are easy techniques to explore them and make more sense of them. Just the mere act of verbalizing them can make us understand them much more. In the Shuar people of the Amazon, they have the custom of "having breakfast with dreams": when they wake up, the first thing they do is tell each other what they have dreamed of.

The psychologist Robert Hoss proposes an exercise to interpret your dream. Imagine that you are the main object, person or animal of your dream and answer these questions:

  1. What are you?
  2. What is your purpose or function?
  3. What do you like about being what you are?
  4. What do you dislike about being what you are?
  5. What are you afraid of?
  6. What do you wish?

You will be surprised what you will learn from your dream when you answer these questions.

The cycles and phases of sleep

Contrary to popular belief, our dream is not uniform. Throughout the hours that we sleep, cycles of about 90 minutes are repeated which, in turn, are divided into several phases.

  • Numbness phase. It is the first ten minutes of sleep more or less. It goes from when we are in a waking state until we fall asleep.
  • Light sleep phase. It is the moment in which our body slowly "disconnects" from what surrounds it. Both breathing and heart rate slow down. And during this phase there are stages of a lot of brain activity with other less intense ones.
  • Transition phase. It lasts only about two or three minutes and is the phase in which we go to deep sleep. The body enters a state of deep relaxation and this is when growth hormone secretion peaks occur.
  • Deep sleep or Delta sleep phase. It is the most important of all because it is what determines the real quality of our rest. During this phase, our respiratory rate is very low and also our blood pressure, which can drop between 10 and 30%.
  • Paradoxical sleep phase or REM sleep. It lasts between 15 and 30 minutes, and it is the phase in which we dream and assimilate the information received. It is known as the REM (Rapid Eye Movement) or MOR (Rapid Eye Movements) phase because during this phase you can see how the eyes move quickly under the eyelids. And it is that in his brain activity is almost as intense as when we are awake.