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How many calories does your favorite cheese have?

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97.60 kcal / 100 grams
It is one of the lightest dairy products: only 4 g of fat and does not reach 100 kcal (much less than fresh cheese). It is easy to digest and goes well with salty and sweet foods. This cottage cheese mousse is 100% guilt free and is a good option to include this type of cheese on your menus.



190 kcal / 100 g
Like all fresh cheese it is light: only 15 g of fat, given its high water content (70%), that is why they “fill up” right away. Fresh cheese is great for salads like this one.



200 kcal / 100 g
It is eaten mainly on pizza and for this purpose a dehydrated variety is used, which is not the same as fresh cheese (233 versus 200 kcal). Would you like some caprese skewers?

Soft goat cheese

Soft goat cheese

200 kcal / 100 g
It has 17 g of fat and 200 calories. Goat's milk is easier to digest and better prevents bone demineralization.



264 kcal / 100 g
Provides 20 g of fat, similar to mozzarella: one of the least fatty, if we do not count the fresh cheeses. It has a lot of salt, so you should moderate its consumption.



285 kcal / 100 g
One of the most renowned French cheeses. It is rich in calcium and phosphorus and is not too caloric (285 kcal), although it does contain a lot of salt.



300 kcal / 100 g
Cream cheese (made from cream), due to its smooth flavor and without rind, combines with almost everything. It provides 300 kcal but is very low in fat (7 g). With the spread cheese you can make this delicious and light cake, do you fancy it?



340 kcal / 100 g
Its rind covered by white mold is edible. It is not the most caloric, but it has a lot of salt and fat (28 g). Have you tried this version of the traditional pepito de lomo con brie?



346 kcal / 100 g
Normally, the wetter, softer and less cured cheeses tend to be the least caloric because they contain a higher percentage of water.



350 kcal / 100 g
It is rich in fat (24.5 g) and quite caloric (350 kcal) but provides a lot of calcium: ten times more than fresh cheese. You can sprinkle it on your favorite pasta dishes.



368 kcal / 100 g
From the blue cheese family. It is very rich in vitamins and minerals and also in proteins. But its fat level (26g) is high, so take it every now and then.



370 kcal / 100 g
Almost 30% fat, 370 kcal and a lot of salt are the least friendly side of a cheese that is the star of blue cheeses.

“The important thing in a diet is not whether you eat a food or not, but that the whole diet is healthy. Undoubtedly, cheese, although caloric, is highly nutritious (it is rich in calcium, protein and zinc), and if desired, it can be present in a weight loss diet. Everything is a matter of balance ”, reminds us Isabel Martorell, dietitian-nutritionist at Nootric.

Of course, since they are not all the same, it is important that you know how many calories each type of cheese provides you. This is the ranking of cheeses from least to most caloric :

  1. Cottage cheese: 97.60 kcal / 100 grams
  2. Fresh: 190 calories / 100 grams
  3. Mozzarella: 200 calories / 100 grams
  4. Tender: 200 calories / 100 grams
  5. Brie: 340 calories / 100 grams
  6. Feta: 264 calories / 100 grams
  7. Gorgonzola: 368 calories / 100 grams
  8. Camembert: 285 calories / 100 grams
  9. Spread: 300 calories / 100 grams
  10. Tender: 346 calories / 100 grams
  11. Parmesan: 350 calories / 100 grams
  12. Roquefort: 370 calories / 100 grams

So … what cheese do I choose?

It is not only a question of calories or if you are on a diet, but of health. Take note:

  • Are you hypertensive? If you have hypertension or fluid retention problems, look for low-salt ones (some cheeses have more salt than a bag of crisps).
  • Digestive problems? For better digestion, opt for sheep and goat cheeses; and for the fresh instead of the cured
  • Are skimmed foods healthier? Not necessarily. As Martorell points out, “although it is true that fresh or skimmed cheeses have less fat and, therefore, fewer calories than soft or hard cheeses (100kcal / 100g of fresh cheese versus 380kcal / 100g of hard cheese), amount of them consumed is also different. Usually more quantity of fresh cheese is eaten, which makes the final calorie consumption equal.
  • Taste or hunger rule . If you are looking to give a tastier touch to your dishes, turn to hard cheeses: having less water, its flavor is more intense. On the other hand, if you fancy a greater quantity of cheese, opt for fresh cheeses, which have more water, their content is lower.

And how much is a serving of cheese?

These equivalences will help you control the amount so that you can enjoy the cheese without going over calories:

  • Tender. 2 golf balls (80-125 g)
  • Brie. 3 AA batteries (50-70g)
  • Cured. 1 cork stopper (40-60 g)

You are on a diet? Find out if you can eat pizza!