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The best closet organizer to put your clothes and shoes in order

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The key to getting more out of your clothes is to see them. Many times we resort to that dress or those jeans because we know they fit us well and because we have them in front of us. We see them hanging there and we don't need to look any further. But what if we had all our clothes equally accessible?

It would be a very good way to make better use of it and not leave any garment forgotten on the last hanger. Not to mention all those times we want something specific and we find it crumpled at the bottom of a drawer, completely useless if we are in a hurry. Forget about everything and make the most of the space with these closet organizers that we have found because they are going to put an end to all those little problems.

The key to getting more out of your clothes is to see them. Many times we resort to that dress or those jeans because we know they fit us well and because we have them in front of us. We see them hanging there and we don't need to look any further. But what if we had all our clothes equally accessible?

It would be a very good way to make better use of it and not leave any garment forgotten on the last hanger. Not to mention all those times we want something specific and we find it crumpled at the bottom of a drawer, completely useless if we are in a hurry. Forget about everything and make the most of the space with these closet organizers that we have found because they are going to put an end to all those little problems.


€ 27.99

Drawer tower

Do you have a little wasted corner in your closet? Nothing like placing a tower of drawers to put small items there, such as underwear. This way you save having a dresser and gain space for other things.


€ 22.99

Additional shelves

And it is that many times the cabinets are not well designed inside. If your wardrobe is rather small and you have a chest of drawers, for example, you can always put one of these on top and thus maximize the space to place clothes and accessories both above and below.


€ 39.11

Closet Organizer

Stacking folded clothes on top of each other always ends in disaster. When you go to remove the bottom one, your towers collapse, that's ALWAYS like that. Unless, of course, you put one of these in your closet and you can have everything in its box. I love it!


€ 13.99

Order in the underwear drawer

In my case, it is probably the messiest place in the whole house is the underwear drawer. I don't know what happens to the socks that are always scattered everywhere, so this wonder goes straight to my Amazon shopping cart. So I'm sure to save time looking for pairs of each sock.


€ 12.99

Sweater Sorter

Storing sweaters is also quite complicated and they take up a lot, especially if they are chubby. These fabric boxes can be a good option because you can see where each garment is but nothing falls out of place.

La Redoute

€ 11.99 € 14.99

Bar organizer

Another ideal solution for storing t-shirts, tops, pants … in the closet without ending up in the limbo of lost garments. It takes up little space and allows you to have everything in sight.


€ 25.95

T-shirt organizer

If it happens to you like me and every time you take a shirt out of the drawer all the others wrinkle, this gadget is for you. The shirts are separated, as if they were stuffed into a filing cabinet. So you can get one out of the bottom more easily and without burdening the rest.

The English Court

€ 12.95

Closet Bag Hanger

If you are addicted to handbags, you will surely find it difficult to find a place where you can have them all at hand but that does not occupy too much. We liked this hanger a lot because it is the solution to that great dilemma that bag accumulators have.

Oh, and since we're … Do you already have your new bag for the summer?

The English Court

€ 1.50

Door hangers

Taking advantage of the space that the closet doors leave us inside is not silly. These no-hole hangers are perfect for hanging tissues, scarves or bags.


€ 17.99

Folding hangers

We usually have many hangers, with one for each garment so as not to lose sight of anything and in the end it seems that we have the closet vacuum packed because not one more can fit. With a folding system to stack several, problem solved.


€ 29.99

Stackable Shoe Organizer

Shoes usually give us a lot of work when it comes to storing them. Boxes are not usually a good idea because we do not remember what is inside and also you have to remove all of them every time you want to take a new pair. For this reason, this stackable organizer has seemed the most to us. It is transparent and can be opened individually!


€ 70.99

Jewelry Organizer Mirror

This is an invention. It is not a closet organizer to use, it is a mirror that opens and has everything you need to always have our favorite accessories at hand and super organized. Come on, we could call it a closet-mirror-organizer and we wouldn't be lying … Goodbye to untangling chains at 7 in the morning.

If you don't feel like making the big investment (although it's worth it), at IKEA for example they have a basic mirror –and cheaper, it costs 30 euros– that can be placed on the wall, screwed only on one side. It looks like a "door" and you can open it easily. Add adhesive hangers on the inside to hang your necklaces and you're done.