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Which dairy is best for losing weight?

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One of the most common questions people ask when they want to lose weight is which dairy can do better on a diet. And the answer is cottage cheese without a doubt.

Low in calories and high in protein

While it is true that cottage cheese has more calories than whole milk, it is also four times richer in protein than whole milk. And although Burgos type cheese beats it in protein, it also does so in terms of the fats it has. Therefore, cottage cheese is considered the most recommended dairy when you want to lose weight .

  • Low in calories . It is very light, as it is 80% water. And it is that the cottage cheese is not a cheese, but whey curdled.
  • Very rich in protein. This makes it a satisfying food, which helps to activate the metabolism and burn more calories.

Comparison with other dairy

-The amount of fat and protein varies

  • Curd. 97.60 kcal / 100 g (4 g of fat and 13.6 g of protein)
  • Burgos' cheese. 175 kcal / 100 g (15 g of fat and 15 g of protein)
  • Whole milk. 65.60 kcal / 100 ml (3.6 g of fat and 3.3 g of protein)

-And the amount of calcium varies

It is true that cottage cheese provides less calcium than other dairy products (95 mg / 100 g versus 190.5 mg per 100 g for Burgos cheese or 125 mg for milk). However, if you accompany it with a thread of honey, it improves the absorption of this mineral.

And if what you want to know is how many calories your favorite cheese has or what type of cheese is best for you, we will tell you which are the least fattening cheeses and which type are the most suitable for you.