Goodbye bags and dark circles
Goodbye bags and dark circles
If you have bags under your eyes and dark circles that do not go away even with a weekend of intensive sleep, do not despair. There is a product that those who have tried it assure that it is "miraculous", and that it promises to end one and the other in a matter of minutes. It is one of the most searched beauty products on the web and that is for something …
The star of the moment
The star of the moment
It is about Remescar Bags and Dark Circles and has a price on Amazon of € 23.99 but you can find it in pharmacies, where it is also a sales hit. Its action is immediate since it contains eyesyl, a compound based on clay minerals and bi-peptides that have a strengthening and tightening effect on the skin to reduce the accumulation of fluid under the eyes.
Amazon users who have tried it say that "it is perfect to have a glowing face. You hallucinate how wrinkles and bags disappear".
Remescar Eye Bag, € 23.69
Step by Step
Step by Step
Of course, you have to use it well, as indicated on the packaging because it can dry out the area a lot. It is essential to put a good amount of moisturizer under the eyes before and rub the product well with your fingers before applying it. You can put makeup on top but you must allow a few minutes for it to take effect.
Real opinions
Real opinions
While some Amazon users claim to have felt dryness and tightness under their eyes, others couldn't be more delighted with the results.
Hydrate well
Hydrate well
These users also agree that it is important to first hydrate the skin because if it is not very dry but they already warn it on the product packaging, so you have to follow the instructions.
Eliminate the most severe dark circles
Eliminate the most severe dark circles
This has been indicated by some users who add that with use, the appearance of dark circles improves, so in addition to having an instant effect, it also treats the area.
For special occasions
For special occasions
There are those who say that even if it has a high price, it is worth it because they use it only on special occasions so the same tube lasts a long time, since in addition the amount that is put in each use is also minimal.
Competition has come out
Competition has come out
Another similar product that is hitting it a lot is Beuté Mediterranea's Instant Reducer Bags and Dark Circles, on sale at Mercadona. And it only costs € 5!
Cover photo: Salón Noelia Jiménez