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Tricks to take advantage of your creams

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1. Avoid “polluting” the content

Every time you put the tip of your finger in your jar of cream, millions of germs come into contact with it and can end up contaminating the molecules that make it up. How to avoid it? Very easy:

  • Use a plastic spatula and if the product does not have one, you can find it in any perfumery.
  • Wash it with warm soapy water after use and dry it well with a tissue. This way you will preserve the cream in conditions.
  • Opt for tube or dispenser creams to avoid oxidation. If you prefer them in a jar, try not to make it transparent to protect the contents from light.

2. Prepare the skin before treatment

Very few women turn to skin prep lotions . However, they are ideal after facial cleansing: they retexturize the skin, restore its pH, and prepare it for anti-aging serum or cream.

3. Eliminate signs of fatigue

On a special occasion, if you notice that your face seems tired, sign up for the "immediate lifting effect" with a flash ampoule applied before your usual moisturizer or anti-aging cream. You will be surprised to see how your face changes, as well as the texture and luminosity of your skin.

4. Vitamin C, infallible for your skin

Cosmetic laboratory studies have proven its effectiveness. Serums with vitamin C are capable of enhancing the biological actions of any treatment applied afterwards. They brighten the skin, slow down hyperpigmentation and stimulate collagen production.

5. Massage and you will get a triple benefit

No more applying the creams with just a couple of fingers. Put a small amount in your hand, warm it by gently rubbing it against the other palm, and apply both to the face with gentle pressure, starting from the center of the face outwards. This way you avoid moving the tissues, prevent the breakdown of collagen and elastin and promote lymphatic drainage, which decongests and helps eliminate fluids. This formula is also used to apply and set makeup base.

6. Makeup intact for longer

Do you know the smoothing bases or primers? They are creams that act like erasers. They are applied after moisturizing and before makeup. They have a transparent texture that instantly smoothes the skin. The imperfections are blurred, so the light is reflected on it and the makeup lasts twice as long.

7. In order: serum, protector and anti-aging cream

To obtain all the benefits of the products, the order to apply would be as follows:

  • The serum, after facial cleansing, would be the first. Provides a high concentration of active ingredients and enhances the action of creams that are applied afterwards.
  • The anti-aging cream would come last. And, if you put on makeup, then the makeup base. In the event that it also incorporates SPF, you can skip the sunscreen.
  • The sunscreen be applied as a final product, unless your day cream and / or your makeup and include sun protection factor.

8. Always protect yourself from the sun

Broad-spectrum (UVA / UVB) facial sunscreens are designed to be applied daily, even in winter. So forget about the habit of putting on sunscreen "only when it's sunny" and apply it every day.

9. Anti-stain, at night

It is advisable to apply the depigmenting agent at night. This ensures that the actives will work while you rest and that the sun will not cause any adverse reactions on the skin.

10. Strengthens with the help of nutricosmetics

Anti- aging nutritional supplements help you prevent skin aging, since they contain natural antioxidants that facilitate collagen synthesis, increase the number of fibroblasts or stop and control the production of enzymes that promote skin aging. They are the perfect complement to your anti-aging cream. The Spanish Academy of Dermatology advises oral cosmetics that contain vitamins of groups A, B, C and E, as they improve the appearance of the skin.