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15 Foods to Live Longer and Better

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How many times have you heard that "garlic is good for the heart". Well, it is no myth. Its allicin content helps reduce bad cholesterol and triglycerides, so its consumption reduces the risk of suffering from a cardiovascular problem. Of course, the properties of garlic change if it is consumed raw or cooked, since allicin is only released when the garlic is consumed raw (crushed or minced). Cooking destroys allicin, but releases other compounds (adenosine and ajoene) with anticoagulant properties.



It contains bromelain, an enzyme with anti-inflammatory effects and which also helps fight thrombi or blood clots, as well as excess fluid in the body. In addition, pineapple contains vitamin C, which protects against infections and helps counteract premature aging. As if that were not enough, it is rich in fiber, which makes it very satiating.



It is the star of many weight loss diets for its diuretic, satiating and slightly laxative effect. But its virtues do not stop there. If you want to give your body an extra defense, the artichoke is the perfect vegetable. And it is that in our intestine there is one of our most important defensive barriers: the biota - formerly called intestinal flora. The artichoke contains a substance, inulin, that feeds your biota, thus protecting your entire body. In addition, it contains plant sterols, which help limit the absorption of bad cholesterol.



What your grandmother told you about nuts is true. They are an excellent food for your neurons, and it is that they prevent cognitive deterioration, keeping your brain healthy. They also contain "good" fats that help increase good cholesterol, lower bad cholesterol, and control blood pressure. All this makes them great allies of your heart. With a daily handful of about 20 g you get all its benefits.



If you are looking for a cleansing and diuretic food, watercress is the perfect option. It contains potassium –which helps lower blood pressure–, calcium, iron, fiber and vitamins A and C, ideal for protecting our defenses. In addition, it helps slow down aging. According to a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition , watercress helps increase the resistance of cells against damage caused by free radicals. For this reason it is an essential food in antiaging diets.



It is considered a superfood for its richness in antioxidants and nutrients that delay cellular aging, keep the brain young, protect from decalcification of bones, and help prevent cancer. The best way to keep it is in the fridge, without washing it and inside a perforated bag. When you cook it, do not overcook it, as it loses its properties with the heat. 3 minutes is enough.



It has gone from delicious "sin" to eat once in a while to healthy food that we can - and should - include in our daily diet. This change in opinion is due to the flavonoids in cocoa, antioxidant substances that protect the heart, as they lower blood pressure and lower cholesterol levels. In addition, according to a study by Columbia University, they prevent age-related memory loss. These benefits have only one "but": the chocolate must be dark (70% cocoa).

Olive oil

Olive oil

Our Mediterranean diet is very wise, and one of its main elements, olive oil, is also a great ally for our health. It regulates cholesterol levels, protects the stomach, is an antioxidant and prevents bone loss. Authentic liquid gold but not to be abused. One tablespoon (13-15 g) is about 117-135 calories.



Among its many qualities, surely you had not considered that it can help you prevent depression. And is that the egg gives you tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin (the so-called "hormone of happiness"), which acts as a natural relaxant that helps fight depression. In addition, it is also rich in B vitamins, which act on the central nervous system and are a natural "painkiller".

See recipes with egg.

Free-range chicken

Free-range chicken

A study from the University of Sydney (Australia) observed that vitamin B3, present in some foods such as white meat of chicken, could prevent melanoma in high-risk patients, as long as they also take protective measures against the sun. Chicken is also rich in vitamin B6, which helps reduce the levels of homocysteine, an amino acid associated with cardiovascular risk and heart attack.



It is the tuber with the most vitamins and minerals. Above all, its great richness in vitamin A stands out, making it the perfect food to take care of eye health. And the myth that they help you tan is true, as they prepare the skin for an even tan. The carrot also prevents premature aging and protects against some types of cancer.

Sesame seeds

Sesame seeds

Do you want to take more calcium and you don't like milk? Then sesame seeds - also known as sesame seeds - can be your allies. They are one of the richest plant foods in this mineral. Two tablespoons (25 g) account for 30% of the calcium you need per day. In addition, they contain lecithin, a substance that prevents cholesterol from sticking in the arteries, and copper, a mineral that works with the immune system, which helps prevent colds and infections.

See more foods with calcium.

Flax seeds

Flax seeds

Flax seeds contain insoluble fiber, which accelerates intestinal transit, and also soluble fiber, which prevents the rush of food from the stomach to the small intestine, which favors the absorption of nutrients. That is why they are excellent allies for intestinal health. If you have constipation problems, it is better that you take them after they have been soaked for a few hours, since the slime they release is the natural "lubricant" you need.



A humble legume that has great benefits for your health. Its richness in fiber favors intestinal transit, which helps prevent colon cancer. Since it gives you a lot of energy and it is released slowly, you will feel satisfied for longer. Take them every week and accompany them better with a cereal, such as rice, because together they will feed you the same as a steak.

Wild asparagus

Wild asparagus

Here we have a real shield against viruses. Vitamin B9 - better known as folic acid - contained in wild asparagus helps the formation of antibodies, agents of the immune system that fight against possible "intruders" (viruses, bacteria, fungi, parasites, pollen …). It also forms red blood cells, which carry oxygen throughout the body. Wild asparagus also have beta-carotene and vitamins C and E, powerful antioxidants.

15 foods to stay healthy longer

15 foods to stay healthy longer

Knowing how to choose what you put on your plate can earn you years of good health. Discover the other 15 foods that will help you stay healthy longer.

No one can guarantee that you won't get sick just because you eat well. But what we can assure you is that without food there is no life and without a healthy diet there is no health. Without food, the body cannot fulfill its vital functions: nutrients provide it with energy, help to build and repair cells, and enable a number of fundamental processes. In the same way, without the right nutrients, the complex mechanism that regulates the body goes awry and can cause disease. For this reason and to give you more ideas when preparing your menus and making them healthier, we have selected 15 foods that will help you live longer and better with little effort.

What are the best foods?

We have to take food as a way to nourish ourselves and not just as a way to calm our appetite. But what are the foods that we should not miss? And how can we not get confused with the large amount of information there is?

Mediterranean diet

It has been proven that the Mediterranean diet contributes to lengthening life, so, having so many and varied foods within our reach, we have no excuse not to carry out healthy habits. We know that introducing changes in our diet can be difficult, but we want to make it easy for you and help you when adding new foods in your day to day. The selection of foods that you will find in our gallery is full of very common products, so it will cost you very little to find them in your supermarket. And with them you can make a large number of recipes. If you are already taking them, congratulations. If not, now is the time to include them on your next shopping list.

Usuals of our day to day such as garlic, watercress or chicken are great allies if we want to enjoy a healthy life for many years. In our list you will also find some more “new” ingredients in our kitchen that will surprise you by the multiple benefits they have for our body.

Here is the first series of foods that will lengthen your life. As you can imagine, the list of essential foods for your health does not end here, so discover the other 15 foods that will help you live longer.