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Laura pausini promotes the 24-hour bid without fear of the red cross against the coronavirus


Laura Pausini has once again demonstrated that in addition to being an 'artist', she is a committed and supportive woman. And not only to give us her music and her voice, but also to help others when they need it most. Thus, he has not hesitated for a second to join the singer Rosana in the solidarity bid '24h without fear' after having personally donated nothing more and nothing less than 100,000 euros in support of the emergency that the country is facing due to the coronavirus.

There is no doubt that the coronavirus crisis, which has affected such a global level and not only in health but also in the economy, has made solidarity even more remarkable, if possible. And every gesture counts. Laura Pausini's is very important, as she is one of the most internationally acclaimed artists and one of the most loved and respected.

Thus, this Friday, coinciding with the International Day of the Red Cross, he again gives voice to another of the solidarity initiatives that has been launched to raise funds for the organization in the fight against coronavirus. It is not the first time that Laura Pausini has been personally and actively involved with the Red Cross , and this time she has done it hand in hand with the Canarian singer Rosana. How did you do it? Laura Pausini has donated one of her autographed caps .

"I hope we can all be together in this project of living without fear," said Laura Pausini, encouraging all her followers to join the initiative. A very important gesture that comes two days after we have seen the Italian participate in Altísimo live with a live session of her single Similar recorded from home with her band and her choristers for the benefit of all farmers affected by the pandemic . An example!

  • Do you want to participate in the bidding and get Laura Pausini's cap? This is the link for the '24h without fear' bid.