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Online sales: tricks to buy well

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The period of is one of our favorite moments of the year, and it is that we can finally at a good price that bag that we adore so much, that whim we have had our eye on or invest in quality beauty products.

If you are one of those who are already beginning to prefer online instead of doing it physically in stores, you are in luck because we have developed a decalogue to make the most of them. If you want from the sofa at home, without getting carried away by the "emotion of the" and without spending without rhyme or reason, keep reading …

Tips for good

  1. Make a list of what you want. Take a sheet of paper and a pen - or do it on your mobile - and make a list of the things you want to have. That beautiful bag, that dress that has been calling you for days, a computer, kitchen utensils, some running shoes, cosmetic products …
  2. And one of what you really need. Now do the same exercise but this time write down what you really need. Do they match? Not? So in your first list there are quite a few quirks …
  3. Think how many times you will wear or use what you are going to. Sometimes we get carried away by trends without stopping to think that maybe we will use that garment or accessory only once. Either because it is too special, because the pattern is too striking or because it is something that we do not use often. Before, think about the use you will give it.
  4. Set a maximum budget. To avoid going "like a headless chicken" online and spending much more than necessary, set a maximum limit and do not exceed it.
  5. Compare prices. Not in garments of a specific brand, but if you need a computer, a mobile, an appliance or some type of furniture, compare prices and models between all the websites, so you can find the best price.
  6. Don't be put off by the cheap price. How many times has it happened to you that when you saw a super cheap price you have felt the irrepressible need for it? This trick makes you more, so detect it and before diving headlong for it, repeat points 1, 2 and 3 again.
  7. Shop on Wednesdays. If you want clothes, this day is the best because many stores add new clothes and update the stock.
  8. Look at the price before and after. And don't be fooled by false discounts. On the websites, the previous and current price must be clearly identified, once it has been lowered.
  9. Save the receipts, PDF and proof of purchase. In the same way that you do in physical stores, save all the receipts and tickets of your online purchases. You may have to make a change or return and it is necessary to present the documentation that proves that you purchased that product.
  10. Take your time. Do not buy like crazy, take your time to browse the web without rushing.
  11. Also look at multi-brand portals. Sometimes you can find a cheaper garment or accessory on a multi-brand portal than on the brand's own website. The idea is to go back to point 5, compare prices and see which option is the one that works best for us.
  12. Sign up for the newsletters –such as that of–, become a premium … On many occasions, by registering for the web newsletter we get an immediate discount on our next purchase. In addition, many portals offer the possibility of creating a premium or pro account that gives us even more advantages, such as free shipping, extra discounts, access to exclusive content, etc.
  13. Check your data well before. Check that the address you have entered is correct, your personal information and those of your credit card. Make sure to also change the billing address if it is different from your home address.
  14. Make sure you are registered. It will be much more comfortable and simple if you have an account registered in the portal than if you access as a "guest" or similar. If you are registered you can manage changes, returns, complaints, etc.
  15. Get the size right. Even if you are buying a garment from the same textile group, keep in mind that the sizes may vary. While in one store you can take a 38, in another you can change to the 40. On all the websites you will find the size chart with all the measurements so that you can get the size right. Do not trust yourself and consult that table before anything else.

By Laura Hernandez.