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The best natural juice to get a quick tan

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This juice is so good and has such a beautiful color that you want it at first glance. It is precisely that orange color that is responsible for making this juice a true natural "sunscreen". Obviously you should NEVER put aside your sunscreen, but if you want a little help tanning, this is the juice you need.

And this juice is a real beta-carotene bomb, the vegetable pigment that gives color to orange, yellow and reddish foods. This pigment prevents the damage that the sun's rays cause to the skin and eyes, and improves your body's natural defenses against ultraviolet radiation.

What is special about this juice?

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Well, it contains foods very rich in beta-carotene. But not only that, it is also great. We have also tried to select those that have a high content of natural sugars, so you will not have to add any extra sugar. Hence, we have no doubt that you are going to love its flavor.

These are its ingredients and its main nutritional properties:

Carrot helps tan the skin

The carrot is one of the foods with the most beta carotene that exists. Therefore, it helps prepare the skin to receive the sun, enhances the tan and protects from the harmful effects of the sun. That is, if you eat carrots daily during the spring and summer months, you will achieve a more beautiful, uniform and luminous tan. It even helps reduce the risk of skin blemishes. Of course, eating carrots does not prevent you from using a good cosmetic sunscreen.

Trick: the darker the carrot, the more beta-carotene it usually contains

Apricot, anti-aging fruit

This delicious and sweet fruit also stands out for its beta-carotene or provitamin A content, followed by vitamin C and potassium. Both vitamin A and C fight against the damaging action of free radicals. Therefore, in addition to improving your health in general, they prevent premature aging of the skin.

Blueberry, a powerful antioxidant

You can find it red or purple. Both varieties have anthocyanins, pigments that also have antioxidant, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory properties. They also contain vitamin C and carotenes, which makes this fruit one of the greatest antioxidants in nature, and neutralizes the harmful action of free radicals.

In addition to protecting your skin, cranberry improves your circulation and prevents cystitis

The handle

Very rich in water and with very little protein and fat. The few calories it provides (65 kcal per 100 g) come from the natural sugars it contains. Besides being light and rich in fiber, it is a great source of vitamins A, C and E, making it a perfect fruit to protect the skin from the sun in summer. And it combines perfectly with the flavor of the previous ones.

The pollen

It is the final ingredient. Just a few grains of pollen can turn your tan-enhancing juice from light and delicious to super healthy. But we have not chosen pollen for its protective qualities of the skin, which also has them, but for its virtues as a natural stimulant. During the spring and summer we can feel fatigued and down. Especially in late spring (when it seems that the days before the holidays get longer and longer) and in the middle of summer, when after sunbathing we feel without energy. Well, pollen provides just that extra energy that we need so much at those times.

Ingredients for 4 people

  • 4 carrots
  • 2-3 apricots
  • 1 mango
  • Half a cup of blueberries
  • Half a teaspoon of pollen per glass
  • Water

How to prepare it

  1. Wash the carrots, apricots and blueberries well. If they are organically grown, you do not need to peel them. Chop them up. Peel the mango and chop it.
  2. Put the ingredients in the blender (better cold pressed) if you want a liquid texture; or in the blender, if you like creamier textures. Sprinkle the pollen and enjoy it.

You can add crushed ice if you want to enjoy a more refreshing juice

How many calories does it have?

This delicious juice for faster tanning gives you 154 calories for each glass.

How to drink the juice to take advantage of its properties

Drinking this delicious juice every morning is an excellent help to prepare your skin for the summer and get a better and faster tan. Take it every day along with your usual breakfast and you will see how you feel more energetic and how your skin responds by becoming more luminous every day.

Other juices that you will also love:

If you want to vary, you can also combine this delicious juice with others, such as:

And if you don't know which one you need, take our test and find out which juice is right for you.