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Why is it important to have a snack if I am on a diet?

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One of the problems Laura had before starting #Clara Challenge was that she would arrive at dinner starving and stuff herself with the first thing she found in the fridge. And as you know, if you have ever been in this situation, normally what you want when you have that "gluttony" are not creamy vegetables or grilled chicken. They are usually copious and high-calorie dishes.

When having a snack, this anxiety disappears and it is easier to prepare a balanced dinner without picking at it when making it and without opting for pizzas or hamburgers with a thousand ingredients.

Adapted snack

If you have not eaten bread, pasta, rice or potatoes, have a toast with fresh cheese and arugula, or with avocado and tomato, or a bowl of oatmeal. If, on the other hand, the meal has already included carbohydrates, then the ideal is to take fruit or a yogurt, for example.

Set a schedule

To "trick" the brain into keeping hunger under control, always snack at the same time (or around the same time), so the stomach knows when to order food. In this way, you will be able to establish a routine that will allow you to arrive at dinner with a “normal” hunger.

For inspiration, download the menu for week 1 and the menu for week 2 where you will find ideas for snacks but also for lunches, dinners and breakfasts. For all !!