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Eat without getting fat: low calorie pizza we have the recipe!

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Get to work, now for the homemade pizza!

Get to work, now for the homemade pizza!

The first thing you have to know is that in order to eat pizza and not spoil your diet, you are going to have to start cooking. Yes, as you hear, so that the pizza does not get fat, it is very important that it be homemade, since it is the only one that will not contain sugars or additives. So prepare the apron and get down to business, as you can make delicious, low-calorie pizzas yourself.

The key: a thin and light dough

The key: a thin and light dough

To make a pizza less fattening, it is very important that the dough is as thin and light as possible. When you prepare it, try to keep basic ingredients: flour, salt, water, yeast and olive oil.

The freezer, your ally

The freezer, your ally

Really, the first day you will have fun making the dough, but the third day you will want to throw out the precooked one. So that it doesn't get upset, make more of your homemade dough, cook it for half the time the dough needs and, once cool, freeze it.

Low calorie ingredients

Low calorie ingredients

The ingredients you add to your pizza are also key to keeping it low in calories. Make sure they are natural: a homemade tomato with little sugar, some vegetables, a little olive oil …

The only dairy: buffalo mozzarella

The only dairy: buffalo mozzarella

We know that cheese is a very basic ingredient in pizza, but remember that you should eat it in small quantities, since it adds fat and calories to the pizza. If you are going to put cheese on it, it is better to use a few slices of buffalo mozzarella, which is the one traditionally used with pizza and is lighter. Forget four cheese pizzas or similar combinations with very creamy cheeses.

Add spices to enhance the flavor

Add spices to enhance the flavor

If you feel that the pizza is being too bland because you restrict the amount of ingredients you use too much, a good idea is to add some spices that can give it a touch of flavor. Basil is a plant widely used in the preparation of pizzas in Italy. You can add a few leaves of this aromatic plant to give it flavor. It will give it a spectacular touch!

There are no limits with vegetables

There are no limits with vegetables

So that the pizza is more copious and satisfies you, do not cut yourself when it comes to adding vegetables. Vegetarian pizza is perfect because it is very filling but low in calories. You can use as many as you want.

Sorry for the carnivores, but no cold cuts

Sorry for the carnivores, but no cold cuts

Meat lovers have it bad. Hot dogs, bacon, pepperoni, minced meat and their sauces… they make the calories in pizza skyrocket, so they're totally off limits if you want to stay in line.

Stay away from frozen pizzas

Stay away from frozen pizzas

They're super tasty and quick and easy to make, but if you're on a diet, do yourself a favor and stay away from frozen pizzas. Although they are of a good brand, they will always contain additives and extra sugars that are the bane for your figure.

The perfect portion to not gain weight

The perfect portion to not gain weight

The amount of pizza you eat will also determine whether it makes you fat or not. Remember that moderation is very important and that it is best to take a single serving. The ideal serving is the size of your hand with all fingers open.

Accompany with a good salad

Accompany with a good salad

It is very likely that with a single slice of pizza you will not be able to satisfy your hunger, even if you have added several vegetables. A very good solution is to accompany your slice of pizza with a salad or with a little guacamole (this will have to be homemade and in no case will it be accompanied by nachos).

Pizza is a very difficult dish to resist, especially when the weekend rolls around. But if you are on a diet, surely you think it is totally forbidden for you because it makes you fat. Well it's not true! Pizza contains a lot of calories, yes, but if you eat it in moderation and with the right ingredients, you can have a slice from time to time, even if you're trying to lose weight. The only thing missing is that to lose weight or maintain weight we had to give up pizza! We reveal the recipe for low-calorie pizza and analyze with doctor and nutritionist Isabel Beltrán how to consume pizza without spoiling the figure.

The pizza, thin and homemade

One of the keys to having a pizza and not giving you so many calories is to make it yourself. A homemade dish will always be less fattening than a pre-cooked one. Controlling the ingredients of the pizza is essential to avoid overdoing the amount of calories you consume. The dough prepared at home is much healthier and less fattening than those that are cooked, since you are not going to add additives or sugars.

To make a homemade pizza base you can use basic ingredients such as flour, salt, water and yeast, and add a little olive oil. If you keep a simple and thin dough, it will be much less caloric and it will also be delicious.

How much pizza can you eat without getting fat?

Another key so that pizza does not ruin your diet is the amount you eat. Don't ever think of eating a whole pizza by yourself, no matter how good it is, since in that case you will have thrown your diet overboard. Ideally, eat a portion, the size of which should be that of your hand with all fingers open, no more, no less.

If you think that with a single portion you will not be able to satisfy your hunger, to accompany the piece of pizza you could add a side such as a good salad or a little guacamole prepared at home.

Low calorie pizza ingredients

It is very important that you keep the pizza as simple as possible, as this will make you less fat. Anyway, so you don't get hungry, you can add some ingredients that are filling and are not high in calories. In this sense, it is best if you add vegetables to the pizza , which provide fewer calories and more volume.

As for cheese, which is a basic ingredient in pizza, you have to pay close attention to the amount you eat. Cheese is a very fatty food that makes you fat enough, so it is advisable that the pizza you make at home is not overflowing with this ingredient. You can put some thin slices of buffalo mozzarella on it, but don't go overboard with them.

When to eat pizza so you get less fat

You have to take it in moderation, which means you can't eat it every day. On the other hand, you can have pizza at night if you do it following the advice of Dr. Beltrán, although the ideal is to have this dish at noon.

The main ingredient in pizza is the dough, which essentially contains carbohydrates. If they are not burned during the day, an excess of these nutrients can turn into fat. For this reason, it is more advisable to have pizza at noon , but if you only have a slice of homemade pizza at night, then your diet is not in danger.

3 tips to eat pizza without getting fat

  1. Lower in calories. The key is in the ingredients and the amount you take. It is not the same to eat a frozen barbecue pizza by yourself, than to have a portion of a homemade pizza with a thin base and with tomato, vegetables and olives.
  2. The freezer, your ally. Really, the first day you will have fun making the dough, but the third day you will want to throw out the precooked one. So that it doesn't get uphill, make more of your homemade dough, cook it for half the time the dough needs and, once cool, freeze it.
  3. The trick not to repeat. If a portion the size of your hand seems little and you think you will be hungry, accompany your pizza with a salad or guacamole (without nachos).