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Everything you need to know about keratin treatment

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Hair is one of our best letters of introduction, something we always pay attention to. And yes, we love to experiment with haircuts, hairstyles, and hair coloring, which sometimes causes us to spoil it (almost) hopelessly. If you are also fed up with bad hair days and want to show off a perfect mane, we have to talk about the keratin treatment , the miracle for damaged and frizzy hair. Ready to save your hair?

Hair is one of our best letters of introduction, something we always pay attention to. And yes, we love to experiment with haircuts, hairstyles, and hair coloring, which sometimes causes us to spoil it (almost) hopelessly. If you are also fed up with bad hair days and want to show off a perfect mane, we have to talk about the keratin treatment , the miracle for damaged and frizzy hair. Ready to save your hair?

Get rid of frizzy and damaged hair once and for all. We tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about the keratin treatment. What is it? What is it for? What are its advantages? And the downsides? Do not miss it!

What is keratin?

To talk about the treatment, you have to talk about keratin. What is it? It is a protein with a fibrous structure, very rich in sulfur. It is found naturally in the most superficial layers of our epidermis, such as hair and nails, but over time it weakens and causes hair to frizz.

And what is the keratin treatment?

Surely you have heard of keratin treatment to straighten hair but, beware! It is not a straightening treatment. Yes, during the treatment the hairdresser runs the iron through the hair, so you will get smoother hair, but we must emphasize that this is not its function (if you are looking for a treatment to straighten the hair, try, for example, the Brazilian straightening ).

The main goal is not to straighten, but to eliminate frizz. Keratin treatments repair hair fibers, which helps to strengthen and nourish our hair and prevent frizz.

What is the keratin treatment?

Get ready to spend a good time at the hairdresser, since the treatment usually takes about 3 hours. To begin with, the hair is washed with a specific shampoo and, after drying, the keratin is applied from the roots to the ends. After about 30 minutes, the hair is rinsed to remove excess product and the hair is dried again. At the end, the iron is passed to seal the treatment, a mask is applied to dry hair and the hair is rinsed again.

What are the advantages of keratin?

Keratin treatments manage to eliminate up to 90% of the frizz in our hair. But they not only remove frizz from the hair, they also rejuvenate it and add shine and vitality. They nourish and restructure all hair naturally (hair combs much easier!) And turn unruly curls into a beautiful wave. In addition, they protect and repair the hair from all the damage caused by irons or dryers.

And the drawbacks?

During the first days after the treatment you cannot collect your hair, nor can you dye it. And you shouldn't wash it for the first three days! Keep in mind that the keratin dose should ALWAYS be exact to your amount of hair, so if you want to do the treatment, we recommend that you go to a trusted hairdresser. Another "downside" is its price. Depending on the salon, the keratin treatment usually exceeds 100 euros, but it is a great investment if you want to end frizz.

Is it for everyone?

Yes, since the treatment reinforces the keratin of our own hair. But if you have very fine hair , you have to use extreme care to avoid losing volume.

Is it a safe treatment?

Yes! Years ago, keratin treatments included formalin, a highly volatile and highly flammable aldehyde (molecule) that damaged hair, but now, by law, they cannot contain it.

Can keratin treatment be applied to colored hair?

Yes, but you must bear in mind that the color may change. If you have blonde hair, your current shade may lighten. And if you wear brown hair, the color may turn redder.

Can you make waves after the treatment?

Of course! If you want to create waves in your hair after the keratin treatment, ALWAYS apply a heat protection spray that will protect your hair from the heat. Also, take thin layers so that the waves are not too saggy.

How long does keratin last in hair?

It all depends on the type of hair you have and the care. Typically, the effects of treatment last up to three to four months. But if you don't abuse the washes, the effects can last up to six to eight months.

How to care for hair after keratin treatment?

After the 3 days of rigor, when you go to wash your hair, go for a sulfate-free shampoo or a specific product for after the keratin treatment (ask your hairdresser which is the best product for you). Some hairdressers recommend completely avoiding the use of hair straighteners after treatment. Also, remember that chlorine and keratin don't get along: if you are going swimming, always wear a swimming cap to protect it and keep it dry.

If you've always dreamed of coming out of the shower with perfect hair, go for it! No more resorting to "punishment" of the irons or tongs to show off a perfect mane.