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Are you always very tired? warning symptoms and causes

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Are you very tired and you can't get over it?

Are you very tired and you can't get over it?

Have you already done the anti-fatigue plan during the 15 days? If you continue to be tired or have other symptoms such as fever, weight loss or excessive sweating, see a doctor because it could be a health problem. Before your consultation, pay attention to whether you wake up tired or if you wake up rested but fatigue appears quickly.

What could it be?

Iron deficiency anemia

Iron deficiency anemia

What do you feel?
You feel weak, irritated. You have headaches and you have trouble concentrating. And after a little effort, you're short of breath and pale.

What could it be?
Iron deficiency anemia.
The lack of iron means that oxygen does not reach the cells and thus causes fatigue.

What can you do?
Take the iron supplements that your doctor gives you and eat red meat, mussels, spinach, nuts, and legumes. Here are more foods with a lot of iron.



What do you feel?
Fatigue, sudden weight gain or loss, nervousness, drowsiness, tremors, poor appetite, cold, dry skin.

What could it be?
If this gland works badly, it creates an imbalance that causes a lot of fatigue.

What can you do?
In addition to the treatment prescribed, if it is hypothyroidism, take iodine: sea fish, shellfish, dairy products and iodized salt.

Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes

What do you feel?
Tiredness accompanied by intense thirst, very hungry, weight loss, large amounts of urine, vaginal infections, etc. Discover all the symptoms of diabetes.

What could it be?
Type 2 diabetes. Due to a bad action of insulin, sugar accumulates in the blood, deteriorating the arteries.

What can you do?
In some cases, a prescribed diet and physical exercise are enough. In others, drugs or insulin are needed.

Rheumatoid arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis

What do you feel?
At the beginning of the illness, tiredness and general weakness. Pain in the hands and feet, and stiff joints.

What could it be?
Rheumatoid arthritis.
The immune system attacks itself by an alteration of which the origin is unknown.

What can you do?
The rheumatologist can prescribe anti-inflammatories and corticosteroids. Certain drugs reduce the activity of arthritis in the long term.

Chronic fatigue

Chronic fatigue

What do you feel?
Severe fatigue that worsens with physical and mental activity. Leg weakness, pain, and memory loss.

What could it be?
Chronic fatigue Intense physical and mental fatigue that does not remit while resting. It forces to reduce a lot of activity.

What can you do?
There is no curative treatment, only to alleviate the symptoms, but there are new habits that try to improve the quality of life.

Heart failure

Heart failure

What do you feel?
Great weakness, swollen feet and legs, cold sweat, palpitations, efforts that you did not notice before leave you breathless …

What could it be?
Heart failure. The valves may be damaged, or the heart may not be able to pump blood well.

What can you do?
Go to the doctor and avoid salt, excess fat and alcohol. Eat fruits and vegetables, low-fat dairy, fish, and white meat.

Look at our test, do you take good care of your heart?



What do you feel?
Fatigue is usually very intense and does not improve with more rest. You lose weight for no apparent reason.

What could it be?
Cancer cells generate processes that cause fatigue.

What can you do?
The oncologist will advise what habits and what diet can be followed to help the defenses.

The most common cause of fatigue is rushing, wanting to get to everything, trying to do everything right … This generates anxiety and stress and takes its toll in the form of a one-off downturn. If you have followed our 15-day plan to have more energy and still feel tired, keep reading because there may be many other reasons. We recommend that you get a medical checkup.

If I am always tired, when should I go to the doctor?

If fatigue prevents you from leading a normal life and you have been experiencing changes in your physical stamina and in your mental concentration or in your mood for a while. If fatigue is accompanied by other symptoms such as headache, tachycardia, etc. that make you suspect that there is something more than stress.

What will they do to me? A medical history. Your doctor will ask you what other symptoms you have to decide what steps to take next. To secure the diagnosis, the doctor may order various tests, such as blood tests, etc.

You are so tired because maybe you lack …

  • Iron. It can be iron deficiency anemia if, in addition to feeling somewhat exhausted, you notice weakness, a headache, you have trouble concentrating or a bad mood. The lack of iron makes it difficult for oxygen to reach the muscles and this is the cause of fatigue. Sometimes, this anemia is also due to blood loss due to heavy menstruation, gastritis, a gastroduodenal ulcer, hemorrhoids … (if you are one of those who suffer from them, here is how to cure hemorrhoids quickly).
  • Magnesium. Perhaps the mineral that needs to be reinforced is magnesium instead of iron, especially in women, who tend to have lower levels, and more if we are dieting.
  • Air. Smoking or bad breathing (if you have halitosis, maybe you breathe through your mouth, for example) cause the body to oxygenate little and this also generates fatigue. Also being overweight squeezes the lungs, causes a sensation of shortness of breath and, with it, fatigue.
  • Dream. If you wake up first thing in the morning with a headache, it may be because your nights are not as placid as they should be due to snoring, sleep apnea (you stop breathing for a few seconds while you sleep), or excessive nervousness .

And if it's something else, what could it be?

  • What if it's the drugs? Antihistamines, drugs for high blood pressure, sedatives or antidepressants can have fatigue as a side effect. And keep in mind that it can also be caused by abusing laxatives and diuretics, because they cause dehydration, affecting muscle performance.
  • An infection. From a urinary tract infection to hepatitis, one of the symptoms of generalized infections is tiredness
  • Thyroid problems If your thyroid works too much (hyperthyroidism) or too little (hypothyroidism) you may notice great fatigue. This can have as added symptoms dry skin, hair loss, tachycardia, unintended changes in weight, drowsiness, etc.
  • Diabetes. Lack of sugar in cells due to insulin not doing its job normally can be the cause of exhaustion. Other symptoms that may make you suspicious are thirst, frequent urge to urinate, being very hungry, losing weight, being irritated, among other symptoms.
  • The heart. If you notice that you are short of breath or that you get tired with little efforts, the problem may be with your heart. It can be a problem in the valves, which do not help the correct circulation of the blood; Or it can be heart failure, when the heart doesn't pump enough blood. Hypertension, high cholesterol, sedentary lifestyle or being overweight are the most frequent risk factors.
  • Cancer. The presence of a tumor reduces the number of red blood cells in the blood (anemia) - especially those in the colon or stomach, which cause blood loss - and leads to fatigue. It appears suddenly and gets worse over time. In addition, there is usually an unjustified weight loss and pain or other specific signs appear depending on the location of the cancer.

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