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The 40 best romance novels of all time

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€ 7.55

Noah's notebook

For many, among the favorite romantic films is Noah's Diary , as this is the novel on which it is based. Noah Calhoun is 31 when he returns home to North Carolina after World War II. In addition to recovering his life, Noah seeks to recover that girl who has been in his heart for years, Allie Nelson. Fate, however, makes her be with another … And if you liked this book, do not miss other romantic novels by this author, a best seller.

Noah's notebook, Nicholas Sparks
Ed. Roca Pocket


€ 11.35

Pride and prejudice

If you haven't read it, you have to do it now! And if you've read it, it sure makes you want to reread it. Elisabeth, the second marriageable daughter of the Bennets, the romantic heroine created by Jane Austen, belongs to a different social class from Fitzwilliam Darcy, social prejudices seem to make their union impossible. And even less because just knowing each other, she hurts her pride and Elisabeth is not a woman who is intimidated. But … we better avoid spoilers and you yourself go into this story that is a classic of English literature.

Pride and Prejudice, Jane Austen
Ed. Alianza Editorial


€ 9.45

Love in the time of cholera

When the love of your life marries someone else, what can you do? Florentino Ariza is clear: wait for her. She is Fermina Daza, a young woman who prioritizes climbing the social ladder to love and that is something that Florentino cannot give her, but Dr. Juvenal Urbino can, who works to eradicate cholera from his people and is the most desired bachelor. The marriage between Juvenal and Fermina lasts 50 years. Has Florentino been waiting for her all this time? Will your youthful love have a chance?

Love in the time of cholera, Gabriel García Márquez
Ed. Literature Random House


€ 9.45

Me before you

Louisa "Lou" Clark needs a job and to leave a boyfriend whom she knows she doesn't want. Will Traynor believes that he does not need anything or anyone since an accident left him completely incapacitated. Will wants to die. Lou is pure life. And then Cupid does his thing and brings them together. We already anticipate that their first meeting is … No, we better not tell each other, because as soon as you start reading, you will not be able to "unhook".

Me before you, Jojo Moyes
Ed. Suma


€ 15.15

Wuthering Heights

The Yorkshire moors are the scene of great hatred, passion and desire for revenge. Catherine feels a destructive passion for Heathcliff, a young man of obscure origin who is not suitable as a husband in the classy British society of the time. Therefore, Catherine marries another man, much more suited to her social parameters. However, passion is like a hurricane unleashed that will end up destroying their lives. Emily Brontë wrote only this novel in 1847, but it was so groundbreaking for its time that today it still seduces us and we can read it and reread it without losing its appeal. Catherine and Heathcliff's love story hooks.

Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë
Ed. Penguin Classics


€ 9.45

Sushi for beginners

A London publisher who has it all: a job she loves, a handsome rich boyfriend, a stylish wardrobe… she ends up destined for Dublin, a city that - OMG! - doesn't have a Versace store. His new boss ignores him and feels like a fish out of water, but where you least expect it, a great love story can emerge. Fresh, natural, fun, this Marian Keyes novel will make you smile and even laugh, as well as make your heart beat faster. If after reading it, you want to know more Marian Keyes books, this is her official page.

Sushi for Beginners, Marian Keyes
Ed. Debolsillo


€ 11.35

For whom the Bell Tolls

Love and drama go hand in hand in this novel set in the Spanish Civil War on which the famous film starring Gary Cooper and Ingrid Bergman was based. A young man from the International Brigades, Robert Jordan, joins a group of militiamen whose mission is to blow up a bridge to prevent the rebels from counterattacking. Upon reaching his mission, he meets Maria, with whom he instantly falls in love. But circumstances will make his story as passionate as it is tragic.

For Whom the Bell Tolls, Ernest Hemingway


€ 9.45

Bad girl antics

The story of Ricardo and his "bad girl", the nickname he gives to Lily, whom he met in Lima in his teens, is a story of separations and reunions. Lily comes from a very humble family and wants position and financial security in the only way that her beauty allows her: by getting married. Ricardo, who has fulfilled his dream of living as a performer in Paris, can only love her in those intervals when Lily moves from one relationship to another and from one city to another. Will your love have a chance?

Mischief of the bad girl, Mario Vargas Llosa
Ed. Alfaguara


€ 5.65

Three meters over the sky

Federico Moccia is one of the great bestsellers in contemporary Italian literature. This is the first title of the love story between Babi and Step, which has a second and a third in I have desire of you and Three times you. Babi is a model daughter: good student, sensible… Step is a loose cannon. However, a bond of love is created between them that turns them into contemporary Romeo and Juliet.

Three meters above the sky, Federico Moccia
Ed. Planeta


€ 9.45

The Great Gatsby

In the happy twenties, Jay Gastby is a wealthy, self-made man, but no one knows the origin of his fortune. Gatsby is obsessed with regaining the love of Daisy Buchanan, the woman he loved before enlisting. But Daisy is married to Tom Buchanan, the son of a family of old fortune, a man of double standards who has a mistress. Little by little Nick, Daisy's cousin, tells us about the clash of two men for the love - or possession - of a woman and how it can destroy everything.

The Great Gatsby, Francis Scott Fitzgerald
Ed. Debolsillo


€ 20.42

Dr. Zhivago

Yuri and Lara love each other in the first decades of the 20th century in Russia. The novel takes place within the framework of the First World War, the Russian Revolution, the Civil War and the construction of communism. These events are the backdrop to the story of these tragic lovers, who cannot help but love each other as life tries by all means to separate them. A melodramatic love story that was also made into a movie.

Dr. Zhivago, Boris Pasternak
Ed. Galaxia Gutenberg


€ 12.30

Madame Bovary

Emma Bovary is a girl with a very romantic idea of ​​marriage who feels disappointed in her union with Dr. Charles Bovary, who loves her but does not understand her. Her search for an ideal love leads her to transgress the rules of the modest French bourgeoisie of the time and to have lovers, but, despite this, nothing fills the emptiness she feels in her heart. A classic that does not go out of style.

Madame Bovary, Gustave Flaubert
Ed. Penguin Classics


€ 9.45

In Valeria's shoes

Valeria meets Victor, but he is with Adrián. Valeria is a mess. Valeria relies on her friends Nerea, Carmen and Lola to walk the path of a love that makes her laugh, cry, enjoy sex intensely and feel more than alive (and sometimes half dead). And this book is only the first of four in the Valeria Saga. But Elísabet Benavent has many other very current female protagonists (Alba, Silvia…), for whom living love and enjoying sex are as important as the outfit with which to laugh, cry or love.

In Valeria's shoes, Elísabet Benavent
Ed. Suma


€ 17.57

Memories of Africa

"I had a farm in Africa …", begins by explaining Karen Dinesen, a young Danish aristocrat who came to the black continent in 1913 to marry her cousin, Baron Bror von Blixen-Finecke. The marriage fails because of the Baron's fondness for skirts and his little talent for business. That causes Karen to lose their coffee plantation and return to Denmark, so the book is a love song to Africa. Unlike the film starring Robert Redford and Meryl Streep, the book does not tell her love story with Denys Finch-Hatton, although it does talk about him.

Out of Africa, Isak Dinesen (pseudonym of Karen von Blixen-Finecke)
Ed. Alfaguara


€ 11.35

The old mermaid

Glauca is a mermaid who takes on a human form and who will live a very unconventional love story in the context of the decline of the Roman and Persian empires. Two very different men, Ahram the Navigator and Krito the philosopher, will mark their existence, which is a true hymn to life. An essential love book in any library.

The Old Mermaid, José Luis Sampedro
Ed. Debolsillo


€ 14

Under the same star

Love is today and it is now and not only because Hazel and Gus are two teenage lovers but because they both suffer from cancer. And since love is also adventure, Gus will help Hazel make her wish to meet her favorite writer who lives in Amsterdam come true, even if they have to cross the Atlantic to do so. This trip will also be a time trial for both lovers before tragedy unfolds. If this story excites you, which it will, don't miss other books by this best-selling author, John Green.

Beneath the Fame, John Green
Ed. Ink Cloud


€ 16.10

Ana Karenina

"All happy families look like each other; but every unhappy family has a special reason for being unhappy." With this famous phrase begins Ana Karenina, a classic of world literature. Ana is a married woman with a son who suddenly meets the great love of her life, Count Vronski. Her passion is ravishing and that makes lovers face everything to be together. But after how much they have fought for their love, the coexistence and the rejection of their acquaintances put their union in check.

Ana Karenina, Liev N. Tolstoy
Ed. Austral Singular


€ 8.50

Like water for chocolate

What are the ingredients of happiness? Perhaps there is no recipe, but those of tragedy are clear to Laura Esquivel, when she writes this novel set at the time of the Mexican Revolution. In it, Dona Elena is a rigid hacienda owner who stands between Pedro and Tita, her youngest daughter, who is destined according to tradition to take care of her in her old age. For this reason, he prevents her from getting married and offers Pedro the hand of his sister Rosaura. He accepts to be close to Tita, something that can only make everyone unhappy …

Like water for chocolate, Laura Esquivel
Ed. Suma


€ 17.66

The English Patient

"My love, I'm still waiting for you, how long does a day last in the dark", writes Katharine. She is the woman who awaits the English soldier who remains trapped in a Tuscan village at the end of World War II, with his whole body burned due to a plane accident. Next to him, a young nurse suffers thinking that everyone she loves dies …

The English patient, Michael Ondaatje
Ed. Debolsillo


€ 11.35


When his beloved wife dies while he is defending Christianity, Count Dracula renounces God and becomes undead. Centuries later, the young English lawyer Jonathan Harker visits Dracula in Romania for certain transactions, he discovers the photo of his fiancee, Mina Murray that reminds him of his missing wife. Dracula locks up Harker and travels to England to seduce Mina with a phrase that has made history among the most romantic ever uttered: "I have crossed oceans of time to find you." Come on, after so much "Do you study or work?", Dracula's style would still triumph today.

Dracula, Bram Stoker
Ed. Alma Europa


€ 10.64

Cyrano de Bergerac

Edmond Rostand builds a love triangle around Cyrano, Roxana and Christian. Cyrano is a fierce musketeer and delicate poet who, unfortunately, is not physically very handsome. This prevents him from declaring his love to the beautiful Roxana, unlike the handsome cadet Christian, who has little grace when it comes to expressing his love. Thus, Cyrano decides to help Christian to fall in love with Roxana, using him to be able to declare what his heart feels, despite the fact that he pushes his rival into the arms of his beloved …

Cyrano de Bergerac, Edmond Rostand
Alianza Editorial


€ 9.45

Eat Pray Love

This autobiographical novel begins after the traumatic divorce of the protagonist, who decides to seek her emotional balance by turning her life around and traveling to Italy, India and Indonesia. At the end of this escape, she meets Felipe, for whom her heart beats again but … will she dare to be vulnerable again and give herself fully?

Eat, pray, love, Elisabeth Gilbert
Ed. Sum


€ 10.40

The Bronze Horseman

It is one of the historical romance novels that have generated the most fans. The story of Tatiana and Alexander in the context of Soviet Russia in World War II will hit you very hard and it will be almost impossible to stop thinking about it. It has second and third part. Thousands of pages of guaranteed addiction.

The Bronze Horseman, Paullina Simons
Ed. Debolsillo


€ 13.30


Claire just got married after working as a nurse during WWII. She and her husband travel to Scotland for their wedding trip and there, in a circle of stones, Claire will "slip" through a hole of time, to end up in the arms of a fierce Scotsman, James Fraser, in 1734. This shocking (already very erotic pages) love story has become an addictive saga of eight books that also has a television series.

Forastera, Diana Gabaldón
Ed. Salamandra


€ 9.45

Lady Chatterley's Lover

In the 20s of the last century, Lady Constance, wife of Sir Clifford, consoles herself for her husband's physical handicap with the gamekeeper, something that at the time of the novel's publication caused a great scandal and caused it to be banned.

Lady Chatterley's Lover, DH Lawrence
Ed. Debolsillo


€ 10.40

gone With the Wind

If you haven't read it - or haven't seen the movie - swear by the sacred land of Tara that you will, because if you don't you will miss one of the most intense love novels of all time. Let yourself be carried away by declarations of love as fiery as this: "I love you as I have never loved any other woman and I have waited for you as I would never have been able to wait for another." And discover an incomparable heroine: Scarlett O'Hara.

Gone with the Wind, Margaret Mitchell
Ed. B of Books


€ 9.45

Postcript I love you

How to continue living when the love of your life, that man who finished your sentences, whom you loved since high school, dies. Holly doesn't feel up to it. But the letters Gerry left her before he died will help her get on with her life. A love novel in its purest form and, although it may not seem like it to you, very funny. (It also has a film version, of course, and with Gerard Butler, who although she has not known how to age well, in the film she was hot).

Postscript: I love you, Cecelia Ahern
Ed. B de Books


€ 8.50

The scarlet letter

The letter of the title is the A for Adulteress that the protagonist wears on her clothes. According to the author, "There is not a single stitch in that embroidered letter that she has not felt in her heart." Seventeenth-century New England Puritanism cannot tolerate Hester Prynne, too independent for her time, loving in her own way. And for that she is punished.

The Scarlet Letter, Nathaniel Hawthorne
Ed. Penguin


€ 10.40

The Time Traveler's Wife

Falling in love is easy, it happens. But growing a relationship is not. And less if your boy has a strange genetic mutation that makes him travel in time and appear and disappear from your life. Aren't you curious about Clare and Henry's story?

The Time Traveler's Wife, Audrey Niffenegger
Ed. Debolsillo


€ 8.50

The diaryof Bridget Jones

Chafardear in the personal diary of this thirty-something disaster, who is always fighting against her weight, whose panties are mythical, as mythical as her love triangle with the "crazy goat" of her boss, Daniel Cleaver, and the responsible and "boyfriend- that-every-mother-would-wish-for-her-daughter "Mark Darcy.

Bridget Jones's Diary, Helen Fielding
Ed. Planet


€ 8.50


With permission from Dracula , this is the most romantic vampire saga ever written. The love between Bella and Edward has given for four books, but it will hook you from the first sentence. Trust us, you wish you had a vampire in your life who says things like "You have no idea how long I've waited for you." Is it not to be bitten with pleasure?

Twilight, Stephenie Meyer
Ed. Alfaguara


€ 10.64

Romeo and Juliet

"Come, gentle night, tender and gloomy night, give me my Romeo and, when I die, cut him into a thousand tiny stars: the firmament will look so beautiful that the world, in love with the night, will stop worshiping the hurtful sun." Needless to say more.

Romeo and Juliet, William Shakespeare
Ed. Espasa


€ 10.40

The shell finders

If you haven't read anything by Rosamunde Pilcher, one of the great romance novel writers, start with this one , which brought her fame. Penelope, the protagonist, returns to the town where she spent her childhood and that leads her to look back, to remember her great love, to review her relationships with her children … You will surely love the characters and it will not be the first novel by this author you "devour".

The Shell Seekers, Rosamunde Pilcher
Ed. Debolsillo


€ 10.40

Memories of a Geisha

Sayuri, who was one of the most famous geisha in interwar Japan, looks back on her life since her retirement in New York, where she spends her last years. Her destiny as a geisha was not to love, but to seduce, however, she loved intensely …

Memoirs of a Geisha, Arthur Golden
Ed. Sum of Letters


€ 4.74

An image in the mirror

If your marriage doesn't make you happy, isn't it a relief to have a twin to replace you? Well, this is the funny plot of this novel, where love takes on many faces. You will discover why Danielle Steel is one of the most widely read romance novel authors of our time.

An Image in the Mirror, Danielle Steel
Ed. Debolsillo


€ 18.90

The engaged princess

"Since the creation of the kiss in 1642 BC there have been five great kisses that have been classified as the purest, the most intense, the most passionate of all time … The first kiss between Buttercup and Westely surpassed them all … This is his story." If after this you do not read it, you are not a real romantic.

The Princess Bride, William Goldman
Ed. Attic of Books


€ 30.99

Secrets of a summer night

If you like romantic novels with historical overtones, Lisa Kleypas is your author. If you haven't read anything about her, start with this novel, the first in the Wallflowers saga. Annabelle comes from an aristocratic family that is currently in serious financial difficulty. She desperately needs to catch a rich husband to bail her out. Simon is very rich, but not an aristocrat. And he is not one of those who gets married, but waits for Annabelle to fail during the dance season to make her his lover… (If the "feminist vein" in your neck is going to explode, remember… this is a historical novel, not a contemporary one).

Secrets of a Midsummer Night, Lisa Kleypas
Ed. B de Books


€ 20.90

The time between seams

Sewing will be the least of it, what will captivate you is the life of Sira Quiroga, the dressmaker who left Madrid for Morocco just before the uprising to follow a man she hardly knew. The abandonment leads her to completely reinvent herself and… (we can read this far).

The time between seams, María Dueñas
Ed. Planeta


€ 9.45

Flowers in the storm

Love can tear you apart but it can also save you. And that is something that the Duke of Jervaulx will discover in this novel, set in 19th century England. A contemporary classic that will inevitably keep you glued to its pages. And an author who can give you many moments of reading joy.

Flowers in the Storm, Laura Kinsale
Ed. Debolsillo


€ 25

The bridges of Madison County

What happens when your placid life as a mother of more than 40 years with two children is altered by the irruption of love with capital letters? This is what happens to Francesca Johnson when she crosses paths with photographer and vocation nomad Robert Kincaid. Can four days of intense love change two lives? This book was brought to the big screen by Meryl Streep and Clint Eastwood.

The Bridges of Madison County, Robert James Waller
Col. Special Sales

If you are fond of love books, in this article you will surely find many titles that you have already read and that you may want to reread and suggestions to discover new authors, great stories that you have not yet read.

The best romantic novels (according to Clara's Writing)

Passionate loves, the kind that defy social rules, dodge historical moments, face obstacles that seem insurmountable, live heartbreaking separations, erotic festive reconciliations …

If you want to live on a merry-go-round of emotions that range from the euphoria of falling in love to the pain of separation to go back up to the final happy end (in most cases), be sure to review the list of love novels that we propose .

Surely you come up with titles that you have read, that you want to read or that you want to reread. Do not miss it! And if it is not here, complain on our Facebook and we will include it in a second edition :-)