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The 10 everyday habits that damage your bones

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It will not seem anything new if we tell you that calcium and vitamin D are inseparable friends of the bones. Nor will you be surprised if we affirm that tobacco, alcohol, lack of physical exercise and leading a sedentary life damage your health. But it may surprise you to learn that there are many seemingly innocent habits that are hurting you. If you want to avoid them, read on …

Crunch your fingers

Let's face it, we know that crunching our fingers is not good for our health, but like all vice, it is difficult to quit. If you do, you should know that the repetition of this movement favors the appearance of osteoarthritis.

Avoid the sun completely

The sun's rays allow you to obtain the necessary dose of vitamin D to strengthen bones. Take it with caution and do it for 20 minutes a day. Do not wait to expose yourself to the sun in summer, but you should do it throughout the year.

Tight shoes

Wearing a shoe that is too tight, in addition to causing discomfort, can damage the bones and skin of the foot. To avoid this, buy comfortable shoes and better that are made of leather, with a rubber heel and wide toe.

The high heels

The ideal heel is one that does not exceed 3 cm nor is it lower. If you wear high heels, you force the body to move forward and make the toes and forefoot bear all the weight. In women who wear very high heels, pain in the knees and spine are frequent. And if not, look what happened to Victoria Beckham, a life in heels has caused her a herniated disc and now she must always go flat. Anyway, if you want to know which are the most comfortable heels, look at this post.

Belt too tight

In people with extra kilos, the belt can compress the lower back and end up causing discomfort that reaches the hips. In these cases it is best to wear suspenders.

Rest and do nothing

We know that when the weekend arrives the need to rest is vital. To avoid that your bones suffer, the best thing is not to stop in dry, but to do different activities and exercises that manage to distract you from the routine.

Go from zero to 100

It is fatal to go from a sports inactivity during the week to a rampant activity on Saturdays and Sundays. It is best that you dose the exercise throughout the week and thus avoid possible discomfort and injuries.

Wait with your feet together

If you are waiting for someone, put one foot forward and after a while the other, alternate to help the body rest. Feet hip-width apart also allows for better support.

Exposing yourself to cold currents

If you suffer from cervical problems, avoid being near drafts, because they can further increase this ailment. And when you are resting or sitting in a chair, try not to shrug your shoulders. Whenever you can, keep your back straight, your neck aligned, and your shoulders relaxed.

Running on asphalt

Are you running? It is a fantastic sport, very complete and cheap. Of course, always practice it on intermediate surfaces. The ideal is in the park, on land, rather than on asphalt or in the sand of the beach. In this way you will prevent your cartilage from suffering and suffering injuries.