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Foods beneficial or harmful for the waist

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Enemies: Light sodas

Enemies: Light sodas

Studies have shown that people who often drink low-calorie beverages have a larger belly. It is because they have a rebound effect. By subtracting calories, you relax and think you can eat more.

Friends: Sardines

Friends: Sardines

Oily fish, such as sardines, is rich in healthy omega 3 fats, which help reduce abdominal fat due to their fat-burning effect. If you want ideas to incorporate them into your diet, here are 15 quick and easy recipes with a can of sardines.

Friends: Walnuts

Friends: Walnuts

Walnuts, like other nuts, are satisfying and are also rich in omega 3 fatty acids, which speed up metabolism and consequently burn more fat. But be careful with the amount that nuts are health treasures, but in small doses.

Enemy: Sugar

Enemy: Sugar

Banish sugar and other refined carbohydrates to keep your waistline at bay. They make you hungry and unbalance insulin levels, one of the causes of fat accumulation in the abdomen.

Friend: Brown rice

Friend: Brown rice

Instead of carbohydrates, opt whenever you can for high-fiber carbohydrates, such as brown rice.

Friend: Olive oil

Friend: Olive oil

Oleic acid activates brown fat, which protects us from the cold and, when activated, makes you spend a lot of calories. As a general rule, it is recommended not to exceed three tablespoons a day.

Enemies: Sausages

Enemies: Sausages

The saturated fats in red meat and cold cuts go directly to your waistline. The most advisable thing is to reduce its consumption to the maximum. Discover how fat the sausages are: ham, chorizo, turkey …

Friends: Lean meats

Friends: Lean meats

Go for chicken, turkey, and rabbit instead of red meat and cold cuts.

Friends: Legumes

Friends: Legumes

Legumes are rich in magnesium, a mineral that helps control glucose levels and prevent excess glucose from accumulating as fat. Here are 7 good ideas to eat more legumes.

Enemy: Pastries

Enemy: Pastries

As with cold cuts, the saturated fats in cakes and the trans fats contained in industrial pastries are food for your love handles.

Friends: Fruits and vegetables

Friends: Fruits and vegetables

Red, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables are rich in vitamins and antioxidants, and if they have vitamin C it reduces cortisol, related to excess abdominal fat.

As you have seen, neither low calorie sodas are as innocent as they seem, nor are legumes at odds with a flat stomach. Prioritizing "friendly" foods and discarding or moderating the consumption of "enemies", you help improve heavy digestion, gas and constipation, which are some of the causes of abdominal bloating, and will even help you lose weight.

Discover your allies …

  • Blue fish "flattens" your belly. Healthy fats, especially omega-3s from oily fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, etc.) and walnuts, can help reduce belly fat by increasing metabolism and the ability to burn fat. In addition, they are satiating, with what you eat less. Take the fish twice a week and about 15 g of nuts a day.
  • Olive oil stimulates brown fat . The oleic acid in extra virgin olive oil activates the brown fat in our body, which protects us from the cold and which, when activated, consumes many calories. Therefore, consuming extra virgin olive oil helps fight abdominal fat, and reduces waist circumference. Do not exceed 3 tablespoons daily.
  • Legumes "sweep away" the fat. These foods, along with whole grains, are rich in magnesium, a mineral that helps control the level of glucose in the blood, and that prevents excess blood from accumulating in the form of fat. In addition, they are rich in fiber, which prevents constipation, another source of abdominal bloating.
  • Brightly colored fruits and vegetables slim your waist. The red, yellow and orange colors of fruits and vegetables guarantee a content of vitamins and antioxidants. And vitamin C reduces cortisol, a stress hormone related to excess fat in the gut.

And those who are not …

  • Light drinks have a rebound effect. According to a study published in the journal Obesity, people who frequently drink low-calorie sodas have more belly. It is due, among other causes, to the fact that by "saving" calories they think they can afford to eat more.
  • The sugar that turns into fat. Sugar and other refined carbohydrates are your waistline's worst enemies. They increase your appetite and throw your insulin levels out of balance, causing the accumulation of fat in the abdomen. Opt for complex carbohydrates rich in fiber, such as rice or whole wheat bread or pasta.
  • Processed meats and buns go to the michelin. On the contrary, the saturated fats contained in red meats, sausages, whole dairy products, fried foods and cakes, and the trans fats present in industrial pastries go directly to deposit in your michelin. Reduce your consumption and prioritize lean meats such as turkey, chicken or rabbit.

3 Remedies against swelling

  1. Grapefruit, a detox fruit. It contains naringenin, which helps the liver break down fatty acids.
  2. Artichoke, purifying and diuretic. It stimulates bile secretion and prevents fluid retention in the body, which is why this vegetable is one of the 25 ideas to lose belly and reduce volume.
  3. Chia seeds, increase metabolism. These seeds are one of the 15 best foods to burn fat thanks to the fact that they are very rich in omega 3, which helps increase your metabolism and, therefore, burn more calories.

What if you accumulate fluids?

  • Retention. It also tends to be another common cause of belly bloat. In addition, it hinders circulation and for this reason it also reduces the elimination of toxins.
  • Two liters a day. It is the amount of water that you have to drink to ensure that the body fluids are in perfect balance and you do not retain them. If you are someone who has a hard time doing it, don't miss our tricks to drink more water (without realizing it).
  • Debug. Juices and purifying broths will help your kidneys eliminate fluids and toxins that can accumulate in your body. To avoid annoying retentions, you can also have a watercress, celery, apple, pineapple and banana smoothie for breakfast.
  • Infusions. It can also help you to drink diuretic infusions during the day such as fennel, horsetail, cherry tails, ortosifón or horse chestnut.