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Learn to take your pulse easily and efficiently

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Is your heart racing? Do you notice palpitations? Not sure if your pulse is normal or is it triggered? Do you want to train without going beyond certain pulsations? Well, there is a very easy way to take your pulse anywhere without having to resort to complex instruments.

Where to take your pulse

Although it can be taken anywhere an artery passes and can be pressed on a bone or muscle, the two most common places are the neck and the wrist. But we recommend that you take it on the neck, because the artery is larger and therefore easier to notice.

How to take your pulse step by step

  • To know what your normal resting heart rate is, before measuring it you must be calm, relaxed and without having previously done physical exercise, so that the measurement is reliable. One trick to achieve this is to stretch for a minute before carrying out the measurement. And don't forget to have a watch or stopwatch handy so you can count the time.
  • First, place your index finger and middle finger - never the thumb because it has its own pulse - on the neck, just below the chin. Then press it lightly, without compressing it, until you feel the beat. If you do it too hard, you could stimulate a reflex mechanism that causes your heart to slow down and alter the actual result.
  • To measure it, count the beats for 30 seconds and multiply the total number of beats by 2 (or count the beats for 15 seconds and multiply by 4). The resulting figure is your beats per minute, which is what we call pulse.

It's normal when …

Although it depends on many factors, as a general rule the pulse is considered normal when at rest it is between 60 and 100 beats per minute in the case of adults. And between 70 and 100, in that of those under 18 years of age. Still, there may be situations, such as stress or anxiety, that momentarily accelerate the heart rate.

Go to the doctor…

If your resting pulse reaches or exceeds 120 beats per minute or is lower than 45, consult your doctor. If you also notice that your heart rate is irregular (different intervals between heart beat and heart beat), seek medical assistance as soon as possible.

Do you want to measure your pulse during exercise?

You don't need to lie down for a minute or relax. On the contrary, if what you want is to know your heart rate during the exercise, you should take your pulse during the exercise. In this case, what you are interested in is knowing the maximum frequency that you can reach during exercise and this depends on your age, sex and physical condition.

The most recommended thing before starting any activity, especially cardiovascular and if you have never done sports, is that you submit to a stress test and it is a health professional who determines your optimal personalized heart rate. With this you will not only guarantee that your heart does not suffer with the effort, but you will also be able to multiply the beneficial effects of the exercise you do.