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Test: find out what your skin type is and how to take care of it

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Of all the qualities of healthy and beautiful skin, luminosity and vitality are the ones that women value the most, followed by firmness, especially for those over 35 years of age. The smoothness, the absence of imperfections and the uniformity in the tone (without spots) are the other most valued attributes.

Do you know your skin?

But to wear it in all its splendor, not all skin needs the same care. The first step to give you what you need is to know it in depth. However, according to different studies, most Spaniards do not know how to take care of their skin. As a consequence, 69% of the population does not hydrate it adequately. On the other hand, most consider that their skin is sensitive, when the reality is quite different, which can lead to providing care that, at least, it does not need, irritating it or making it worse. Therefore, it is important to know what your skin is like by doing our test, in order to give it what it needs.

How to take care of your skin according to its type and needs

Not all faces age in the same way, it depends a lot on skin type, habits and external factors. Keep your skin youthful for longer by anticipating the most appropriate care. 80% of the effects of skin aging are produced by external aggressions, and only 20% are due to chronological factors, according to the results of a recent study presented by Dr. Elisa Simonpietri, international scientific director of the firm Biotherm. This means that the vast majority of signs of aging can be slowed down.

It's in your hands

Neither too much sun, nor smoking, nor alcohol favors it, but in addition to healthy lifestyle habits, your skin needs specific cosmetic care. Analyze how your skin is with our test and provide it with a tailored beauty cure, always trying to be very constant. This way you will be able to delay or attenuate the first lines of expression and the signs of aging.

What problems is your skin going to have depending on its type

Prevention is the best weapon to keep the passage of time at bay. If you know what are the weak points of your skin, depending on your skin type, you will know what care is essential.

  • Dry skin, wrinkles appear earlier. This skin is usually rougher, because it is unable to retain water inside. Use a nourishing cream with an unctuous texture that provides greater hydration. Strengthen the eye and lip contour with specific products: these areas are the most affected in these skins. Argan oil, shea butter, glycerin and urea are some of the best active ingredients. As for makeup, the products should have mineral active ingredients, which do not dry out.
  • With an oily tendency , the problem is the pores. Being thicker and more resistant, oily skin has fewer wrinkles, but the pores are larger and more visible. Use cosmetics that are not very astringent, so that the skin does not become dehydrated, and with active ingredients that control oil and renew the skin, such as retinol and glycolic and salicylic acids. Daily facial cleansing is vital to minimize pores and the appearance of small pimples or lesions that can lead to spots that take weeks to disappear. Clay or tea tree oil are bactericidal and healing ingredients, which help regulate the production of sebum. If you put on makeup, opt for powdered textures, you will keep the shine at bay.
  • The combination skin , a lime and sand. It has the same problems and virtues as the two previous types of skins, since it is still a mixture of both. And the problem is that, you have to treat the dryness of the dry area and at the same time control the fat in the oily area. But it is not mission impossible. Thanks mainly to the fact that it is the most common type of skin, there are countless products and solutions on the market to treat it as it deserves.

And if you have it sensitive?

The goal is redness. Fair skin is usually the most reactive, prone to couperose (dilation of the capillaries that causes redness or the appearance of small varicose veins). Choose hypoallergenic cosmetics, free of chemicals and irritants. There are very complete lines for sensitive skin, in which thermal water, rosehip or calendula are excellent allies. Avoid stress, alcohol, hot or spicy environments, as they promote the dilation of blood vessels.