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Fibromyalgia: everything hurts and I'm always tired

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According to the Spanish Society of Rheumatology (SER), fibromyalgia is a disorder that affects between 2% and 4% of the Spanish population, the vast majority (90%) women. Fibromyalgia is an alteration in the perception of pain, in such a way that they are perceived as painful stimuli that usually are not; something that in some cases can greatly limit the day to day of those who suffer it. It is not known what the cause is and there is no cure, although there are treatments that can control it.

Fibromyalgia symptoms

1. Pain

As Dr. Benigno Casanueva, coordinator of the Group for the Study of Fibromyalgia of the SER and rheumatologist at the Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital, points out, pain is the most important symptom; Not only does it affect all patients, but it is also very often the fact that leads them to seek help .

It is not, however, about any pain. Fibromyalgia pain in most cases is generalized and diffuse, without being associated with specific areas. Its intensity can vary from day to day and be severe enough to interfere with daily tasks or simply cause mild discomfort. In fact, phases of stability can alternate with others in which it worsens.

fibromyalgia pain is widespread and diffuse

Furthermore, in order for fibromyalgia to be diagnosed, the pain must last for at least three months and be simultaneous on the left and right sides of the body; above the waist and below, as well as in the axial skeleton (skull, ribs, sternum and vertebral column).

2. Tiredness

Along with pain, the other great symptom of fibromyalgia is fatigue without a cause that justifies it and that does not improve with rest. It affects 75-96% (according to studies) of those who suffer from the disease and they describe it as a feeling of being exhausted all the time and of permanent exhaustion that is accentuated with physical activity. Tiredness manifests itself especially in the morning, when you get up and can improve later, although it is not surprising that it reappears prematurely at noon or throughout the day.

Other symptoms of fibromyalgia

Pain and fatigue are the most common symptoms, but not the only ones. Dr. Casanueva emphasizes that up to 79 other symptoms have been described. The most characteristic are the sensation of generalized stiffness and swelling and tingling in the extremities, as well as sleep disturbances, mood disorders, headaches, anxiety and memory loss and difficulty concentrating.


What causes the disease is unknown, but as the Spanish Rheumatology Foundation points out, it is believed that there are many factors involved. Thus, while some people develop the disease without an apparent cause, in others fibromyalgia appears after identifiable processes such as a bacterial infection or the presence of another disease that limits the patient's quality of life. In any case, these events are not thought to cause the disease, but rather they awaken it in people who already have a hidden abnormality in their response to certain stimuli.

HOW IS fibromyalgia DIAGNOSED?

There are no specific analytical tests (blood tests, X-rays …) that allow the diagnosis of fibromyalgia. Diagnosis is made by ruling out other diseases and based on the patient's medical history and examination.

  • Thus, to determine that there is a case of fibromyalgia, in addition to the generalized pain that we mentioned earlier, other criteria are followed, such as that established by the American College of Rheumatology, which consists of palpation of 18 specific points; if pain is noted in at least 11 of them, one can speak of fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia treatment

As the cause is not known, there is no definitive cure nor are the treatments completely satisfactory, although they help to control the disease and above all, they contribute to alleviating pain and other symptoms, thus improving the quality of life of patients. Many of the symptoms improve with medication (analgesics or muscle relaxants to alleviate pain, antidepressants to increase serotonin levels …) but they should always be prescribed by a doctor.


The psychological and emotional aspect plays a very important role here. In fact, the first step for the person diagnosed with fibromyalgia to feel better is to accept and assume that it is very likely that they will feel pain for life and that they have to learn to live with it. From there, you should try to maintain a positive attitude, valuing the good things you have in your day to day.

In addition, it is necessary to follow good health habits (control weight, not smoke, do not overindulge in caffeine or alcohol …). In this sense, exercising is vital since the endorphins that are secreted with it reduce pain, promote sleep, improve the feeling of fatigue and relieve anxiety and depression; all of them symptoms associated with fibromyalgia.

However, it is important to bear in mind that although it is highly recommended to maintain an active life, at the same time stress should be avoided and not doing too many tasks that can end up causing fatigue.