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25 Hardy Outdoor Plants (Suitable for Denied)

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The best outdoor plants

The best outdoor plants

Do you want to give a new look to your patio or garden? Take note of these 25 Pretty, Hardy, Denial-Friendly Outdoor Plants.



Bougainvillea (Bougainvillea sp.) Is a thorny climbing plant that is highly appreciated for its spectacular flowering (fuchsia, pink, white …), its versatility (it can be used to cover walls and pergolas, make hedges or grow in pots), and because it does not require much maintenance. It blooms in spring, summer and until early fall. Withstand drought, but not prolonged frosts or waterlogging.



Clematis (Clematis spp.) Are other highly valued outdoor plants. This family includes around 300 species of herbaceous and climbing plants, highly valued for their long flowering period (spring to early autumn). It is ideal for covering pergolas and upholstering walls and fences. Supports pot cultivation. It resists the climatic changes and the cold very well. But it wants rich and humid lands.

Photo: @ fantasia883 007



Tecomaria (Tecomaria capensis), also known as bignonia or Cape honeysuckle, is a shrub with red or pink flowers that is highly prized because it blooms from early fall to most of the winter, when there are not as many plants that bloom. It can be used as a climber or as an isolated ornamental shrub, and can also live in a pot. It is undemanding and, once adapted to the terrain, it tolerates drought.

Chinese jasmine

Chinese jasmine

Chinese jasmine, false jasmine or trachelosperm (Trachelospermum jasminoides) is another of the most appreciated climbing shrubs. The reason is that, unlike the common jasmine, in addition to having a spectacular very fragrant flowering, it also has a dense folitiation that does not lose unless it is very cold. In addition, it requires little maintenance. And you can have it both on the ground to cover walls, walls and pergolas, and also in a pot.



Wisteria, wisteria or feather flower (Wisteria sinensis) is a deciduous and climbing shrub that was highly prized in classical gardens and is now back in fashion. Among its pros stands out its spectacular violet or mauve flowering and that it is very rustic, it lives well in any field or exhibition. Its disadvantage, however, is that it is so strong that it can break the structures through which it climbs and twists.



Ivy (Hedera spp.) Is on the list of the best outdoor plants for its versatility and low maintenance. It can be used as a climbing plant to cover walls, walls or fences, and also as a creeper or upholstery to cover pieces of land or flower beds without having to resort to grass, which requires a lot of water and maintenance and is not ecologically sustainable.



Clover (Trifolium spp.) Along with other grassland herbaceous species is another cover plant that works very well as an alternative to grass. In addition, it has a very beautiful bloom. Its only drawback is that, unlike grass, it does not tolerate treading very well. Therefore, it is not recommended to put it in high-traffic areas of the garden.



Here you have an autochthonous palm tree, the palm heart (Chamaerops humilis), typical of the Mediterranean region, which withstands drought (but not prolonged frosts) very well. It can be grown both in the ground and in a pot. And one of its greatest attractions, along with its bearing and lush appearance, is that it requires virtually no maintenance.

Photo: @massimoserantonigardener



Yucca (Yucca spp.) Are plants with a bearing similar to palm trees that are very grateful because they are very undemanding in terms of maintenance and have white floral rods that can reach 2 meters in length. In addition to being able to grow both in the ground and in a pot, there are also varieties that are used as an indoor plant.

Photo: @villaalbaquiberon

Aromatic herbs

Aromatic herbs

Aromatic herbs such as lavender, rosemary, sage … are ideal for low-maintenance gardens or xerophytes (which require almost no water), and they tolerate being in a pot although it is not their ideal habitat. Their drawback is that over time they tend to grow thin and ugly a bit.



Pitas or agaves (Agave spp.), Like the rest of cacti, succulents and succulents, are the main stars of xerophytic and zero maintenance gardens. Their strong point: they require almost no water or maintenance. Their weak point: they do not take cold or excess water at all. As in other cases, they can also thrive in a pot or container.



Also known as the love flower or African lily, the agapanthus (Agapanthus africanus) is a highly valued outdoor plant because all year round it presents lush foliage of great ornamental value, and for its spectacular flowers gathered in white or deep blue umbels between late spring and summer. It is a very resistant plant that is used for pots or as a soil cover forming massifs.



Aspidistra (Aspidistra elatior) is also known as hall leaves, tin leaf or goal plant because, on the one hand, it has leaves that are highly appreciated in floristry (they are used to close bouquets), and because it is a plant very resistant that can live in extreme conditions of lack of light (hence the goal plant), which allows it to be placed in pots in dark corners and corridors and in shady areas of the garden. It should be watered in moderation.

Blue lily

Blue lily

Another popular outdoor plant is the blue lily (Iris germanica). It has tapered leaves and large purple or violet flowers (although there are also white, yellow and red varieties with elegant marbling), which bloom in spring and summer and are highly appreciated in florists. It is very resistant, grows in all types of soils and spreads so easily that it can become invasive. It also lives well in large pots or containers.



Convalaria (Ophiopogon japonicus) and all Ophiopogon species are dense herbaceous plants that cover the ground in colonies and are used both as cover plants and as ornamental plants on borders, under trees, next to ponds or in pots. Its leaves are long and narrow and it produces light pink, light lilac or white flowers, followed by attractive porcelain blue fruits the size of a pea. It prefers shady or moderately sunny areas.

Photo: @ botako0523



Much appreciated for years, the clivia (Clivia miniata) has returned with force thanks to its infinite benefits. It is a herbaceous plant with thick flat dark green leaves and large orange flowers that bloom from late winter or early spring to mid-summer. After flowering it produces green berries that then turn red adorning the plant during winter. It is very resistant, and it can be grown in a pot outdoors and as an indoor plant. It does not tolerate being in full sun.

Photo: @lotuslandgarden



Hemerocalis (Hemerocallis spp.), Known as St. John's lily, morning lily or yellow lilies, are highly valued for their scented flowers, scented with orange blossom, and resembling lilies. They bloom between late spring and early fall. If you plant different mixed varieties, you can have a multitude of flowers from spring to fall. And even when not in flower, they are attractive for their grass-like leaves. It prefers to be in semi-shade and on floors that do not get flooded.

Photo: @ adrianmana55



The viburnum (Viburnum tinus), popularly known as durillo or wild laurel, is a native shrub that can reach 2-4 meters in height and is used in gardening, both as an isolated ornamental plant and to form hedges and fences and even in flower pot. Besides being very resistant and tolerant to extreme conditions, it has a highly appreciated flowering that lasts all winter until well into spring, and is also used in floristry.

Photo: @garten_manni



The pipe cleaner, brush tree or red broom (Callistemon citrinus) is an evergreen shrub that can reach 4 meters in the ground and 3 in a pot. In spring and summer, dense spikes of bright red flowers appear amid the lemon-scented gray-green leaves, giving rise to their popular names for their resemblance to a brush. It is a very resistant plant and serves to decorate very poor soils. But it requires a lot of sun.

Photo: @gerlemanmichael

Fire thorn

Fire thorn

The firethorn, burning bush or piracanta (Pyracantha coccinea) is a very resistant thorny shrub with dense white inflorescences, which bloom from late spring or early summer, and which give rise to countless red, orange or yellow berries in autumn and that remain all winter. It is used as an ornamental wall shrub, but also to form feral (non-geometric) hedges. It lives well in any type of soil, in full sun and in semi-shade, and requires almost no water.

Photo: @ 01alentina



Another outdoor plant highly valued for its attractive fruits in gardening is the deciduous or semi-persistent creeping shrub known as griñolera, cotoneaster or horizontal cotoneaster (Cotoneaster horizontalis). Blooms abundantly in spring. It produces numerous berries that persist on the branches for a long time. It is used as an ornamental, to cover floors, walls and rockeries.

Ligustrum texanum

Ligustrum texanum

Ligustrum texanum is a variety of privet or troanilla that gives very good results in gardening due to its compact and vigorous bearing, as well as having a very attractive flowering and being very undemanding in terms of conditions and maintenance. It is ideal to form natural or geometric hedges (supports pruning).

Chinese orange blossom

Chinese orange blossom

The Chinese orange blossom or pitosporo (Pittosporum tobira) is an evergreen shrub that can grow into a tree up to 10 m high. It is highly appreciated for its fast growth, its rusticity (it is very resistant and accepts practically any condition or exposure) and for its multiple white, star-shaped flowers that appear in spring, covering the plant completely and smelling of orange blossom. It is used both as an ornamental plant and as a plant for geometric hedges.

Photo: @lucascositas



The Fotinia (Photinia x fraseri 'Red Robin') is an outdoor plant highly appreciated for the reddish hue of its leaves to form hedges. It is an evergreen shrub. It is fast growing and can reach 3 meters in height. The leaves are elongated, bright red when they appear in spring, purple in summer and green in winter. To intensify the coloring, it prefers exposures in full sun and lives well in all types of soils.

Photo: @unalsusbitkileri

Cypress leylandi

Cypress leylandi

The cypress leylandi or leilandi (Cupressocyparis leylandii) is an alternative to the tall cypress hedges of a lifetime because it is much more resistant and leafy than this. Its growth is very fast, up to 50 centimeters per year, and it can be formally trimmed, but it is recommended to keep it at a minimum height of two meters. It is ideal as a tall plant screen to isolate the garden from the outside, but it is not suitable for small gardens. It adapts to any soil and tolerates the proximity of the sea and intense cold.

Photo: @vivaipiantebassento

As you have seen, there are many outdoor plants that are easy to maintain and tolerate almost all conditions so that you do not give up having a green corner on your terrace or garden. Depending on each use, one or the other is more convenient for you.

Outdoor plants for all tastes

  • For pots or containers: seasonal flowers, bougainvillea, clématides, Chinese jasmine, hearts of palm, yucca, pita, aspidistra, agapanthus, clivia, convalaria, durillo, callistemon.
  • To cover walls or pergolas: bougainvillea, clématis, tecomaria, Chinese jasmine, wisteria, ivy, firethorn, cotoneaster.
  • To go from the lawn or large upholstery to the lawn: ivy, clover, convalaria.
  • To cover floors, corners or in flowerbeds: aromatic herbs, agapanthus, apsidistra, blue lily, clivia, convalaria, hemerocallis, cotoneaster.
  • For vegetable hedges or screens: Durillo, Callistemon, Firethorn, Ligustrum texanum, Chinese orange blossom, Fotinia, Leylandi cypress.
  • To add a point of interest in the garden or terrace: Palmito, yucca, pita, durillo, callistemon, firethorn, cotoneaster, Chinese orange blossom, fotinia.

If you also want to decorate your terrace, you can follow the keys of Inés Torres (@bohodeco_) to decorate terraces and interiors with a very fresh and summery touch.

And if you don't have a terrace or garden … no problem! We also have the best selection of very hardy (and denial) houseplants. Or if you dare, you can try some of the ideas to create your own vertical garden, it is the best option to give this touch of nature to your home without the need for much space.