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10 mistakes you should not make if you are confined by the coronavirus

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Whether you have to do a forced quarantine for having been in contact with the coronavirus or someone affected or if you have been confined to work from home or simply prevent, there are several things you can do to make it more bearable and not end up being a victim of the chaos or discouragement.

Things you can avoid

  • No arreglarte por las mañanas. Uno de los principales errores que cometemos cuando estamos obligadas a quedarnos en casa (por el motivo que sea) es no arreglarnos de igual modo que cuando tenemos que salir de casa. Es lo que la gente que trabaja en casa denomina el síndrome del pijama. Está comprobado que no asearse y quedarse todo el día con el pijama o con ropa de estar por casa contribuye al desánimo.
  • Pasarte el día tirada en el sofá. Otro error muy común es caer en la tentación de no hacer nada y pasarte el día en el sofá mirando al infinito. Algo que de entrada apetece muchísimo, pero que cuando ya llevas un buen rato puede deprimir un montón.

  • Perder el tiempo sin ton ni son. Aunque te hayas visto obligada a quedarte en casa, aprovecha para hacer todas esas cosas que nunca puedes hacer. Para empezar, puedes hacer una lista con todas ellas y ver qué necesitas para hacerlas y cuáles puedes hacer en la situación en la que te encuentras: mirar aquella serie para la que nunca encuentras tiempo, leer un libro, darte un baño relajante, ponerte una mascarilla, hacer limpieza en las fotos del móvil, poner orden en el armario…
  • Not putting order in the schedules. It is also very typical to do things in a messy way. Plan the day the same as if you had to go out to work, establishing schedules for meals, productive activities (if you have to work at home, or take the opportunity to put your things in order or do cleaning), and leisure (series, movies, books , exercise …).

  • Sleeping messy. In the same way that we tend to act disorderly, in these situations it is very easy to fall into the error of sleeping at any time and without any type of limit. Something that does not help you sleep well at all, quite the opposite. Try to go to sleep and wake up at the same time every day, and if because you have more time you want to take advantage of a nap, keep it short, otherwise it will cost you more to sleep at night.
  • Eat anything That you have to stay home is no excuse to eat the first thing you find in the fridge. Follow the same food routines as when you live a normal life, or take the opportunity to do some type of diet based on your needs. Discover everything you need to have in the pantry to face a lockdown.

  • Neglecting the space. In situations like these, it is super easy to become discouraged and abandon not only personal care but also that of the environment in which we live. During the days that you have to be confined or isolated, do not stop ordering and cleaning the space in which you are. It will help you feel good and is another way to keep the coronavirus at bay, whether someone is infected at home or if it has entered through the hands or objects that have been abroad (visits, shopping things. ..).
  • Obsess over the news. Don't be put off by the news either. It is very well to inform yourself, but without obsessing. Instead of spending the day watching TV, listening to the radio or reading the news on your phone or tablet, limit it to certain hours and moments of the day, and try to totally disconnect the rest of the day. These are the keys so that the coronavirus does not affect you psychologically.

  • Do not exercise. Just because you can't go to the gym doesn't mean you have to spoil your exercise routines or stop playing sports. There are a lot of exercises, such as yoga, that you can do by yourself at home.
  • Isolate yourself socially. Yes. Just because you are confined or isolated at home for quarantine or precaution because of the coronavirus, it does not mean that you have to give up your social life. Communicate with the people you love, call them, make video calls, create WhatsApp groups, write to them by email … Being at home is not the same as being alone.

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