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Avocado properties: reasons to include it in your diet

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In 2018, 74 million avocados were consumed in Spain, 35% more than the previous year. His big claim? Its multiple health benefits.

What properties does avocado have?

Unlike what happens with other "miracle" foods, the avocado's reputation for being healthy is more than deserved because its benefits for the body are multiple. Research published in the Internal Medicine Review found that those who eat avocados regularly tend to eat healthier, weigh less, and have better health.

  • Good for the heart. From a nutritional point of view, one of its main characteristics is its high content of monounsaturated fats, such as those of olive oil. Hence, it is a great ally of cardiovascular health. Helps lower LDL or bad cholesterol, while increasing HDL or good, prevents atherosclerosis (lack of flexibility of the arterial walls) and other diseases such as angina pectoris or myocardial infarction.
  • Rich in fiber. It is one of the richest fruits in fiber, both soluble and insoluble. This makes it very satiating, in addition to avoiding constipation and regulating blood glucose levels.
  • Antioxidant power. About 100 g of avocado provide 25% of the daily amount of vitamin E and 22% of that of vitamin C, both known for their great antioxidant capacity.
  • Other properties. In addition, it also contains a large amount of vitamin A (contributes to good eye health), B vitamins (necessary for the nervous system), folic acid (essential for pregnant women and the proper development of the baby) and is rich in minerals such as magnesium and potassium.

Does avocado make you fat?

If you also wonder if avocado is fattening or not, we solve your doubts. To begin with, it cannot be said that a single food is fattening, it will depend on how the rest of the diet is. But in any case, according to a study published in the Nutritional Journal, adding 1/2 of an avocado to your daily diet can help you keep the kilos at bay. The reason? Being very satiating, it reduces the desire to snack by 40% in the 3-5 hours after eating it.

  • Healthy, but in moderation. As Sara Martínez, an expert in nutrition at Alimmenta, a dietician clinic in Barcelona, ​​points out, we cannot lose sight of the fact that avocado is a much more fatty fruit than other fruits such as tomatoes, for example. About 80% of your energy comes from fat. And although these fats are healthy, they provide a lot of calories. An avocado has about 240 kcal, 10-20% of the calories we need per day. If we add the calories from the toast bread, the nachos … the figure can skyrocket. In addition, an avocado provides about 30 g of fat, more than half of what we need per day.
  • How much avocado can I eat? The key to not gaining weight is to control the amount we consume. As Sara Martínez explains , the amount and frequency to consume will vary depending on the objective that each one has regarding weight (gain, lose or maintain it). In general, in people with a normal weight it is recommended to take at most between half and an avocado a day. On the other hand, in weight loss diets it is usually recommended to consume about 2 times a week in amounts around 30-40 g, which would be equivalent to approximately 1/2 small avocado.
  • If you want to cut calories … Keep in mind that not all varieties of avocados have the same calories. So one option would be to choose varieties like "reed" or "strong", which are lighter. And you can also mix it with other less caloric fruits and vegetables.

Is it good to eat the bone?

The idea has spread that it is healthy to eat the pit of the crushed avocado since it is very rich in antioxidants and fiber. Although it is true that some preliminary studies have shown how bone contains various phytochemicals, its effects have only been studied in rats or topically. There is still no evidence that it is safe in humans, so it is better not to consume it.

And if after reading this you have felt like having this fruit, take a look at the best recipes for quick and delicious avocado salads.