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Ginger: an ally to prevent respiratory problems and raise defenses

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No one is safe from contracting the coronavirus, but most experts agree that healthy people, with a strong immune system, can avoid or overcome the disease much more easily than patients who have a previous pathology or have low defenses .

“If we have good immunity we can be one of the many asymptomatic carriers of the virus. And there could also be the situation that we overcome the infection without problems, even if we have to suffer from unpleasant symptoms ”, says Dr. Mónica de la Fuente, Professor of Physiology at the University of Madrid.

And what can we do to increase our defenses? According to this doctor, what affects the most, by far, is the lifestyle we lead. “ Scientific studies show the importance of having a healthy, varied diet without excesses; practice physical and mental exercise; and have adequate rest and restful sleep to keep our immune system strong ” .

Boost your defenses with ginger

In addition to healthy habits, there are many natural allies that can be effective in strengthening our immune system and preventing a possible infection or, in the case of contracting it, dealing with it with many more resources. Ginger is one of the foods that can help us. Many specialists in natural therapies highlight the antiseptic properties of this root, which also helps prevent colds and acute flu from developing.

Also known as kion or quion, ginger is an aromatic plant of the tuber family that has been used since ancient times by Arab countries, China and India to help fight various heart, digestive or respiratory diseases.

Ginger benefits

"Ginger is a tuber that due to active principles, shogaols and gingerols, present a multitude of benefits, which make it a highly recommended product in our pantry" - says nutritionist Ángel Soriano, member of Doctoralia and adds - "Taken regularly contributes to improving the immune system and helps prevent and alleviate the symptoms of viral infections of the respiratory tract, such as the flu or cold, where it fights fever, nasal congestion and typical muscle and joint pain, thanks to the fact that it is capable of eliminating toxins that are produced during the flu process. In case of cold it is a good decongestant of the mucous secretions that are produced in the chest ”.

How to take ginger

The most common way to consume ginger is in infusions, although other types of drinks can also be prepared with it and incorporated into many dishes as a condiment. Another alternative is to use ginger extracts, oils and even supplements available in pharmacies and herbalists, formats that allow you to easily incorporate it into your daily routine.

  • Important. If you are pregnant, it is advisable to consult your doctor. Although its consumption is not contraindicated during pregnancy, it should not be taken in large doses. It is best that you follow the instructions of your gynecologist.

2 infusions a day with honey and lemon

To prepare this infusion it is necessary to use a liter of water and a root trunk. Put the water on the fire and, once it starts to boil, add the ginger and let it rest for 3 or 4 minutes. It can be consumed alone or with a few drops of lemon and a teaspoon of honey.

  • This infusion can also be taken cold; it is very refreshing in summer.
  • It is recommended to take two or three infusions a day.

Start the day with a ginger juice

Mix ginger juice with other fruits and vegetables to make nutritious and rich natural juices or smoothies. Ingesting this drink regularly will help you reduce inflammation in the body, lose weight, relieve pain, reduce migraines and protect you thanks to its antibacterial effect and, what is more important at this time, to keep flu and colds at a long distance.

  • It combines wonderfully with lemon, pear, celery, carrot, apple, orange, pineapple and grapefruit.

Preparation: clean and dice 2 pieces of fresh ginger; Put them in the blender, add 600 ml. of water and mash until obtaining a pulpy mixture. Before drinking this mixture, pass it through a sieve or fine strainer to obtain the pure ginger juice.

Incorporate ginger into your dishes

There are many recipes to which ginger can be incorporated if you like its exotic, strong and spicy flavor. A good option now that confinement prevents us from moving at the same pace as always is to prepare dishes that do not have too many calories. A stir-fry of vegetables with ginger is a delicious way to strengthen our body and keep the scale at bay. This tuber, in addition to promoting our defenses, activates our metabolism. A two in one!