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Pineapple diet in 3 days

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The pineapple diet consists of eating pineapple in each of the meals, accompanied or not by other foods in order to lose weight. Just take a look online to realize that there are countless versions, from the most restrictive in which nothing but pineapple is eaten to milder ones in which more food is accommodated, but in which pineapple cannot be missing in any of the meals.

In any case, even when you choose to eat more foods, these are still very limited and are practically reduced to protein foods - meat, fish, eggs … -. On the contrary, practically all carbohydrates such as pasta, rice or legumes are prohibited. And all this accompanied by an intake of at least 2 liters of water daily and the recommendation not to carry out intense physical activity during the days of the diet.

Do you lose weight on the pineapple diet?

Yes you lose weight and also, quickly. The fact that pineapple is a diuretic fruit with a high fiber content will help you combat fluid retention and make you feel lighter and deflated. The problem is that the loss of kilos that is achieved with it is due to the loss of muscle mass and fluid, but not fat. This remains intact so it does not really lose weight.

And not only that, but also the weight loss is not sustainable and you will soon recover what you lost, since with this diet it is very difficult to escape the rebound effect. By eating less than necessary, your body "adjusts" to this lack of nutrients and slows down your metabolism. In addition, our muscles are responsible for a good part of the caloric expenditure of the body, so by reducing muscle mass, you also reduce the calories that your body burns. The combination of these factors leads you to once you return to eating normally, you regain your starting weight or even a few more kilograms.

  • Not to mention that it is very monotonous and boring.

Is the pineapple diet healthy?

No, it is very difficult for a nutritionist to recommend it since it is considered a miracle diet. In other words, it is very unbalanced and restrictive. And although you lose weight with it, if you follow it for a longer or shorter time, nutritional deficiencies will appear and your health will suffer.

As Dr. José Antonio Rosado, Endocrinology Coordinator of the Morbid Obesity Unit of Getafe University Hospital points out, it is an option that we should only consider if we need to lose weight quickly for a specific moment, no matter what. come on later. "Just like boxers who have to give a certain weight two days before the fight to compete, and what they weigh afterwards on the day of the fight does not matter." It would, therefore, be an express solution for when we have an event around the corner such as a wedding or an important presentation in which we must enter a dress that does not fit.

3-day pineapple diet

As we have mentioned before, there are countless versions. Here is a guideline that you can follow for no more than 3 days. There are more restrictive variants and obviously the more restrictive it is, the greater the weight loss will be, but remember that the risks associated with it will also be greater.

  • Breakfast. A couple of slices of natural pineapple with a skimmed yogurt and a coffee.
  • Mid-morning and / or snack. An infusion or a juice made with the water resulting from cooking the pineapple rind for about 20 minutes.
  • Food. 200 g of grilled chicken or fish breast + steamed vegetables or a salad or vegetable cream + 2 or 3 slices of pineapple.
  • Snack. A skimmed yogurt.
  • Dinner. 200 g of grilled chicken or fish breast + steamed vegetables or a salad or vegetable cream + 2 or 3 slices of pineapple.

If you decide to do this diet, Dr. Rosado advises that the fewer days you do it, the better and that if you do not reach 800 kcal per day, at least take a multivitamin to avoid micronutrient deficiencies.

The ketogenic or keto diet is another of the most popular, but questioned diets that we have analyzed in depth.