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How and when to eat fruit. truths and lies.

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We all know that fruit is good for health , but it is one of the foods that arouses the most doubts. Today I am going to answer some of the most common questions that I come across.

What is better, before, during or after eating?

The important thing is to eat fruit every day: about two or three pieces. Under normal conditions, no matter when you take it, the body is prepared to digest and take advantage of its nutrients without harming its nutritional value if it is consumed within a normal diet in quantity and quality.

Can eating only fruit help you lose weight?

No. If we eat only fruit , the level of sugar (glucose) in the blood shoots up and with it the level of insulin, a hormone that is responsible for lowering that excess sugar. If these sugars are not used, insulin makes them turn into fat more easily.

At night, the normal thing is that our activity is scarce and we do not "waste" those sugars, so they end up becoming fat.

Is it true that ripe fruit makes you fatter?

The fruit, whether it is more or less ripe, has the same level of sugar. What happens is that when the fruit is green, its glucose is not free, but forms bonds with other substances. As your glucose matures, it is more easily released and dissociated. For this reason, it has a sweeter taste, is easily digested and is absorbed faster in the intestine.

But for the same reason, it also makes blood sugar rise faster and therefore can cause hunger earlier, since we enter a glucose peak, insulin drops and we feel hungry again.

If you are going to have a very ripe fruit, it is better to accompany it with some dairy or nuts; or for dessert, after a menu containing vegetables or salad, so that its absorption is slower and does not "shoot" the blood sugar.

Is unripe fruit harmful to health?

Fruit that is not at its optimum ripeness point is more indigestible, more difficult to digest, so gastric discomfort may increase (stomach pain, flatulence, indigestion sensation …) and its symptoms may not be well assimilated. nutrients.

Make better use of its nutrients

  • Seasonal. The ideal fruit is seasonal, since in addition to being cheaper, it has a higher nutritional quality, which allows you to take advantage of all its properties and enjoy its flavor.
  • Close. The fewer kilometers the fruit travels, the less time will have passed since it was picked, and surely its harvest was close to the optimum point of ripeness.
  • Better whole. The whole fruit allows all its fiber to be used well. In juice it is indicated for people who need to replenish vitamins and sugars more quickly.
  • Fine peeling. It is better to peel it delicately so that the peeling is fine and the nutrients under it are preserved, and to do it just before eating it to avoid oxidation.