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How to prevent catching the flu even when your coworkers are fatal

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They won't be able to with you!

They won't be able to with you!

Point number 1: if you have the flu or a championship cold, try not to go to work. Please. We know that in many work environments it is not frowned upon, but we assure you that you will recover much sooner and, most importantly, you will avoid infecting your colleagues.

Even so, we are in the middle of the flu epidemic and it is likely that you have a co-worker who has decided not to take our advice and who is running and coughing right next to you. Okay, all is not lost. If you follow these guidelines you may prevent the spread of the damn cold or flu.

Not everything is washing your hands …

Not everything is washing your hands …

It is very important to wash your hands thoroughly to avoid catching the flu or cold virus (and if you cannot wash them, use a hand sanitizer). But it is not everything, because if you then turn off the tap or just grab the door handle, you are still at risk of contagion if someone who is already sick has touched it before. So wear a handkerchief or your clothes to avoid contact.

Be selfish, do not share a tablet, or mobile or …

Be selfish, do not share a tablet, or mobile or …

And not because you keep the secret of eternal health on your mobile, computer or tablet, but because a British study has shown that a computer keyboard has more infectious bacteria than the toilet bowl. Give the likes from your screen and share online as much as you want, that computer viruses do not transmit colds, but to the keyboard of your friends colds do not get close.

Avoid public transportation

Avoid public transportation

Sorry, but this is not Japan and here nobody wears a mask when they are sick to prevent others from getting infected, so … if instead of going by bus or subway you can do it on foot or by bicycle, you will have fewer numbers in the hype of the flu.

Take a nasal bath

Take a nasal bath

Yes, as you hear it, you take water with your hand and vacuum it or use a nebulizer prepared for a nasal bath, the kind they sell in pharmacies. This will clear your nostrils and they will continue to shield against viruses.

Forget about running a marathon

Forget about running a marathon

Moderate sport is very good for keeping your defenses high, but wanting to emulate Usain Bolt will only exhaust you and leave you at the mercy of the viruses that are looking for a place to nest …

Do you know where you sit?

Do you know where you sit?

No, the goblins do not clean the upholstery of the bus seats or many public places with the steam cleaner, their owners and those in charge of the town hall would like it, so do not touch it too much with your hands if you do not want to get it … You never know who has sat down before. And we no longer talk about those cute places with little pillows that you love to hold and cuddle … Virus alarm!

Drink lots of liquids

Drink lots of liquids

This advice that we seem to give for everything, as if we had shares of the water company, is more than recommended as a protector against the flu and the cold. Think that viruses grow best on dry mucous membranes. If yours are well hydrated, you will be safer. Is it difficult for you to drink water? Take note of these tricks.

Breathe fresh air

Breathe fresh air

Whenever you can, escape to the mountains or the sea. Breathing air that is cleaner than city air will help you keep your defenses up against viruses. In addition, disconnecting also helps lower our stress levels, another great enemy of defenses.

Fill your plate with "flu protectors"

Fill your plate with "flu protectors"

Above all, it will be the fruit and vegetables that will protect you the most due to their richness in vitamins, inulin, antiocines … They should not be missing in your daily menus and try to combine raw vegetables with cooked ones, to get more out of it. To know more about the diet that keeps your defenses high in the most natural way, do not miss this article that explains what we have summarized here.

Sleep well and get up with your defenses high

Sleep well and get up with your defenses high

If you get enough sleep and wake up rested, you increase the concentration of white blood cells in your blood. These are the ones that fight infection. Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig (Germany) assure it and they know what they are talking about.

Your son is sick … this gets ugly

Your son is sick … this gets ugly

Yes, so far we have given you advice that we knew you can put into practice, but … how not to hold your children in your arms and fill your children with kisses when the flu has left them ironed and they just want pampering. We don't have the heart to tell you that it would be best to put them in isolation. So sick children under 10 years of age are still the first cause of infection for parents. But do not worry, if you end up catching it because of "mother's love", we will tell you how to overcome it in 24 hours.

If with the flu you feel like in a boat about to sink in which you see your companions falling one after another into the water and getting sick, we have the antidote to your anguish in the form of tips to prevent you from catching it too. In the middle of the flu and cold epidemic, we tell you how to protect yourself. Do not resign yourself, present a battle with the weapons that we give you and you will be victorious.


It is very important to wash your hands thoroughly to avoid catching the flu or cold virus (and if you cannot wash them, use a hand sanitizer). But if you then turn off the tap or just grab the door handle, you are still at risk of contagion if someone who is already sick has touched it before. So wear a handkerchief or your clothes to avoid contact.


A British study has shown that a computer keyboard has more infectious bacteria than a toilet bowl. Give the likes from your screen and share online as much as you want, that computer viruses do not transmit colds, but to the keyboard of your friends colds do not get close.


This is not Japan and here no one wears a mask when they are sick to prevent others from catching it, so … if instead of going by bus or subway you can do it on foot or by bicycle you will have fewer numbers in the flu hype.


Grab water by hand and breathe it in or use a nebulizer prepared for a nasal bath, the kind they sell in pharmacies. This will clear your nostrils and they will continue to shield against viruses.


Moderate sport is very good for keeping your defenses high, but a very intense training that exhausts the body, lowers the defenses and leaves you at the mercy of the viruses that are looking for a place to nest …


The upholstery of the bus seats or of many public places is not cleaned when a client gets up - in fact, they are not cleaned in depth every day - so do not touch it with your hands too much if you do not want to get it … You never know who has sat before.


Do not go below the eight glasses of water (or infusions) that are usually recommended. Think that viruses grow best on dry mucous membranes. If yours are well hydrated, you will be safer.


Whenever you can, escape to the mountains or the sea. Breathing air that is cleaner than city air will help you keep your defenses up against viruses. In addition, disconnecting also helps lower our stress levels, another great enemy of defenses.


Fruit and vegetables are what will protect you the most because of their richness in vitamins, inulin, antiocines … They should not be missing in your daily menus and try to combine raw vegetables with cooked ones, to get more out of it. To know more about the diet that keeps your defenses high in the most natural way, do not miss this article that explains what we have summarized here.


If you get enough sleep and wake up rested, you increase the concentration of white blood cells in your blood. These are the ones that fight infection. Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig (Germany) assure it and they know what they are talking about.


Here we are left without arguments … How not to hold your children in your arms and fill your children with kisses when the flu has left them ironed and they just want pampering. We don't have the heart to tell you that it would be best to put them in isolation. So sick children under 10 years of age are still the first cause of infection for parents.