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All about vaginal yeast infection: symptoms, causes and treatment

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Candidiasis, what is this that happens to me?

Candidiasis, what is this that happens to me?

Candidiasis is an infection caused by the uncontrolled proliferation of a fungus, Candida albicans, which lives in our intestinal microbiota. Normally, this fungus lives without causing problems in our intestines, but if for some reason the balance in the microbiota is disturbed, it can multiply and invade the digestive, genital or urinary mucosa. That's why it itches you… there.

Itching and other symptoms

Itching and other symptoms

In addition to itching, there is irritation, inflammation, an abnormal discharge that can range from a watery white to a thicker white, and pain with intercourse.

Why is this happening to me?

Why is this happening to me?

Have you taken antibiotics recently? It is one of the main causes of candidiasis, because they alter the intestinal microbiota. In addition, having diabetes also predisposes you to have this vaginal infection. Other predisposing factors are obesity and pregnancy.

It is contagious?

It is contagious?

It is not a sexually transmitted disease, so you cannot get it from having sex. However, if you already have it, take precautions and use a condom so that your partner does not suffer from itching and inflammation in the penis from having sex with you. As for being able to infect other people, it would be very strange but, as a precaution, avoid sharing towels.

Which is the treatment?

Which is the treatment?

The gynecologist, after an examination, can take samples of the discharge to make a culture, but, as the results take time, if he thinks fit, he can give you a treatment that can choose different treatments, either orally or vaginally, such as creams or vaginal ovules.

What if it happens to me frequently?

What if it happens to me frequently?

For women who frequently relapse, intravaginal administration of probiotics is generally recommended to restore the balance of the microbiota. For example, there are probiotic tampons that are used during menstruation to prevent relapse in women with a propensity for yeast infections.

What can you do to have a healthy microbiota

What can you do to have a healthy microbiota?

A healthy microbiota helps prevent yeast infection. Fermented foods are good allies to help you, so add foods such as yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, sourdough bread, miso (a fermented soybean paste typical of Japanese cuisine), etc. to your diet. And do not forget to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables. If you want to know more about how to take care of your microbiota, don't miss Dr. Beltrán's advice.

The mangosteen, an exotic ally

The mangosteen, an exotic ally

Although the virtues of this fruit to treat candidiasis naturally have been known for centuries in Southeast Asia, where it originates, now there are scientific studies that support its usefulness. As its antifungal properties are in the peel, it is usually recommended to consume it in lyophilized powder.

You will finally use the bidet

You will finally use the bidet

Sitz baths are very helpful in relieving yeast symptoms. A very effective natural treatment consists of boiling 4 tablespoons of a mixture of herbs made up of horsetail, thyme, oregano, bearberry, chamomile and calendula in equal parts in one liter of water. Let it cool down a bit and take a bath in the affected area. You can do it 2 or 3 times a day.

Propolis, a natural treatment

Propolis, a natural treatment

Propolis is the secret of bees to protect their hives from bacteria and fungi and it is also a good remedy for us by strengthening our immune system and helping us to fight against infections. It can be taken in syrup, capsule, essence and also exists in cream. Consult before use.

The other uses of yogurt

The other uses of yogurt

A very popular natural remedy against candidiasis is to apply yogurt in our intimate area (let it warm up before spreading it) before going to sleep and let it act overnight (use a panty liner to protect your clothes). The yogurt-based treatment usually lasts a week.

Monitor your intimate hygiene

Monitor your intimate hygiene

To prevent and during an infection, try to use a soap that is respectful of your intimate health. Use a towel the size of the facial only for your intimate area and renew it after each use. During menstruation, renew tampons and pads every four hours. And do the same with the daily panty liners.

Avoid tight clothing

Avoid tight clothing

When clothing is too tight, it causes the intimate area to have a higher temperature than normal and retain moisture and therefore is a breeding ground for vaginal infections.

Natural materials underwear

Natural materials underwear

Synthetic underwear does not allow perspiration and is a source of infections. Better to use materials like cotton.

Get rid of stress

Get rid of stress

Read, listen to music, dance, run … Do activities that help you reduce your stress level. She thinks that the brain and the digestive system are related and that stress directly influences the microbiota, destabilizing it and opening the door to suffering from candidiasis.

Refine your technique in the toilet

Refine your technique in the toilet

When cleaning, make sure the toilet paper moves from front to back, to prevent dirt from the anal area from carrying Candida albicans into the vagina.

Do not stay long in wet clothes

Do not stay long with wet clothes

If you usually swim or go to the beach or pool, do not stay too long in a wet swimsuit or bikini because it is a breeding ground for vaginal infections.

You are bothered by a cumbersome itch in your private parts, it hurts when you urinate or, worse, when you have sex, you notice your vulva somewhat swollen and your discharge has changed … Sorry but … these are symptoms of vaginal yeast infection.

But don't worry, candidiasis can be very annoying, it may be a bit embarrassing to talk about it, but… it is not dangerous. It is a very common vaginal infection that 3 out of 4 women suffer throughout their lives, some recurrently. So if it happens to you, you are not alone.

What is candidiasis

Vaginal candidiasis appears when a fungus, Candida albicans, which usually lives in our intestinal microbiota without causing problems, multiplies in an uncontrolled way, giving rise to a vaginal infection that reaches the digestive, genital or urinary mucosa.

Candidiasis symptoms

  1. Itching and stinging in the vaginal area
  2. Redness of the vaginal and anal area
  3. Inflammation of the vaginal lips
  4. Burning when peeing
  5. Changes in abnormal discharge that may be white and watery to thicker in texture
  6. Pain when having sex

What causes yeast infection?

  1. Antibiotics Taking this medicine alters the intestinal microbiota, killing both good and bad bacteria and causing some to “take advantage” of the situation and multiply uncontrollably, such as Candida albicans.
  2. Diabetes. Having sugar in the blood makes people who suffer from it more vulnerable to fungal infections, in this case, diabetic women are at higher risk of yeast infection.
  3. Other causes. Obesity or pregnancy also increases the risk of this infection.

Is candidiasis contagious?

Candidiasis is not a sexually transmitted disease as such, but … if you have it, you should take precautions as the fungus can pass to your partner if you don't use a condom when having sex.

And it is that he can also suffer itching and inflammation in the penis if he comes in contact with a sexual partner who is suffering from candidiasis if there is no barrier contraceptive method that prevents him from coming into contact with the fungus.

What is difficult is that it is infected by going to the bathroom, for example. Anyway, and as a precaution, do not share towels.

How to treat it?

When you notice these discomforts, go to the gynecologist. He will prescribe a treatment that can be oral or vaginal, such as vaginal creams or ovules.

Normally, the doctor recommends the treatment that he considers appropriate during the visit, although he can have a sample of the discharge analyzed to confirm the diagnosis, but he does not wait for this confirmation, since the culture of the discharge can take time and it is better to stop the infection From the first moment.

What if the yeast infection recurs frequently?

For women who frequently relapse, intravaginal administration of probiotics is generally recommended to restore the balance of the microbiota. For example, there are probiotic tampons that are used during menstruation to prevent relapse in women with a propensity for yeast infections.

How to prevent yeast infection

Keep your microbiota healthy. How? Food is your ally. In addition to eating fermented foods (yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, sourdough bread or miso, a fermented soybean paste typical of Japanese cuisine). In addition, fruit and vegetables should have a main role in your menus. If you want to know more about how to take care of your microbiota, don't miss Dr. Beltrán's advice.

Take propolis. You strengthen your immune system that helps fight infection. You can consume it in the form of syrup or in capsules. You can also apply it in cream.

Sitz bath. One very effective home remedy consists of boiling 4 tablespoons of a mixture of herbs made up of horsetail, thyme, oregano, bearberry, chamomile and calendula in equal parts in a liter of water. Let it cool down a bit and take a bath in the affected area. You can do it 2 or 3 times a day.

Yogurt “cream”. It is a very popular natural remedy against candidiasis. Use a natural (unsweetened) yogurt as if it were a cream and spread it over your intimate area at bedtime, so that it can act for about 7-8 hours at a time. Follow this treatment for a week.

Extreme hygiene. Avoid very aggressive soaps and prefer those that are designed for the intimate area. Have a specific towel to dry your vagina and replace it after each use. During your period, change pads or tampons no later than 4 hours and follow this rule with panty liners.

Baggy clothes. If your clothes squeeze you in "this area", the temperature is higher and the humidity is concentrated, ideal conditions for Candida albicans to develop .

Cotton briefs. Ideally, your underwear should be made of this natural material, because synthetic fabrics do not let you perspire and can lead to infection.

Avoid stress. Find activities that help you disconnect and reduce your stress. The brain and digestive system have a direct route and if you feel anxious, your intestinal microbiota is altered and it can lead to vaginal infection.

Use (well) toilet paper. The correct direction to cleanse yourself is from front (vagina) to back (anus). In this way you ensure that bacteria from the anal area cannot reach the vagina.

Not wet clothes. Keeping the intimate area longer than necessary creates the ideal breeding ground for vaginal infections.