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Shirt dress: keys and style tricks to wear it

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A dress is one of the key pieces of the wardrobe . If we have to attend an event or look more feminine or elegant, the first thing we think about is this garment to achieve it. It also allows us to dress "in one piece" and is the ideal garment for those days when we don't know what to wear or don't feel like thinking. At the time we are living and with the warmth around the corner, a shirt dress to be around the house is not a far-fetched idea … 

Fashion tips to choose the ideal shirt dress

I must admit that the shirt dress is one of my favorites since its cut in the shape of a shirt makes it very versatile when it comes to wearing it . Raising the neck, opening the buttons, rolling it up … These are some of the gestures you can do with this type of dress and that make it adapt to you and your style like no other. For some tips on finding the perfect shirt dress for you , read on …

A dress is one of the key pieces of the wardrobe . If we have to attend an event or look more feminine or elegant, the first thing we think about is this garment to achieve it. It also allows us to dress "in one piece" and is the ideal garment for those days when we don't know what to wear or don't feel like thinking. At the time we are living and with the warmth around the corner, a shirt dress to be around the house is not a far-fetched idea … 

Fashion tips to choose the ideal shirt dress

I must admit that the shirt dress is one of my favorites since its cut in the shape of a shirt makes it very versatile when it comes to wearing it . Raising the neck, opening the buttons, rolling it up … These are some of the gestures you can do with this type of dress and that make it adapt to you and your style like no other. For some tips on finding the perfect shirt dress for you , read on …

Adapt your shirt to your style

Adapt your shirt to your style

One of the advantages of your shirt dress is that you can adapt it perfectly to your figure. The buttons allow you to open or close the skirt or neckline to show off that part of your body that you like the most or balance the silhouette by showing skin. One piece of advice I give you is that if it is made of a fine fabric and with a fall, buy it loose (I have bought them up to three sizes more), since it is very easy to cinch with a nice belt if you are interested in marking shapes. But if you prefer to wear it loose with a more informal roll, you just have to open a few buttons to show skin and look more stylized and natural.

Image: @sincerelyjules

The shirtmaker in a boho key

The shirtmaker in a boho key

If you are looking for a model to amortize in summer, an embroidered white dress will be one of your essentials. Choose it inspired by adlib fashion, with a flared skirt and a short to show off your legs. Combine it with Roman strap sandals or cowboy boots .

Image: @novalanalove

To appear taller

To appear taller

The magic of a well-chosen dress is that it will always work in your favor and make the best of your body. The graphic print of vertical lines in black and white is an ally to stylize any figure, so if you choose it in a dress it will be a sure hit. Do better with a shirt dress with a flared skirt to avoid highlighting wide thighs or a little belly.

Image: @carolineissa

Collar and cuffs

Collar and cuffs

Any dress buttoned in the front can be called a shirt, but it is the ones with a collar and cuffs just like those of a shirt that will give you more style, since lifting the neck or rolling up the sleeves will give you more details. quality to your look .

Image: @carmengracehamilton

Flower shirt

Flower shirt

A floral dress is a key piece for easy and flattering spring looks. If that dress is also a shirt dress, you guarantee yourself a plus of elegance and style

Image: @carolineissa

To party

To party

The shirt dress is also a perfect option to go to a wedding or event. The key is to choose a very vaporous and long one . Here it will be worth investing a little more so that the fabric is of quality and the movement of the skirt is elegant and fluid.

Image: @madamederosa

The more basic the more versatile

The more basic the more versatile

If you bet on one that is almost like a long shirt and in a neutral tone, it will be a much easier wardrobe to combine and give it your own style than a more fantasy dress. Do not think that it is too basic a piece for you, if not in the roll that you can give it when you adapt it to you with the accessories. The good news is that it will never go out of style.

Image: @carlahinojosar

With wide belt

With wide belt

The belt will help you balance your silhouette and make the most of your shirt. If you have a long waist, choose a fairly wide one and place it a little above the waist, this will help you to steal a few inches from the trunk to add it to the legs. If, on the other hand, your waist is short, bet on a narrow and slightly dropped one.

Image: @lenaperminova

High waisted

High waisted

Another way to visually lengthen your legs is to choose a dress that is cut below the chest and with a packaged fall. It is also ideal if you have a little belly. The cut will be very comfortable and flattering.

Full of accessories!

Full of accessories!

What I love about shirt dresses is that they are ideal to show off my most striking necklaces. Just open some buttons at the neckline to show off spectacular pieces on the skin, which is how they most flatter .

Image: @carlahonojosar

In key working

In key working

A combination that I love is to wear it with a male blazer. For this combo my favorite dress is the one that looks like an oversized men's shirt, it has an even more masculine and cool wink . This look looks great on short girls or girls with a tummy but thin legs.

Image: @leoniehanne

Infinite legs

Infinite legs

Without a doubt one of the great allies of your shirt dress is platform sandals. If you leave the skirt buttons open and combine them with comfortable sandals that add a few inches to height, the result is spectacular.

Image: @ lovelivefashion_69