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30 Ideas to consume less plastic (and save)

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We have a problem with plastic

We have a problem with plastic

According to WWF (the world organization for the conservation of the environment), each year more than 13 million tons of plastic end up the oceans. It is as if every minute a truck full of garbage dumps into the sea. Our colleagues from National Geographic promoted the Planet or Plastic campaign to raise awareness about the danger of this pollution for marine animals. At Clara we joined the initiative with this list of ideas so that you consume less plastic. Do you dare to take care of the planet with us?

Photo by Ishan Seefromthesky via Unsplash

Using less plastic is very easy

Using less plastic is very easy

We can all contribute to slowing down the deterioration of the environment by changing small habits that we have very internalized. Perhaps you think that "overall, nothing happens for a plastic bag" … It does, because our actions, multiplied by the millions of people in the world that we are, have a great impact. For this reason, we propose a series of easy changes that you can make in your day-to-day life that will help you use less plastic and, in addition, be more sustainable and, incidentally, save money.

Photo by Swzle via Unsplash

Goodbye plastic bags

Goodbye plastic bags

Save the € 0.05 that they charge you in stores for a plastic bag and always carry a cotton bag with you. Also, (Marie Kondo on mode) you will avoid accumulating used bags in a drawer.

Cloth bag, € 10.95

Your own mug

Your own mug

Coffee at the bar is very comfortable every day, but you have to know a couple of things … You are spending a fortune every month (about € 40) and it is very unsustainable to use a disposable cup every day. If you don't care about the money, then at least take a cup as cool as it is and ask for your coffee to be served there. And if you want to save, make the coffee yourself every morning.

Bamboo coffee mug, € 11.99

Old customs

Old customs

If when you have read about making your own coffee you have thought about using capsules … ERROR! They are very difficult to recycle because they are made from a mixture of aluminum and plastic. A much more sustainable (and again cheaper) option is to prepare your coffee every morning in a traditional Italian coffee maker. Plus, what's better than waking up in the morning to the whole house smelling of fresh coffee? It is a fantastic opportunity to practice mindfulness.

Stainless steel coffee maker, € 12.65

Fair Trade

Fair Trade

You can have coffee in a bulk store in your neighborhood –now they are becoming very fashionable– or look for a brand with the fair trade certificate. The Fair Trade seal ensures that small producers have not been exploited to get the best price and that, furthermore, the environment has not suffered throughout the process.

Colombian fair trade ground coffee, € 12.22

Also tea

Also tea

If you reduce the consumption of tea bags, in addition to preserving the environment, you will discover varieties of infusions that you will love.

10 types of Indian tea, € 14.99

Like a tea bag

Like a tea bag

This mug with a built-in infuser is super practical and just as comfortable as using a tea bag.

Mug with infusion filter, € 9.95

In bulk

In bulk

As we already mentioned, there are more and more places for bulk. In Barcelona and Madrid you have the Casa Ruiz chain, where you will find all kinds of legumes, cereals, coffee, tea, seeds and grains in general. And now, pay attention, we are going to reveal a place where you can go to EVERYTHING in bulk and without plastic containers involved.

The markets!

The markets!

Going to the market in your neighborhood every week is one of the most powerful sustainable consumption actions you can do. We are going to give you some advice so that, in addition to helping local businesses, you use less plastic …

Photo by Ja Ma via Unsplash

Reusable bags

Reusable bags

Get a pack of cotton bags that will serve you for any type of purchase you make. Give them to the shopkeeper and tell him to put the vegetables, fruit or legumes there.

Reusable cotton bags, € 11.97

Of Cristal

Of Cristal

A very easy way to use less plastic is to change your traditional tuppers for glass containers. They last longer and take on less odors: all are advantages.

Set of 3 glass containers, € 17.97

Or metal

Or metal

Metal lunch boxes, like when you went to colonies, are also a much more responsible option than plastic ones.

2-in-1 stainless steel tupperware, € 21.99

Never covered in plastic

Never covered in plastic

If, for whatever reason, you need to use disposable cutlery, you have the option of wooden ones, which are biodegradable.

200 wooden cutlery, € 14.99

Goodbye, straws

Goodbye, straws

Plastic straws are super dangerous because, on the seabed, turtles and fish mistake them for food and die when ingesting them. That's why we love those reusable ones and they are also very cute.

10 reusable straws, € 12.99

At least paper

At least paper

The same as we told you with disposable cutlery, if you absolutely need disposable straws, unless they are made of paper.

350 paper straws, € 13.99

Sustainable breakfast

Sustainable breakfast

Stopping using silver foil to wrap your daily snacks is one of the easiest ways to create less waste.

Roll'eat, € 8.95

Other wrapping

Other wrapping

Another way to wrap your dishes or anything you need and do without aluminum foil is to use sheets with beeswax, which repel liquids.

Pack of 3 wrappers with beeswax, € 16.99

Plastic-free water

Plastic-free water

Do you know the amount of plastic that we could save if we go from bottled water? Also, there is no scientific evidence that mineral water is healthier than tap water. That's why you need this cute bottle to fill it up.

Stainless steel bottle, € 11.99

No plastic in the hair

No plastic in the hair

It's hard to get used to at first, but once you try solid shampoo, you won't want to go back to normal. We highly recommend those from Lush, there is one for each type of hair.

Godiva de Lush Solid Shampoo, € 9.95

Not in the body

Not in the body

You also have a ton of options so your whole body is clean, hydrated, and smells great.

Rockstar Lush Soap, € 5.25

Essential accessory

Essential accessory

So that the solid soap doesn't smear your entire shower and you end up wasting it, you need a soap dish.

Soap dish, € 11.99

Another option

Another option

Not convinced by the shampoo or solid gel? Well, try to spend less plastic cans. How? Buying them in large size and filling a glass container for daily use.

Glass soap dispenser, € 14.75

Wood in hair

Wood in hair

Another super easy change to use less plastic is to use a wooden brush. In addition, it helps the hair have less static electricity.

Wooden brush, 10.99

Smile without plastic

Smile without plastic

And what about these bamboo toothbrushes?

Set of 4 bamboo toothbrushes, € 11.90

Remove make-up remove make-up

Remove make-up remove make-up

You don't have to spend 10 cottons every time you wash your face if you have these washable makeup remover wipes that don't need any products to be effective.

4 microfiber wipes, € 14.95

Old school

Old school

Another way to be more sustainable to forget about paper tissues and regain a very good habit: carry a cloth tissue in the bag that you wash every day.

6 cloth handkerchiefs, € 8.90

Fabric also in the kitchen

Fabric also in the kitchen

Your life will be more eco if you try to use rags instead of kitchen paper.

10 kitchen towels, € 12.99

Detergent by weight

Detergent by weight

There are several stores in Spain that offer the possibility of detergent and cleaning and hygiene products in general in bulk. Here are three: Gocciaverde, El Safareig and 4eco.



Or … you can also make your own cleaning products yourself. These are the most successful on the Internet. With lemon, vinegar, alcohol and baking soda you can do almost everything.