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Health checkups that can save your life

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1. Blood pressure

1. Blood pressure

You can take it at home, at the doctor, or at the pharmacy. The usual maximum values ​​should be below 14/9 cm / Hg. If they are above it indicates hypertension, an excessive pressure that could damage your arteries, heart and brain.

2. Blood tests

2. Blood tests

It is a way to detect a multitude of diseases, from anemia, sugar, cholesterol, markers that can make you suspect about cancer or warn of an infection. It also indicates how the immune system, liver, kidney …

3. Urinalysis

3. Urinalysis

This simple test detects infections or inflammations that affect the urinary system and gives indications of the presence of diseases as varied as kidney failure, certain tumors, diabetes or problems with the bile or liver.

4. Electrocardiogram

4. Electrocardiogram

This test reflects on a graph the electrical activity of the heart and thus detects changes such as an abnormal rhythm or a thickening of the heart. It helps to diagnose arrhythmias, heart attack … It is advisable to have an electrocardiogram at age 40 as prevention.

5. Cervical cytology

5. Cervical cytology

Essential once a year after starting to have sex to detect cancer in this area, infections or inflammations. The test consists of collecting cells from the cervix with a spatula to be analyzed.

6. Mammography

6. Mammography

It is an X-ray of the breasts that is done with a specific device. It can detect breast cancer in its early stages, sometimes up to three years before any lumps are noticeable. From the age of 50, it is usually recommended every two years. We tell you how to decipher the result of a mammogram.

7. Stress test

7. Stress test

The stress test looks at your heart when you exercise strenuously to detect problems with blocked arteries. It is not only for novice athletes, but also for those who have cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure.

8. Campimetry

8. Campimetry

This test seeks to detect glaucoma, a silent disease that is the second leading cause of blindness in developed countries. The ophthalmologist uses a device, the perimeter, to detect possible "blind" areas in the field of vision.

9. Know your weight

9. Know your weight

Being overweight or obese is associated with various health problems (cancer, heart attack …). Divide your weight (in kilos) by your height squared (in meters). If the result is between 25 and 29.9 you are overweight. And more than 30 is already obesity.

10. Test for occult blood in feces

10. Test for occult blood in feces

This test can find colon cancer before it shows symptoms. A stool sample must be taken in a specific tube with a swab, which is what is carried out to analyze. Social Security costs € 2, although if you have to do it privately, it can cost € 100. Preventive screening with this test is not yet implemented throughout Spain.

11. Mole control

11. Mole control

You will detect skin cancer in time. You can visit the dermatologist after the summer or check your moles yourself in case any have changed, becoming asymmetrical, with poorly defined edges, an uneven color … In this case, consult. What is your risk of skin cancer?

12. Don't forget your gynecological appointment

12. Don't forget your gynecological appointment

It is essential that you attend your gynecological check-up every year. It can help detect everything from tumors to hormonal problems or sexually transmitted diseases.

13. Visit your dentist

13. Visit your dentist

It is another must-see annual visit, since oral health affects the heart, and because sometimes the dentist detects osteoporosis before other professionals. Take note of the 17 keys to having a healthy mouth and avoiding problems.

14. Helpful self-tests

14. Helpful self-tests

Pay attention to whether you notice changes in your body. For example, if you snore and stop breathing for a moment, you may have sleep apnea, which damages your heart; or if you notice that your nails are weak and brittle, it may be due to anemia due to lack of iron, lack of vitamins or hormonal problems.


You can take it at home, at the doctor, or at the pharmacy. The usual maximum values ​​should be below 14/9 cm / Hg. If they are above it indicates hypertension, an excessive pressure that could damage your arteries, heart and brain.


It is a way to detect a multitude of diseases, from anemia, sugar, cholesterol, markers that can make you suspect about cancer or warn of an infection. It also indicates how the immune system, liver, kidney …


This simple test detects infections or inflammations that affect the urinary system and gives indications of the presence of diseases as varied as kidney failure, certain tumors, diabetes or problems with the bile or liver.


This test reflects on a graph the electrical activity of the heart and thus detects changes such as an abnormal rhythm or a thickening of the heart. It helps to diagnose arrhythmias, heart attack … It is advisable to have an electrocardiogram at age 40 as prevention.


Essential once a year after starting to have sex to detect cancer in this area, infections or inflammations. The test consists of collecting cells from the cervix with a spatula to be analyzed.


It is an X-ray of the breasts that is done with a specific device. It can detect breast cancer in its early stages, sometimes up to three years before a lump is noticeable. From the age of 50, it is usually recommended every two years.


The stress test looks at your heart when you exercise strenuously to detect problems with blocked arteries. It is not only for novice athletes, but also for those who have cardiovascular risk factors such as high blood pressure.


This test seeks to detect glaucoma, a silent disease that is the second leading cause of blindness in developed countries. The ophthalmologist uses a device, the perimeter, to detect possible "blind" areas in the field of vision.


Being overweight or obese is associated with various health problems (cancer, heart attack …). Divide your weight (in kilos) by your height squared (in meters). If the result is between 25 and 29.9, you are overweight. And more than 30 is already obesity.


This test can find colon cancer before it shows symptoms. A stool sample must be taken in a specific tube with a swab, which is what is carried out to analyze. The Social Security costs € 2, although if you have to do it privately it can cost € 100. Preventive screening with this test is not yet implemented throughout Spain.


You will detect skin cancer in time. You can visit the dermatologist after the summer or check your moles yourself in case any have changed, becoming asymmetrical, with poorly defined edges, an uneven color … In this case, consult.


It is essential that you attend your gynecological check-up every year. It can help detect everything from tumors to hormonal problems or sexually transmitted diseases.


It is another must-see annual visit, since oral health affects the heart, and because sometimes the dentist detects osteoporosis before other professionals.


Pay attention to whether you notice changes in your body. For example, if you snore and stop breathing for a moment, you may have sleep apnea, which damages your heart; or if you notice that your nails are weak and brittle, it may be due to anemia due to lack of iron, lack of vitamins or hormonal problems.