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How to order the bag with the marie kondo method

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Be honest…

Be honest…

Can you tell what exactly you have in your bag? Do you need everything inside? Is it hard to find something? Does your bag weigh what is not written? If you have answered yes to any question, perhaps you do need to follow Marie Kondo's advice … And if you have answered yes to all of them, you urgently need to put them into practice! Don't worry, they are easier than you think.

Konmari even in the bag!

Konmari even in the bag!

Checked! The tricks of Marie Kondo, world famous order expert, have a life beyond the closet. We have applied their method to order the bag and … it works!

Empty it daily

Empty it daily

Yes, yes, as you read it. According to Marie Kondo, every day when you get home, take out everything you have in your bag, everything …

Everything in its place

Everything in its place

You need to find a place in your house where you can empty your purse, and put everything in its proper place: mobile, keys, tissues, purse, mini toiletry bag …

What do you really need?

What do you really need?

The crux of the matter is that the place where you deposit it is a place where you can clearly distinguish the essential from the superfluous, and that allows you to save things from one day to the next.

Many advantages

Many advantages

Emptying your bag every day can make you lazy at first, but it has many advantages. The main one is that every day you will fill it with what is essential, so you will stop carrying old receipts, expired discounts … And excess weight in your bag is one of the causes or aggravating factors of back pain.

Time to start relaxing

Time to start relaxing

Also, emptying your bag when you get home in the afternoon allows you to take a few minutes to disconnect from your life away from home and connect with your "home self." Sometimes we return home with the rush of day to day and we find it difficult to relax. This mini ordering break will help you break the frenzy of everyday life.

You will change more bags

You will change more bags

Another advantage! By filling your bag every day, it makes it easier for you to change your model every day - if you feel like it - so you won't have the feeling of always wearing the same thing.

Yes to compartments!

Yes to compartments!

When you go to fill it in the morning, follow the same tactics that we apply to order and fold the clothes (such as putting everything together and vertically) inside the bag. The bags with pockets and dividers are the most recommended, since they allow you to have everything vertically and in sight. And so you no longer have to search forever in the background.



Bag organizers are also very useful. It is a kind of toiletry bag, with many compartments, that is inserted into the bag. When you get home you just have to take out the organizer and store it in the place you have designated. Ideally, you should also empty the organizer, to ensure the next day that you only carry what you really need.

Don't forget about cleaning

Don't forget about cleaning

According to some studies, that beloved accessory that you carry hanging from your hand can accumulate more germs than some of the toilets in the bathroom … So clean it from the outside but, after emptying it, shake it and if necessary vacuum all the dirt that has been deposited. If the inner lining is fabric, you can clean it with a sponge dampened with soap and water.

If the bag is made of leather

If the bag is made of leather

You can treat it with a specific product or protect it with a little colorless bitumen such as that used for shoes or the protector of leather upholstery.

Dry it too

Dry it too

After cleaning the bag and before putting it in place, make sure to dry it well. This will prevent the proliferation of fungi and bad smells.

And if you like bags …

And if you like bags …

Discover all the low cost models that are and are sweeping in your favorite stores …

Although it is quite easy to be up to Marie Kondo's bun, the truth is that the tricks of the author of "The Magic of Order" to organize the closet go super well (and not only with the clothes in the closet). We have applied their method when ordering the bag and … it works!

How to order it with the konmari method

Raise her hand the one with the bag made of a container of various candies, disposable tissues, purchase tickets, makeup or perfume samples, and mysterious unidentified objects. In Clara we have raised almost all of them. And it is that the bag is like a magnet where everything enters and nothing comes out. To avoid it …

  • Empty and check its contents daily. According to Marie Kondo, every day when you get home, take out everything you have in your bag. Something that, in addition, will help you combat the classic laziness of changing bags and thus you can always stop using the same one.
  • It enables a site to deposit what it contains. It can be a box with compartments, a drawer or a simple tray. The trick is for it to be a site that allows you to see at a glance what it is that you really need and what it is that you have to banish immediately.
  • Put only the essentials inside. Every morning, put in the bag you have chosen for that day what is strictly necessary. It is the infallible formula to avoid carrying old receipts, expired discounts, pills of all kinds … Keep in mind that excess weight in your bag is one of the causes or aggravating factors of back pain.
  • Place everything in view and vertically. The tactic consists of putting all the elements in a vertical and orderly way, as is done when folding clothes with the Marie Kondo method. In this way, when you open the bag you see clearly what you need without having to search for hours and hours in a bottomless pit.
  • Establish a site for everything. Yes to compartments. Bags with this type of dividers are the most recommended to keep order at bay. If yours does not have them, you can create them using cases and toiletry bags that help you group the different elements and keep them vertical.
  • Clean it regularly (and never leave it on the ground). You'd be surprised how many germs this seemingly harmless supplement can accumulate …

How to thoroughly clean it properly

According to some statistics, the purse can collect more dirt than the toilet. And we are not referring only to the outside of this accessory that we carry so richly on our arms. We often clean it on the outside, and pass on the rest. You know: eyes that cannot see, dirt that cannot be felt …

  • Shake it up and vacuum it up. When you empty it with the Marie Kondo method, take the opportunity to shake it and remove all the remains and dirt particles that have accumulated throughout the day. If necessary, use the vacuum cleaner.
  • Clean it properly. If the inner lining is fabric, you can clean it with a sponge slightly dampened with soap and water. And if it is made of leather, you can treat it with a specific product or protect it with a bit of colorless bitumen such as that used for shoes or the protector of leather upholstery.
  • Dry it too. This will prevent the proliferation of fungi and bad smells. After washing it, leave it open in a ventilated place, or dry it quickly with the help of a hair dryer.
  • Neutralizes bad odors. To do this, you can use one of the home cleaning products that are popular on the internet: bicarbonate. You just have to sprinkle it inside, let it act for a few hours, and then shake it and vacuum it to remove it.