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How to know if your partner is cheating on you

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Life as a couple is not always a bed of roses. When we start a relationship, in most cases everything seems like a dream. Starting a life together, a project for a new home, a new family … However, the task of forging that "model couple" is not always easy and, sometimes, things do not go as expected. Little by little everything is changing. And suddenly that fairy tale seems to slowly fade away.

Then you start to suspect that there is something else. "Maybe it's just jealousy …". "Possibly all are my imaginations …". These are some of the reflections that come to mind at the idea that our partner is being unfaithful to us. And yes, it is true that insecurity and jealousy are two great enemies of couples, but if you think you have signs that your partner is being unfaithful, here are the real signs to find out.

"To discover this deception or confirm it, the first thing to do is take a notebook and write down absolutely everything that makes us suspicious," recommends the author of the book Hunting infidels, Detective Francisco Marco. Analyze the reasons that lead you to think that your partner is being unfaithful. New schedules, hobbies, greater personal care, it becomes inseparable from the mobile … everything that you think has changed in recent months. Keep in mind that seeing the things listed gives greater perspective and helps eliminate possible paranoia. Let's look at those signals:

1. Change of habits

Perhaps one of the easiest signs to recognize is seeing if you've changed your habits. She goes out to walk the dog more often, arrives later than usual from the office, has new hobbies that of course she does not share with you … Take note of any changes and analyze them well to draw conclusions.

2. More distant attitude

You stop to think and you realize that you do not remember when was the last time he had a detail with you. A more distant attitude could be a good indication that your partner is cheating on you.

3. He showers you with gifts

If, on the contrary, you receive unexpected gifts, it can be a way to cover their slip. There are people who, faced with the feeling of guilt, begin to fill the other person with atypical details to calm their conscience and hide the infidelity. So if he suddenly compliments you with details or gifts, put him on that list of suspicions.

4. Is your partner more tense than usual?

Think that it is not easy for everyone to be unfaithful and to be able to hide it normally. Some people may experience bouts of depression or anxiety due to the guilt they may experience when they are betraying their partner.

5. Why are you hiding your mobile?

Suddenly, the mobile has become your "best friend". Your relationship with him is perhaps the most significant sign that your partner is cheating on you. You always have it close at hand, change the locking pin, tense up when it rings, walk away to talk when you receive a call, change the tone of your voice, take it to the bathroom, and even receive messages at odd hours.

6. It fixes up much more

Have you never been to the gym so much? Do you visit the hairdresser more often? Have you started to wear more clothes than usual? Do you take more care of the details, such as your underwear, perfume, shoes …? Keep in mind that having a new affair can make your partner have a need to feel more attractive.

7. Make excuses to be alone

"I don't want to bore you", "I'd rather go" … Suddenly you go from being a couple who did almost everything together to making excuses to have more moments of loneliness. It seems that you begin to be of more in their plans. Think that if your partner has an affair, he will need time to see the other person.

8. You have "blunders"

Suddenly he makes a comment about a movie that he apparently saw with you at the cinema the other day … but be careful! it wasn't with you. A person who is being unfaithful can confuse the plans that they carry out with you and those that they carry out with the other person. Be on the lookout for seemingly "unimportant" oversights or confusion.