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Oatmeal porridge: how to do it step by step

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What is "that oatmeal thing"?

What is "that oatmeal thing"?

This is the recurring question that came to my mind every time I heard my fellow writers talk about porridge, oatmeals and various other things with the word oatmeal in the middle. After a lot of resisting, I must say that I tried making porridge with oatmeal and even ate it! It's a lot easier than it sounds and that's why I've put together this mini porridge guide for beginners. If I have been able to prepare this breakfast / snack / dinner, you can too!

Oat flakes: the kings of the track

Oat flakes: the kings of the track

It is the most fashionable cereal among hipsters and is so popular that you can practically find it in any supermarket. So far I have tried these from Quaker and the next package I have to open is those from Aldi, let's see what … So first thing on the list to make your delicious porridge: rolled oats.

Quaker Oats Original at Amazon, € 12.90

And later?

And later?

To get that "pastita" that is the porridge you will need to mix the flakes with another ingredient: milk, vegetable drink, yogurt or even water. Also, before preparing anything you have to think about what ingredients you want to add. For beginners like me I recommend some "easy" fruit such as strawberries, red fruits, kiwi or banana and some chopped nuts. Now I will tell you how to prepare your homemade porridge in less than 5 minutes …

Tools for preparing oatmeal porridge

Tools for preparing oatmeal porridge

You're in a beginner's porridge article so don't expect any great culinary wonders. If you want to have them for breakfast and you know that in the morning you don't feel like doing anything, you should prepare it the night before. Take a container like the one in the photo and add the milk and oats (more or less half as much oats as milk) and stir. Put a little cinnamon and, if you want, some sugar. Store it in the fridge until the next day.

The truth: When they told me what this porridge was about, they told me something like "3 parts of milk for 1 oatmeal" but since I don't clarify myself, I do it a little by eye … I'm pouring flakes until it starts to thicken .

Lot of 4 Mandoulis tablespoons in La Redoute, € 23.09

Lékué hermetic container, € 22.09

And when do I put the fruit?

And when do I put the fruit?

If you are a bit of a maniac like me, you better put the fruit the next day before you have the porridge or when you go to save it to take it to work. Cut pieces of strawberry, banana or whatever you want and put it inside the jar. Also add almonds, walnuts, cashews or any dried fruit. For the recipe in the photo they have added some sheets of dried coconut, you can also do the same. If you use the Lékué you can put the fruit and nuts on top so that they will not mix with the oats until you want.

Recipe ideas

Recipe ideas

Easy right? You don't need much more to make level 1 oatmeal porridge. If you want to go a step further, try making your porridge "hot." For this you only need a saucepan or a pot. Add the milk, flakes, cinnamon and sugar and cook for 15 minutes, stirring often with a special stirrer for porridge, or a spoonful of all the life, until they have the desired texture. You serve them in a bowl and add the chopped fruit that you like the most. The porridge in the photo looks super good and if you look closely, it only has orange, kiwi and cashew nuts. Take a look at the seasonal fruit calendar and you will be right for sure.

Level 3: make it pretty

Level 3: make it pretty

Now you know how to prepare (and so do I) the porridge "cold" and "hot" as I call it, so now you just have to innovate. If you are taking it at home, serve it beautifully, separating the ingredient strips well, adding chocolate chips, seeds like chia, well-cut fruit and enjoy. Of course, first of all, upload a photo to Instagram!

Porridge for people without time

Porridge for people without time

If you are always running from one place to another or you feel like having a porridge right now and, obviously, you are not going to wait for tomorrow morning, take note of this tip. Take a tall bowl (microwave safe) and add the milk (or vegetable drink or water) and the rolled oats. Put it in the microwave on full power for 5 minutes. Add the fruit or fruits you want and eat!

In Amazon I have found a container that can be used to make porridge in the microwave, so if you want, you can try using it.

Nice things to serve the oatmeal

Nice things to serve the oatmeal

I found these colorful bowls at Asos that I couldn't like more. If you are not going to use them for the porridge, you will surely take out any other utility. Besides being beautiful, they are biodegradable so if you are also giving up using plastic, you need them!

Set of 6 bowls by Zuperzozial at Asos, € 27.99

Ideas to take oatmeal to work

Ideas to take oatmeal to work

You can find a multitude of containers to take your porridge to work but I love Lékué's –at the beginning of the gallery– and these two here.

Blue glass with spoon, € 18.90

Green Container by JosephJoseph on Amazon, € 11.95

And keep the oats well

And keep the oats well

Okay, you don't need a new jar to store the oatmeal, but it is SO pretty and colorful that it will brighten up any kitchen.

Ian Snow Floral Storage Jar at Asos, € 17.99

And if after this you want more ideas with oats, take a look at these recipes.